
185 lines
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"use strict";
const {deepEqual, equal, ok} = require("chai").assert;
const sinon = require("sinon");
const {setupTestDOMWindow} = require("./setup");
describe("browser-polyfill", () => {
describe("proxies non-configurable read-only properties", () => {
it("creates a proxy that doesn't raise a Proxy violation exception", () => {
const fakeChrome = {"devtools": {}};
// Override the property to make it non-configurable (needed to be sure that
// the polyfill is correctly workarounding the Proxy TypeError).
Object.defineProperty(fakeChrome, "devtools", {
enumarable: true,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: {
inspectedWindow: {
eval: sinon.spy(),
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
"The non-configurable read-only property can be accessed");
const res = window.browser.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval("test");
"The target API method has been called once");
ok(res instanceof window.Promise, "The API method has been wrapped");
describe("proxies non-wrapped functions", () => {
it("should proxy non-wrapped methods", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {
nonwrappedmethod: sinon.spy(),
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
const fakeCallback = () => {};
const receivedCallback = fakeChrome.runtime.nonwrappedmethod.firstCall.args[0];
equal(fakeCallback, receivedCallback,
"The callback has not been wrapped for the nonwrappedmethod");
it("should proxy getters and setters", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {myprop: "previous-value"},
nowrapns: {
nowrapkey: "previous-value",
nowrapkey2: "previous-value",
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
// Check that the property values on the generated wrapper.
equal(window.browser.runtime.myprop, "previous-value",
"Got the expected result from setting a wrapped property name");
equal(window.browser.nowrapns.nowrapkey, "previous-value",
"Got the expected result from setting a wrapped property name");
// Update the properties on the generated wrapper.
const setResult = window.browser.runtime.myprop = "new-value";
const setResult2 = window.browser.nowrapns.nowrapkey = "new-value";
// Check the results of setting the new value of the wrapped properties.
equal(setResult, "new-value",
"Got the expected result from setting a wrapped property name");
equal(setResult2, "new-value",
"Got the expected result from setting a wrapped property name");
// Verify that the wrapped properties has been updated.
equal(window.browser.runtime.myprop, "new-value",
"Got the expected updated value from the browser property");
equal(window.browser.nowrapns.nowrapkey, "new-value",
"Got the expected updated value from the browser property");
// Verify that the target properties has been updated.
equal(window.chrome.runtime.myprop, "new-value",
"Got the expected updated value on the related chrome property");
equal(window.chrome.nowrapns.nowrapkey, "new-value",
"Got the expected updated value on the related chrome property");
// Set a property multiple times before read.
window.browser.nowrapns.nowrapkey2 = "new-value2";
window.browser.nowrapns.nowrapkey2 = "new-value3";
equal(window.chrome.nowrapns.nowrapkey2, "new-value3",
"Got the expected updated value on the related chrome property");
equal(window.browser.nowrapns.nowrapkey2, "new-value3",
"Got the expected updated value on the wrapped property");
it("deletes proxy getter/setter that are not wrapped", () => {
const fakeChrome = {runtime: {}};
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
// Test getter/setter behavior for non wrapped properties on
// an API namespace (because the root target of the Proxy object
// is an empty object which has the chrome API object as its
// prototype and the empty object is not exposed outside of the
// polyfill sources).
window.browser.runtime.newns = {newkey: "test-value"};
ok("newns" in window.browser.runtime, "The custom namespace is in the wrapper");
ok("newns" in window.chrome.runtime, "The custom namespace is in the target");
equal(window.browser.runtime.newns.newkey, "test-value",
"Got the expected result from setting a wrapped property name");
const setRes = window.browser.runtime.newns = {newkey2: "new-value"};
equal(window.browser.runtime.newns.newkey2, "new-value",
"The new non-wrapped getter is cached");
deepEqual(setRes, {newkey2: "new-value"},
"Got the expected result from setting a new wrapped property name");
deepEqual(window.browser.runtime.newns, window.chrome.runtime.newns,
"chrome.newns and browser.newns are the same");
delete window.browser.runtime.newns.newkey2;
equal(window.browser.runtime.newns.newkey2, undefined,
"Got the expected result from setting a wrapped property name");
ok(!("newkey2" in window.browser.runtime.newns),
"The deleted property is not listed anymore");
describe("without side effects", () => {
it("should proxy non-wrapped methods", () => {
let lazyInitCount = 0;
const fakeChrome = {
get runtime() {
// Chrome lazily initializes API objects by replacing the getter with
// the value. The initialization is only allowed to occur once,
// after that `undefined` is returned and a warning is printed.
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/4d6b3a067994ce6dcf0ed9a9efd566c083736952/extensions/renderer/module_system.cc#414
// The polyfill should invoke the getter only once (on the global chrome object).
const onMessage = {
addListener(listener) {
equal(this, onMessage, "onMessage.addListener should be called on the original chrome.onMessage object");
const value = {onMessage};
Object.defineProperty(this, "runtime", {value});
return value;
get tabs() {
ok(false, "chrome.tabs should not lazily be initialized without explicit API call");
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
// This used to be equal(lazyInitCount, 0, ...), but was changed to
// accomodate a change in the implementation of the polyfill.
// To verify that APIs are not unnecessarily initialized, the fakeChrome
// object has a "tabs" getter that fails the test upon access.
equal(lazyInitCount, 1, "chrome.runtime should be initialized because chrome.runtime.id is accessed during polyfill initialization");
window.browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(() => {});
equal(lazyInitCount, 1, "chrome.runtime should be initialized upon accessing browser.runtime");
window.browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(() => {});
equal(lazyInitCount, 1, "chrome.runtime should be re-used upon accessing browser.runtime");
window.chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(() => {});
equal(lazyInitCount, 1, "chrome.runtime should be re-used upon accessing chrome.runtime");