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Deploying Infra


This repository can create a tusd server from scratch, following this flow:

 - prepare: Install prerequisites
 - init   : Refreshes current infra state and saves to terraform.tfstate
 - plan   : Shows infra changes and saves in an executable plan
 - backup : Backs up server state
 - launch : Launches virtual machines at a provider (if needed) using Terraform's ./infra.tf
 - install: Runs Ansible to install software packages & configuration templates
 - upload : Upload the application
 - setup  : Runs the ./playbook/setup.sh remotely, installing app dependencies and starting it
 - show   : Displays active platform

Important files

  • envs/production/infra.tf responsible for creating server/ram/cpu/dns
  • playbook/playbook.yml responsible for installing APT packages
  • control.sh executes each step of the flow in a logical order. Relies on Terraform and Ansible.
  • Makefile provides convenience shortcuts such as make deploy. Bash autocomplete makes this sweet.
  • env.example.sh should be copied to env.sh and contains the secret keys to the infra provider (amazon, google, digitalocean, etc). These keys are necessary to change infra, but not packers & config, as the SSH keys are included in this repo

Not included with this repo:

  • envs/production/infra-tusd.pem
  • env.sh

As these contain the keys to create new infra and ssh into the created servers.


In this 2 minute demo:

  • first a server is provisioned
  • the machine-type is changed from c3.large (2 cores) to c3.xlarge (4 cores)
  • make deploy-infra
  • it detects a change, replaces the server, and provisions it


as you see this is a very powerful way to set up many more servers, or deal with calamities. Since everything is in Git, changes can be reviewed, reverted, etc. make deploy-infra, done.



Terraform can set up machines & other resources at nearly all cloud providers

Installed automatically by control.sh prepare if missing.


Passes the hosts that Terraform created to Ansible. Parses state file, converts that to Ansible inventory.


brew install https://raw.github.com/adammck/terraform-inventory/master/homebrew/terraform-inventory.rb

On Linux

Either compile the Go build, or use https://github.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew and brew install as well.


A pragmatic, standardized way of provisioning servers with software & configuration.


sudo -HE easy_install pip
sudo -HE pip install --upgrade pip
sudo -HE CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments pip install --upgrade ansible

On Linux

sudo -HE easy_install pip
sudo -HE pip install --upgrade pip
sudo -HE pip install --upgrade ansible