
1203 lines
26 KiB
Executable File

* Namespace: browser.manifest
* Generated from Mozilla sources. Do not manually edit!
* Permissions: -
* Comments found in source JSON schema files:
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
import { ExtensionTypes } from "./extensionTypes";
import { Experiments } from "./experiments";
export namespace Manifest {
* Common properties for all manifest.json files
interface ManifestBase {
manifest_version: number;
* The applications property is deprecated, please use 'browser_specific_settings'
* Optional.
applications?: BrowserSpecificSettings;
* Optional.
browser_specific_settings?: BrowserSpecificSettings;
name: string;
* Optional.
short_name?: string;
* Optional.
description?: string;
* Optional.
author?: string;
version: string;
* Optional.
homepage_url?: string;
* Optional.
install_origins?: string[];
* Optional.
developer?: ManifestBaseDeveloperType;
* In addition to the version field, which is used for update purposes, version_name can be set to a descriptive version
* string and will be used for display purposes if present. If no version_name is present,
* the version field will be used for display purposes as well.
* Optional.
version_name?: string;
* Represents a WebExtension manifest.json file
interface WebExtensionManifest extends ManifestBase {
* Optional.
minimum_chrome_version?: string;
* Optional.
minimum_opera_version?: string;
* Optional.
icons?: Record<string, ExtensionFileUrl>;
* Optional.
incognito?: WebExtensionManifestIncognitoEnum;
* Optional.
| WebExtensionManifestBackgroundC1Type
| WebExtensionManifestBackgroundC2Type
| WebExtensionManifestBackgroundC3Type;
* Optional.
options_ui?: WebExtensionManifestOptionsUiType;
* Optional.
content_scripts?: ContentScript[];
* Optional.
content_security_policy?: string | WebExtensionManifestContentSecurityPolicyC2Type;
* Optional.
permissions?: PermissionOrOrigin[] | Permission[];
* Optional.
host_permissions?: MatchPattern[];
* Optional.
optional_permissions?: OptionalPermissionOrOrigin[];
* Optional.
web_accessible_resources?: string[] | WebExtensionManifestWebAccessibleResourcesC2ItemType[];
* Optional.
hidden?: boolean;
* Optional.
action?: ActionManifest;
* Optional.
browser_action?: ActionManifest;
* Optional.
chrome_settings_overrides?: WebExtensionManifestChromeSettingsOverridesType;
* Optional.
commands?: Record<string, WebExtensionManifestCommandsType>;
* Optional.
devtools_page?: ExtensionURL;
* Optional.
experiment_apis?: WebExtensionManifestExperimentApisType;
* A list of protocol handler definitions.
* Optional.
protocol_handlers?: ProtocolHandler[];
* Optional.
default_locale?: string;
* Optional.
l10n_resources?: string[];
* Optional.
omnibox?: WebExtensionManifestOmniboxType;
* Optional.
page_action?: WebExtensionManifestPageActionType;
* Optional.
sidebar_action?: WebExtensionManifestSidebarActionType;
* Optional.
theme_experiment?: ThemeExperiment;
* Optional.
chrome_url_overrides?: WebExtensionManifestChromeUrlOverridesType;
* Optional.
user_scripts?: WebExtensionManifestUserScriptsType;
* Represents a WebExtension language pack manifest.json file
interface WebExtensionLangpackManifest extends ManifestBase {
* Optional.
homepage_url?: string;
langpack_id: string;
languages: Record<string, WebExtensionLangpackManifestLanguagesPatternType>;
* Optional.
sources?: Record<string, WebExtensionLangpackManifestSourcesPatternType>;
* Represents a WebExtension dictionary manifest.json file
interface WebExtensionDictionaryManifest extends ManifestBase {
* Optional.
