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tus is a protocol based on HTTP for resumable file uploads. Resumable means that an upload can be interrupted at any moment and can be resumed without re-uploading the previous data again. An interruption may happen willingly, if the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of an network issue or server outage.

tusd is the official reference implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol. The protocol specifies a flexible method to upload files to remote servers using HTTP. The special feature is the ability to pause and resume uploads at any moment allowing to continue seamlessly after e.g. network interruptions.

Protocol version: 1.0.0

Getting started

You can download ready-to-use packages including binaries for OS X, Linux and Windows in various formats of the latest release.

Compile from source


  • Go (1.5 or newer)

Running tusd from source:

Clone the git repository and cd into it.

git clone git@github.com:tus/tusd.git
cd tusd

Now you can run tusd:

go run cmd/tusd/main.go

Using tusd manually

Besides from running tusd using the provided binary, you can embed it into your own Go program:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create a new FileStore instance which is responsible for
	// storing the uploaded file on disk in the specified directory.
	// This path _must_ exist before tusd will store uploads in it.
	// If you want to save them on a different medium, for example
	// a remote FTP server, you can implement your own storage backend
	// by implementing the tusd.DataStore interface.
	store := filestore.FileStore{
		Path: "./uploads",

	// A storage backend for tusd may consist of multiple different parts which
	// handle upload creation, locking, termination and so on. The composer is a
	// place where all those seperated pieces are joined together. In this example
	// we only use the file store but you may plug in multiple.
	composer := tusd.NewStoreComposer()

	// Create a new HTTP handler for the tusd server by providing a configuration.
	// The StoreComposer property must be set to allow the handler to function.
	handler, err := tusd.NewHandler(tusd.Config{
		BasePath:      "/files/",
		StoreComposer: composer,
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unable to create handler: %s", err))

	// Right now, nothing has happened since we need to start the HTTP server on
	// our own. In the end, tusd will start listening on and accept request at
	// http://localhost:8080/files
	http.Handle("/files/", http.StripPrefix("/files/", handler))
	err = http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unable to listen: %s", err))

Please consult the online documentation for more details about tusd's APIs and its sub-packages.

Implementing own storages

The tusd server is built to be as flexible as possible and to allow the use of different upload storage mechanisms. By default the tusd binary includes filestore which will save every upload to a specific directory on disk.

If you have different requirements, you can build your own storage backend which will save the files to S3, a remote FTP server or similar. Doing so is as simple as implementing the tusd.DataStore interface and using the new struct in the configuration object. Please consult the documentation about detailed information about the required methods.


This repository does not only contain the HTTP server's code but also other useful tools:

  • s3store: A storage backend using AWS S3
  • filestore: A storage backend using the local file system
  • memorylocker: An in-memory locker for handling concurrent uploads
  • consullocker: A locker using the distributed Consul service
  • limitedstore: A storage wrapper limiting the total used space for uploads

Running the testsuite

Build Status Build status

go test -v ./...


How can I access tusd using HTTPS?

The tusd binary, once executed, listens on the provided port for only non-encrypted HTTP requests and does not accept HTTPS connections. This decision has been made to limit the functionality inside this repository which has to be developed, tested and maintained. If you want to send requests to tusd in a secure fashion - what we absolutely encourage, we recommend you to utilize a reverse proxy in front of tusd which accepts incoming HTTPS connections and forwards them to tusd using plain HTTP. More information about this topic, including sample configurations for Nginx and Apache, can be found in issue #86.


This project is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt.