88 lines
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88 lines
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<a name="module_command-line-tool"></a>
## command-line-tool
Some conventional operations used in command-line tools.
const tool = require('command-line-tool')
* [command-line-tool](#module_command-line-tool)
* [.stop([message])](#module_command-line-tool.stop)
* [.printError(message)](#module_command-line-tool.printError)
* [.printOutput(message)](#module_command-line-tool.printOutput)
* [.halt([err], [options])](#module_command-line-tool.halt)
* [.getCli(definitions, [usageSections], [argv])](#module_command-line-tool.getCli) ⇒ <code>object</code>
<a name="module_command-line-tool.stop"></a>
### tool.stop([message])
Print the supplied messages then stop the process (no exit code).
**Kind**: static method of <code>[command-line-tool](#module_command-line-tool)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [message] | <code>string</code> | <code>Array.<string></code> | One or more messages to be written to stderr before exiting. May contain `ansi.format` markup. |
<a name="module_command-line-tool.printError"></a>
### tool.printError(message)
Prints one or more strings in red to stderr.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[command-line-tool](#module_command-line-tool)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| message | <code>string</code> | <code>Array.<string></code> | input message(s) |
<a name="module_command-line-tool.printOutput"></a>
### tool.printOutput(message)
Prints one or more strings to stdout. Catches unwanted EPIPE error.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[command-line-tool](#module_command-line-tool)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| message | <code>string</code> | <code>Array.<string></code> | input message(s) |
<a name="module_command-line-tool.halt"></a>
### tool.halt([err], [options])
Stop the process with an error message.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[command-line-tool](#module_command-line-tool)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [err] | <code>Error</code> | the error instance |
| [options] | <code>object</code> | |
| [options.exitCode] | <code>number</code> | defaults to 1 |
| [options.stack] | <code>boolean</code> | defaults to false |
<a name="module_command-line-tool.getCli"></a>
### tool.getCli(definitions, [usageSections], [argv]) ⇒ <code>object</code>
Parse the command-line options.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[command-line-tool](#module_command-line-tool)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| definitions | <code>Array.<OptionDefinitions></code> | to be passed to command-line-args |
| [usageSections] | <code>Array.<section></code> | to be passed to command-line-usage |
| [argv] | <code>Array.<string></code> | If supplied, this `argv` array is parsed instead of `process.argv`. |
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