homepage_url?: string;
dictionaries: Record<string, string>;
interface ThemeIcons {
* A light icon to use for dark themes
light: ExtensionURL;
* The dark icon to use for light themes
dark: ExtensionURL;
* The size of the icons
size: number;
type OptionalPermissionNoPrompt =
| "idle"
| "cookies"
| "menus.overrideContext"
| "scripting"
| "search"
| "activeTab"
| "webRequest"
| "webRequestBlocking"
| "webRequestFilterResponse.serviceWorkerScript";
type OptionalPermission =
| OptionalPermissionNoPrompt
| "clipboardRead"
| "clipboardWrite"
| "geolocation"
| "notifications"
| "bookmarks"
| "browserSettings"
| "browsingData"
| "devtools"
| "downloads"
| "downloads.open"
| "find"
| "history"
| "management"
| "pkcs11"
| "privacy"
| "proxy"
| "nativeMessaging"
| "sessions"
| "tabs"
| "tabHide"
| "topSites"
| "webNavigation"
| "identity.email";
type OptionalPermissionOrOrigin = OptionalPermission | MatchPattern;
type PermissionNoPrompt =
| OptionalPermission
| "alarms"
| "mozillaAddons"
| "storage"
| "unlimitedStorage"
| "activityLog"
| "captivePortal"
| "contextualIdentities"
| "dns"
| "geckoProfiler"
| "identity"
| "menus"
| "contextMenus"
| "networkStatus"
| "normandyAddonStudy"
| "theme"
| "urlbar";
type Permission = PermissionNoPrompt | OptionalPermission | string;
type PermissionOrOrigin = Permission | MatchPattern;
type HttpURL = string;
type ExtensionURL = string;
type ExtensionFileUrl = string;
type ImageDataOrExtensionURL = string;
type ExtensionID = string;
interface FirefoxSpecificProperties {
* Optional.
id?: ExtensionID;
* Optional.
update_url?: string;
* Optional.
strict_min_version?: string;
* Optional.
strict_max_version?: string;
interface BrowserSpecificSettings {
* Optional.
gecko?: FirefoxSpecificProperties;
type MatchPattern = "<all_urls>" | MatchPatternRestricted | MatchPatternUnestricted;
* Same as MatchPattern above, but excludes <all_urls>
type MatchPatternRestricted = string;
* Mostly unrestricted match patterns for privileged add-ons. This should technically be rejected for unprivileged add-ons,
* but, reasons. The MatchPattern class will still refuse privileged schemes for those extensions.
type MatchPatternUnestricted = string;
* Details of the script or CSS to inject. Either the code or the file property must be set,
* but both may not be set at the same time. Based on InjectDetails, but using underscore rather than camel case naming
* conventions.
interface ContentScript {
matches: MatchPattern[];
* Optional.
exclude_matches?: MatchPattern[];
* Optional.
include_globs?: string[];
* Optional.
exclude_globs?: string[];
* The list of CSS files to inject
* Optional.
css?: ExtensionURL[];
* The list of JS files to inject
* Optional.
js?: ExtensionURL[];
* If allFrames is <code>true</code>, implies that the JavaScript or CSS should be injected into all frames of current page.
* By default, it's <code>false</code> and is only injected into the top frame.
* Optional.
all_frames?: boolean;
* If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also injected in about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your extension has
* access to its parent document. Code cannot be inserted in top-level about:-frames. By default it is <code>false</code>.
* Optional.
match_about_blank?: boolean;
* The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. Defaults to "document_idle".
* Optional.
run_at?: ExtensionTypes.RunAt;
type IconPath = Record<string, ExtensionFileUrl> | ExtensionFileUrl;
type IconImageData = Record<string, ImageData> | ImageData;
type PersistentBackgroundProperty = boolean;
interface ActionManifest {
* Optional.
default_title?: string;
* Optional.
default_icon?: IconPath;
* Specifies icons to use for dark and light themes
* Optional.
theme_icons?: ThemeIcons[];
* Optional.
default_popup?: string;
* Optional.
browser_style?: boolean;
* Defines the location the browserAction will appear by default. The default location is navbar.
