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import * as types from "@peculiar/webcrypto-types";
import { BufferSource, BufferSourceConverter, Convert } from "pvtsutils";
import { AlgorithmError } from "./errors";
import { ProviderCrypto } from "./provider";
import { ProviderStorage } from "./storage";
import { CryptoKey } from './crypto_key';
export class SubtleCrypto implements types.SubtleCrypto {
public static isHashedAlgorithm(data: any): data is types.HashedAlgorithm {
return data
&& typeof data === "object"
&& "name" in data
&& "hash" in data
? true
: false;
public providers = new ProviderStorage();
// @internal
public get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "SubtleCrypto";
public async digest(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier | types.ShakeParams, data: BufferSource, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
public async digest(...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 2, "digest");
const [algorithm, data, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(data);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.digest(preparedAlgorithm, preparedData, ...params);
return result;
public async generateKey(algorithm: types.RsaHashedKeyGenParams | types.EcKeyGenParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKeyPair>;
public async generateKey(algorithm: types.AesKeyGenParams | types.HmacKeyGenParams | types.Pbkdf2Params, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKey>;
public async generateKey(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: Iterable<types.KeyUsage>, ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKeyPair | types.CryptoKey>;
public async generateKey(...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKeyPair | types.CryptoKey> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 3, "generateKey");
const [algorithm, extractable, keyUsages, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.generateKey({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, extractable, keyUsages, ...params);
return result;
public async sign(algorithm: types.SignAlgorithms, key: types.CryptoKey, data: BufferSource, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
public async sign(...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 3, "sign");
const [algorithm, key, data, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(data);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.sign({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, key, preparedData, ...params);
return result;
public async verify(algorithm: types.SignAlgorithms, key: types.CryptoKey, signature: BufferSource, data: BufferSource, ...args: any[]): Promise<boolean>;
public async verify(...args: any[]): Promise<boolean> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 4, "verify");
const [algorithm, key, signature, data, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(data);
const preparedSignature = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(signature);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.verify({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, key, preparedSignature, preparedData, ...params);
return result;
public async encrypt(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, key: types.CryptoKey, data: BufferSource, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
public async encrypt(...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 3, "encrypt");
const [algorithm, key, data, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(data);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.encrypt({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, key, preparedData, { keyUsage: true }, ...params);
return result;
public async decrypt(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, key: types.CryptoKey, data: BufferSource, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
public async decrypt(...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 3, "decrypt");
const [algorithm, key, data, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(data);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.decrypt({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, key, preparedData, { keyUsage: true }, ...params);
return result;
public async deriveBits(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, baseKey: types.CryptoKey, length: number, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
public async deriveBits(...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 3, "deriveBits");
const [algorithm, baseKey, length, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.deriveBits({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, baseKey, length, { keyUsage: true }, ...params);
return result;
public async deriveKey(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, baseKey: types.CryptoKey, derivedKeyType: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKey>;
public async deriveKey(...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKey> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 5, "deriveKey");
const [algorithm, baseKey, derivedKeyType, extractable, keyUsages, ...params] = args;
// check derivedKeyType
const preparedDerivedKeyType = this.prepareAlgorithm(derivedKeyType);
const importProvider = this.getProvider(;
// derive bits
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
provider.checkCryptoKey(baseKey, "deriveKey");
const derivedBits = await provider.deriveBits({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, baseKey, (derivedKeyType as any).length || 512, { keyUsage: false }, ...params);
// import derived key
return this.importKey("raw", derivedBits, derivedKeyType, extractable, keyUsages, ...params);
public async exportKey(format: "raw" | "spki" | "pkcs8", key: types.CryptoKey, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
public async exportKey(format: "jwk", key: types.CryptoKey, ...args: any[]): Promise<types.JsonWebKey>;
public async exportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, key: types.CryptoKey, ...args: any[]): Promise<types.JsonWebKey | ArrayBuffer>;
public async exportKey(...args: any[]): Promise<types.JsonWebKey | ArrayBuffer> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 2, "exportKey");
const [format, key, ...params] = args;
const provider = this.getProvider(;
const result = await provider.exportKey(format, key, ...params);
return result;
public async importKey(format: types.KeyFormat, keyData: types.JsonWebKey | BufferSource, algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKey>;
public async importKey(...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKey> {
this.checkRequiredArguments(args, 5, "importKey");
const [format, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages, ...params] = args;
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
if (["pkcs8", "spki", "raw"].indexOf(format) !== -1) {
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(keyData as BufferSource);
return provider.importKey(format, preparedData, { ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, extractable, keyUsages, ...params);
} else {
if (!(keyData as types.JsonWebKey).kty) {
throw new TypeError("keyData: Is not JSON");
return provider.importKey(format, keyData as types.JsonWebKey, { ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, extractable, keyUsages, ...params);
public async wrapKey(format: types.KeyFormat, key: types.CryptoKey, wrappingKey: types.CryptoKey, wrapAlgorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
let keyData = await this.exportKey(format, key, ...args);
if (format === "jwk") {
const json = JSON.stringify(keyData);
keyData = Convert.FromUtf8String(json);
// encrypt key data
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(wrapAlgorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(keyData as ArrayBuffer);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
return provider.encrypt({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, wrappingKey, preparedData, { keyUsage: false }, ...args);
public async unwrapKey(format: types.KeyFormat, wrappedKey: BufferSource, unwrappingKey: types.CryptoKey, unwrapAlgorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, unwrappedKeyAlgorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKey> {
// decrypt wrapped key
const preparedAlgorithm = this.prepareAlgorithm(unwrapAlgorithm);
const preparedData = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(wrappedKey);
const provider = this.getProvider(;
let keyData = await provider.decrypt({ ...preparedAlgorithm, name: }, unwrappingKey, preparedData, { keyUsage: false }, ...args);
if (format === "jwk") {
try {
keyData = JSON.parse(Convert.ToUtf8String(keyData));
} catch (e) {
const error = new TypeError("wrappedKey: Is not a JSON");
(error as any).internal = e;
throw error;
// import key
return this.importKey(format, keyData, unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, extractable, keyUsages, ...args);
protected checkRequiredArguments(args: any[], size: number, methodName: string) {
if (args.length < size) {
throw new TypeError(`Failed to execute '${methodName}' on 'SubtleCrypto': ${size} arguments required, but only ${args.length} present`);
protected prepareAlgorithm(algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier): types.Algorithm | types.HashedAlgorithm {
if (typeof algorithm === "string") {
return {
name: algorithm,
} as types.Algorithm;
if (SubtleCrypto.isHashedAlgorithm(algorithm)) {
const preparedAlgorithm = { ...algorithm };
preparedAlgorithm.hash = this.prepareAlgorithm(algorithm.hash);
return preparedAlgorithm as types.HashedAlgorithm;
return { ...algorithm };
protected getProvider(name: string): ProviderCrypto {
const provider = this.providers.get(name);
if (!provider) {
throw new AlgorithmError("Unrecognized name");
return provider;
protected checkCryptoKey(key: types.CryptoKey): asserts key is CryptoKey {
if (!(key instanceof CryptoKey)) {
throw new TypeError(`Key is not of type 'CryptoKey'`);