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"use strict";
feat: Added devtools.inspectedWindow.eval and devtools.panels.create to wrapped APIs. To be able to wrap the devtools API namespaces, this patch applies the following changes: - fix: Prevent Proxy violation exception on the read-only/non-configurable devtools property by using an empty object with the `chrome` API object as its prototype as the root Proxy target (the Proxy instances returned for the `chrome` API object) and add a related test case. - fix: Added support for a new `singleCallbackArg` metadata property, which prevents devtools.panels.create to resolve an array of parameters (See the related Chromium issue at https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=768159) and add the related test cases. - test: Changes to the test case related to proxy getter/setter behavior on non wrapped properties: in the "deletes proxy getter/setter that are not wrapped" test case from the "test-proxied-properties.js" test file, we ensure that when a getter/setter is called for a "non-wrapped" property, the getter/setter is going to affect the original target object, unfortunately this in not true anymore for the root object (the `chrome` API object) because we are using an empty object (which has the `chrome` API object as its prototype and it is not exposed outside of the polyfill sources) as the target of the Proxy instance related to it, this change to the target of the Proxy has been needed to prevent the TypeError exception raised by the Proxy instance when we try to access the "devtools" property (which is non-configurable and read-only on the `chrome` API object).
2017-09-22 21:38:44 +00:00
const {deepEqual, equal, fail, ok, throws} = require("chai").assert;
const sinon = require("sinon");
const {setupTestDOMWindow} = require("./setup");
describe("browser-polyfill", () => {
describe("wrapped async functions", () => {
it("returns a promise which resolves to the callback parameters", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
alarms: {clear: sinon.stub()},
runtime: {
lastError: null,
openOptionsPage: sinon.stub(),
requestUpdateCheck: sinon.stub(),
tabs: {
query: sinon.stub(),
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
// Test for single callback argument.
.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, "res1");
// Test for single array callback argument.
.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, ["res1", "res2"]);
// Test for multiple callback arguments.
.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(0, "res1", "res2");
// Test for no callback arguments.
return Promise.all([
window.browser.tabs.query({active: true}),
}).then(results => {
equal(results[0], "res1", "Fake alarms.clear call resolved to a single value");
deepEqual(results[1], ["res1", "res2"],
"Fake tabs.query resolved to an array of values");
deepEqual(results[2], ["res1", "res2"],
"Fake runtime.requestUpdateCheck resolved to an array of values");
equal(results[3], undefined, "Fake runtime.openOptionsPage resolved to a void value.");
it("rejects the returned promise if chrome.runtime.lastError is not null", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {
lastError: new Error("fake lastError"),
tabs: {
query: sinon.stub(),
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
// Test for single array callback argument.
.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, ["res1", "res2"]);
return window.browser.tabs.query({active: true}).then(
() => fail("Expected a rejected promise"),
(err) => equal(err, fakeChrome.runtime.lastError,
"Got the expected error in the rejected promise")
it("throws if the number of arguments are not in the range defined in the metadata", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {
lastError: null,
sendMessage: sinon.spy(),
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
throws(() => {
}, "Expected at least 1 argument for sendMessage(), got 0");
throws(() => {
window.browser.runtime.sendMessage("0", "1", "2", "3");
}, "Expected at most 3 arguments for sendMessage(), got 4");
feat: Added devtools.inspectedWindow.eval and devtools.panels.create to wrapped APIs. To be able to wrap the devtools API namespaces, this patch applies the following changes: - fix: Prevent Proxy violation exception on the read-only/non-configurable devtools property by using an empty object with the `chrome` API object as its prototype as the root Proxy target (the Proxy instances returned for the `chrome` API object) and add a related test case. - fix: Added support for a new `singleCallbackArg` metadata property, which prevents devtools.panels.create to resolve an array of parameters (See the related Chromium issue at https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=768159) and add the related test cases. - test: Changes to the test case related to proxy getter/setter behavior on non wrapped properties: in the "deletes proxy getter/setter that are not wrapped" test case from the "test-proxied-properties.js" test file, we ensure that when a getter/setter is called for a "non-wrapped" property, the getter/setter is going to affect the original target object, unfortunately this in not true anymore for the root object (the `chrome` API object) because we are using an empty object (which has the `chrome` API object as its prototype and it is not exposed outside of the polyfill sources) as the target of the Proxy instance related to it, this change to the target of the Proxy has been needed to prevent the TypeError exception raised by the Proxy instance when we try to access the "devtools" property (which is non-configurable and read-only on the `chrome` API object).