* Optional.
default_area?: ActionManifestDefaultAreaEnum;
type KeyName = string;
* Represents a protocol handler definition.
interface ProtocolHandler {
* A user-readable title string for the protocol handler. This will be displayed to the user in interface objects as needed.
name: string;
* The protocol the site wishes to handle, specified as a string. For example, you can register to handle SMS text message
* links by registering to handle the "sms" scheme.
| "bitcoin"
| "dat"
| "dweb"
| "ftp"
| "geo"
| "gopher"
| "im"
| "ipfs"
| "ipns"
| "irc"
| "ircs"
| "magnet"
| "mailto"
| "matrix"
| "mms"
| "news"
| "nntp"
| "sip"
| "sms"
| "smsto"
| "ssb"
| "ssh"
| "tel"
| "urn"
| "webcal"
| "wtai"
| "xmpp"
| string;
* The URL of the handler, as a string. This string should include "%s" as a placeholder which will be replaced with the
* escaped URL of the document to be handled. This URL might be a true URL, or it could be a phone number, email address,
* or so forth.
uriTemplate: ExtensionURL | HttpURL;
type ThemeColor = string | [number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number];
interface ThemeExperiment {
* Optional.
stylesheet?: ExtensionURL;
* Optional.
images?: ThemeExperimentImagesType;
* Optional.
colors?: ThemeExperimentColorsType;
* Optional.
properties?: ThemeExperimentPropertiesType;
interface ThemeType {
* Optional.
images?: ThemeTypeImagesType;
* Optional.
colors?: ThemeTypeColorsType;
* Optional.
properties?: ThemeTypePropertiesType;
* Contents of manifest.json for a static theme
interface ThemeManifest extends ManifestBase {
theme: ThemeType;
* Optional.
dark_theme?: ThemeType;
* Optional.
default_locale?: string;
* Optional.
theme_experiment?: ThemeExperiment;
* Optional.
icons?: Record<string, string>;
interface ManifestBaseDeveloperType {
* Optional.
name?: string;
* Optional.
url?: string;
type WebExtensionManifestIncognitoEnum = "not_allowed" | "spanning";
interface WebExtensionManifestBackgroundC1Type {
page: ExtensionURL;
* Optional.
persistent?: boolean;
interface WebExtensionManifestBackgroundC2Type {
scripts: ExtensionURL[];
* Optional.
persistent?: boolean;
interface WebExtensionManifestBackgroundC3Type {
service_worker: ExtensionURL;
interface WebExtensionManifestOptionsUiType {
page: ExtensionURL;
* Optional.
browser_style?: boolean;
* Optional.
chrome_style?: boolean;
* Optional.
open_in_tab?: boolean;
interface WebExtensionManifestContentSecurityPolicyC2Type {
* The Content Security Policy used for extension pages.
* Optional.
extension_pages?: string;
interface WebExtensionManifestWebAccessibleResourcesC2ItemType {
resources: string[];
matches: MatchPatternRestricted[];
interface WebExtensionManifestChromeSettingsOverridesSearchProviderParamsItemType {
* A url parameter name
name: string;
* The type of param can be either "purpose" or "pref".
* Optional.
condition?: "purpose" | "pref";
* The preference to retrieve the value from.
* Optional.
pref?: string;
* The context that initiates a search, required if condition is "purpose".
* Optional.
purpose?: "contextmenu" | "searchbar" | "homepage" | "keyword" | "newtab";
* A url parameter value.
* Optional.
value?: string;
interface WebExtensionManifestChromeSettingsOverridesSearchProviderType {
name: string;
* Optional.
keyword?: string | string[];
search_url: string;
* Optional.
favicon_url?: string;
* Optional.
suggest_url?: string;
* GET parameters to the search_url as a query string.
* Optional.
search_url_get_params?: string;
* POST parameters to the search_url as a query string.
* Optional.
search_url_post_params?: string;
* GET parameters to the suggest_url as a query string.
* Optional.
suggest_url_get_params?: string;
* POST parameters to the suggest_url as a query string.
* Optional.
suggest_url_post_params?: string;
* Optional.
search_form?: string;
* Encoding of the search term.
* Optional.
encoding?: string;
* Sets the default engine to a built-in engine only.
* Optional.
is_default?: boolean;
* A list of optional search url parameters. This allows the additon of search url parameters based on how the search is
* performed in Firefox.
