# These environment variables must be set in CircleCI UI # # NPM_TOKEN - A valid NPM token for releases # # NOTE: # - to validate changes to this file locally using the circleci CLI tool: # # circleci config process .circleci/config.yml # # - to try run jobs locally: # # circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > tmp/processed.yml # circleci local execute -c tmp/processed.yml --job build-nodejs-current # version: 2.1 orbs: codecov: codecov/codecov@3.2.0 references: nodejs_current: &nodejs_current "10" repo_path: &repo_path ~/webextension-polyfill defaults: &defaults working_directory: *repo_path parameters: nodejs_current: type: string default: *nodejs_current commands: run_npm_install: description: install npm dependencies steps: - run: npm i run_npm_build: description: build project in << parameters.node_env >> mode parameters: node_env: type: enum default: production enum: ["production", "test"] steps: - run: command: npm run build --if-present environment: NODE_ENV: << parameters.node_env >> run_test_minified: description: rerun unit tests on minified file steps: - run: command: npm run test-minified run_test_bundlers: description: rerun unit tests on webpack and browserify bundled files steps: - configure_global_npm - run: npm install -g browserify webpack webpack-cli - run: | export PATH=$PATH:../.npm-global/bin node ./scripts/run-module-bundlers-smoketests.js run_xephyr: description: run Xephyr on DISPLAY=:10 steps: - run: | sudo apt install xserver-xephyr Xephyr -ac -br -noreset -screen 1280x1024x24 :10 & sleep 2 run_functional_tests: description: run integration tests on Firefox and Chrome browsers steps: # circleci browsers image variant does include and run Xvfb # unfortunately Chrome seems to intermittently fail to connect # to it successfully: # # ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(1434)] Unable to open X display # # On the contrary it seems to don't happen with Xephyr. - run_xephyr - run: command: node ./scripts/run-browsers-smoketests.js environment: DISPLAY: :10.0 CHROMEDRIVER_VERBOSE_LOGFILE: /tmp/chromedriver.log - store_artifacts: # chromedriver verbose logs stored in the artifacts to make # it easier investigate CI jobs chromedriver issues. path: /tmp/chromedriver.log run_tests: description: run tests steps: - run: name: run linting check and unit tests with coverage command: npm run test-coverage - store_artifacts: path: coverage - codecov/upload - run_test_minified - run_test_bundlers - run_functional_tests # This is required to avoid a `EACCES` when running `npm install -g` (which is # executed in the test suite). configure_global_npm: description: create custom directory for global npm installs steps: - run: mkdir ../.npm-global - run: npm config set prefix '../.npm-global' attach_project_repo: description: attach repo from workspace steps: - attach_workspace: at: *repo_path persist_project_repo: description: persist repo in workspace steps: - persist_to_workspace: root: *repo_path paths: . jobs: build: <<: *defaults docker: # Image variant including Firefox, Chrome and Xvfb - image: circleci/node:<< parameters.nodejs_current >>-browsers steps: - attach_project_repo - checkout - run_npm_install - run_npm_build: node_env: test - run_tests - persist_project_repo release-tag: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:<< parameters.nodejs_current >> steps: - attach_project_repo - run_npm_build: node_env: production - run: name: npm registry auth command: echo '//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}' > .npmrc - run: name: npm registry publish command: npm publish workflows: default-workflow: jobs: - build: name: build-nodejs-current filters: tags: only: /.*/ - release-tag: requires: - build-nodejs-current filters: tags: only: /.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/