2017-09-22 21:38:44 +00:00
it("resolves to a single parameter on singleCallbackArg metadata property", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {lastError: null},
devtools: {
panels: {
create: sinon.spy((title, iconPath, panelURL, cb) => {
// when the callback of a API method which specifies the "singleCallbackArg" metadata
// is called with two parameters only the first one is resolved by the returned promise.
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
cb({isFakePanel: true}, "unwanted parameter");
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(({browser}) => {
return browser.devtools.panels.create("title", "icon.png", "panel.html").then(panel => {
"devtools.panels.create has been called once");
ok("isFakePanel" in panel && panel.isFakePanel,
"Got the expected result from devtools.panels.create");
it("resolves to a single undefined parameter on singleCallbackArg metadata and no params", () => {
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {lastError: null},
devtools: {
panels: {
create: sinon.spy((title, iconPath, panelURL, cb) => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
// when the callback of a API method which specifies the "singleCallbackArg" metadata
// is called without any parameter, the returned promise resolves to undefined
// instead of an empty array.
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(({browser}) => {
return browser.devtools.panels.create("title", "icon.png", "panel.html").then(panel => {
"devtools.panels.create has been called once");
ok(panel === undefined,
"Got the expected undefined result from devtools.panels.create");
it("returns a Promise for wrapped API methods without a callback on Chrome", () => {
const FAKE_ERROR_MSG = "API Schema validation error";
const fakeChrome = {
runtime: {lastError: null},
pageAction: {
show: sinon.spy((tabId, cb) => {
if (cb) {
throw new Error("Chrome do not expect a callback");
if (tabId == null) {
throw new Error(FAKE_ERROR_MSG);
hide: sinon.spy((tabId, cb) => {
if (cb) {
throw new Error("Chrome do not expect a callback");
if (tabId == null) {
throw new Error(FAKE_ERROR_MSG);
return setupTestDOMWindow(fakeChrome).then(window => {
const {browser, Promise} = window;
const pageActionShowPromise = browser.pageAction.show(1).catch(err => err);
const pageActionHidePromise = browser.pageAction.hide(undefined).catch(err => err);
ok(pageActionShowPromise instanceof Promise,
"browser.pageAction.show returned a promise instance");
ok(pageActionHidePromise instanceof Promise,
"browser.pageAction.hide returned a promise instance");
return Promise.all([
pageActionShowPromise, pageActionHidePromise,
]).then(([pageActionShowResolved, pageActionHideRejected]) => {
ok(fakeChrome.pageAction.show.calledTwice, "chrome.pageAction.show has been called twice");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.show.firstCall.args.length, 2,
"chrome.pageAction.show first call has received a callback parameter");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.show.secondCall.args.length, 1,
"chrome.pageAction.show second call has received a single parameter");
equal(pageActionShowResolved, undefined, "pageAction.show resolved successfully");
ok(fakeChrome.pageAction.hide.calledTwice, "chrome.pageAction.hide has been called twice");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.hide.firstCall.args.length, 2,
"chrome.pageAction.hide first call has received a callback parameter");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.hide.secondCall.args.length, 1,
"chrome.pageAction.hide second call has received a single parameter");
ok(pageActionHideRejected instanceof Error,
"browser.pageAction.hide rejected value is an Error instance");
equal(pageActionHideRejected.message, FAKE_ERROR_MSG,
"browser.pageAction.hide rejected error has the expected message");
}).then(() => {
// Call pageAction.show and hide again to ensure that only after a successfull
// API call the wrapper will always call the API method without the callback parameter.
2019-11-26 15:27:44 +00:00
const secondPageActionShowPromise = browser.pageAction.show(1).catch(err => err);
const secondPageActionHidePromise = browser.pageAction.hide(undefined).catch(err => err);
return Promise.all([secondPageActionShowPromise, secondPageActionHidePromise]);
}).then(([pageActionShowResolved, pageActionHideRejected]) => {
ok(fakeChrome.pageAction.show.calledOnce, "chrome.pageAction.show has been called once");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.show.firstCall.args.length, 1,
"chrome.pageAction.show call has not received a callback parameter");
ok(fakeChrome.pageAction.hide.calledTwice, "chrome.pageAction.hide has been called twice");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.hide.firstCall.args.length, 2,
"chrome.pageAction.hide first call has received a callback parameter");
equal(fakeChrome.pageAction.hide.secondCall.args.length, 1,
"chrome.pageAction.hide second call has received a single parameter");
ok(pageActionHideRejected instanceof Error,
"browser.pageAction.hide rejected value is an Error instance");
equal(pageActionHideRejected.message, FAKE_ERROR_MSG,
"browser.pageAction.hide rejected error has the expected message");