* Optional.
params?: WebExtensionManifestChromeSettingsOverridesSearchProviderParamsItemType[];
interface WebExtensionManifestChromeSettingsOverridesType {
* Optional.
homepage?: string;
* Optional.
search_provider?: WebExtensionManifestChromeSettingsOverridesSearchProviderType;
interface WebExtensionManifestCommandsSuggestedKeyType {
* Optional.
default?: KeyName;
* Optional.
mac?: KeyName;
* Optional.
linux?: KeyName;
* Optional.
windows?: KeyName;
* Optional.
chromeos?: string;
* Optional.
android?: string;
* Optional.
ios?: string;
interface WebExtensionManifestCommandsType {
* Optional.
suggested_key?: WebExtensionManifestCommandsSuggestedKeyType;
* Optional.
description?: string;
interface WebExtensionManifestExperimentApisType extends Experiments.ExperimentAPI {
[s: string]: unknown;
interface WebExtensionManifestOmniboxType {
keyword: string;
interface WebExtensionManifestPageActionType {
* Optional.
default_title?: string;
* Optional.
default_icon?: IconPath;
* Optional.
default_popup?: string;
* Optional.
browser_style?: boolean;
* Optional.
show_matches?: MatchPattern[];
* Optional.
hide_matches?: MatchPatternRestricted[];
* Optional.
pinned?: boolean;
interface WebExtensionManifestSidebarActionType {
* Optional.
default_title?: string;
* Optional.
default_icon?: IconPath;
* Optional.
browser_style?: boolean;
default_panel: string;
* Whether or not the sidebar is opened at install. Default is <code>true</code>.
* Optional.
open_at_install?: boolean;
interface WebExtensionManifestChromeUrlOverridesType {
* Optional.
newtab?: ExtensionURL;
interface WebExtensionManifestUserScriptsType {
* Optional.
api_script?: ExtensionURL;
interface WebExtensionLangpackManifestLanguagesPatternType {
chrome_resources: Record<string, ExtensionURL | Record<string, ExtensionURL>>;
version: string;
interface WebExtensionLangpackManifestSourcesPatternType {
base_path: ExtensionURL;
* Optional.
paths?: string[];
* Defines the location the browserAction will appear by default. The default location is navbar.
type ActionManifestDefaultAreaEnum = "navbar" | "menupanel" | "tabstrip" | "personaltoolbar";
interface ThemeExperimentImagesType {
[s: string]: unknown;
interface ThemeExperimentColorsType {
[s: string]: unknown;
interface ThemeExperimentPropertiesType {
[s: string]: unknown;
interface ThemeTypeImagesType {
* Optional.
additional_backgrounds?: ImageDataOrExtensionURL[];
* Optional.
theme_frame?: ImageDataOrExtensionURL;
interface ThemeTypeColorsType {
* Optional.
tab_selected?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
frame?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
frame_inactive?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
tab_background_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
tab_background_separator?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
tab_loading?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
tab_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
tab_line?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar?: ThemeColor;
* This color property is an alias of 'bookmark_text'.
* Optional.
toolbar_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
bookmark_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_border?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_top_separator?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_bottom_separator?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_vertical_separator?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
icons?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
icons_attention?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
button_background_hover?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
button_background_active?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
popup?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
popup_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
popup_border?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_focus?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_text_focus?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_border_focus?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
popup_highlight?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
popup_highlight_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
ntp_background?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
ntp_card_background?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
ntp_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
sidebar?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
sidebar_border?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
sidebar_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
sidebar_highlight?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
sidebar_highlight_text?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_highlight?: ThemeColor;
* Optional.
toolbar_field_highlight_text?: ThemeColor;
type ThemeTypePropertiesAdditionalBackgroundsAlignmentItemEnum =
| "bottom"
| "center"
| "left"
| "right"
| "top"
| "center bottom"
| "center center"
| "center top"
| "left bottom"
| "left center"
| "left top"
| "right bottom"
| "right center"
| "right top";
type ThemeTypePropertiesAdditionalBackgroundsTilingItemEnum = "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "repeat-x" | "repeat-y";
interface ThemeTypePropertiesType {
* Optional.
additional_backgrounds_alignment?: ThemeTypePropertiesAdditionalBackgroundsAlignmentItemEnum[];
* Optional.
additional_backgrounds_tiling?: ThemeTypePropertiesAdditionalBackgroundsTilingItemEnum[];
interface Static {
[s: string]: unknown;