import * as types from "@peculiar/webcrypto-types"; import * as assert from "assert"; import * as pvtsutils from "pvtsutils"; import { BrowserInfo } from "../../src/helper"; // fix type errors type Crypto = any; export const browser = BrowserInfo(); export interface ITestMochaFunction { skip?: boolean; only?: boolean; } export interface ITestAction extends ITestMochaFunction { name?: string; error?: any; } export interface ITestGenerateKeyAction extends ITestAction { algorithm: types.Algorithm; extractable: boolean; keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[]; } export interface IImportKeyParams { format: types.KeyFormat; data: types.JsonWebKey | types.BufferSource; algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier; extractable: boolean; keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[]; } export interface IImportKeyPairParams { privateKey: IImportKeyParams; publicKey: IImportKeyParams; } export interface ITestEncryptAction extends ITestAction { algorithm: types.Algorithm; data: types.BufferSource; encData: types.BufferSource; key: IImportKeyParams | IImportKeyPairParams; } export interface ITestSignAction extends ITestAction { algorithm: types.Algorithm; data: types.BufferSource; signature: types.BufferSource; key: IImportKeyParams | IImportKeyPairParams; } export interface ITestDeriveBitsAction extends ITestAction { algorithm: types.Algorithm; key: IImportKeyParams | IImportKeyPairParams; data: types.BufferSource; length: number; } export interface ITestDeriveKeyAction extends ITestAction { algorithm: types.Algorithm; key: IImportKeyParams | IImportKeyPairParams; derivedKeyType: types.Algorithm; keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[]; format: types.KeyFormat; keyData: types.BufferSource | types.JsonWebKey; } export interface ITestWrapKeyAction extends ITestAction { key: IImportKeyParams | IImportKeyPairParams; algorithm: types.Algorithm; wKey: IImportKeyParams; wrappedKey?: types.BufferSource; } export interface ITestImportAction extends IImportKeyParams, ITestAction { } export interface ITestDigestAction extends ITestAction { algorithm: types.AlgorithmIdentifier; data: types.BufferSource; hash: types.BufferSource; } export interface ITestActions { generateKey?: ITestGenerateKeyAction[]; encrypt?: ITestEncryptAction[]; wrapKey?: ITestWrapKeyAction[]; sign?: ITestSignAction[]; import?: ITestImportAction[]; deriveBits?: ITestDeriveBitsAction[]; deriveKey?: ITestDeriveKeyAction[]; digest?: ITestDigestAction[]; } export interface ITestParams extends ITestMochaFunction { name: string; actions: ITestActions; } async function getKeys(crypto: Crypto, key: IImportKeyParams | IImportKeyPairParams) { const keys = {} as types.CryptoKeyPair; if ("privateKey" in key) { keys.privateKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( key.privateKey.format,, key.privateKey.algorithm, key.privateKey.extractable, key.privateKey.keyUsages); keys.publicKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( key.publicKey.format,, key.publicKey.algorithm, key.publicKey.extractable, key.publicKey.keyUsages); } else { keys.privateKey = keys.publicKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( key.format,, key.algorithm, key.extractable, key.keyUsages); } return keys; } function wrapSkipOnly(item: Mocha.TestFunction, params: ITestMochaFunction): Mocha.PendingTestFunction; function wrapSkipOnly(item: Mocha.SuiteFunction, params: ITestMochaFunction): Mocha.PendingSuiteFunction; function wrapSkipOnly(item: Mocha.TestFunction | Mocha.SuiteFunction, params: ITestMochaFunction) { return params.skip ? item.skip : params.only ? item.only : item; } async function wrapTest(promise: () => Promise, action: ITestAction, index: number) { wrapSkipOnly(it, action)( || `#${index + 1}`, async () => { if (action.error) { if (typeof (action.error) === "boolean") { await assert.rejects(promise()); } else { await assert.rejects(promise(), action.error); } } else { await promise(); } }); } export function testCrypto(crypto: Crypto, params: ITestParams[]) { params.forEach((param) => { wrapSkipOnly(context, param)(, () => { //#region Generate key if (param.actions.generateKey) { context("Generate Key", () => { param.actions.generateKey!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { const algorithm = Object.assign({}, action.algorithm); =; const key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey( algorithm, action.extractable, action.keyUsages, ); assert.equal(!!key, true); if (!key.privateKey) { assert.equal(,, "Algorithm name MUST be equal to incoming algorithm and in the same case"); assert.equal(key.extractable, action.extractable); assert.deepEqual([...key.usages].sort(), [...action.keyUsages].sort()); } else { assert.equal(!!key.privateKey, true); assert.equal(,, "Algorithm name MUST be equal to incoming algorithm and in the same case"); assert.equal(key.privateKey.extractable, action.extractable); assert.equal(!!key.publicKey, true); assert.equal(,, "Algorithm name MUST be equal to incoming algorithm and in the same case"); assert.equal(key.publicKey.extractable, true); } }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region encrypt if (param.actions.encrypt) { context("Encrypt/Decrypt", () => { param.actions.encrypt!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { // import keys const keys = await getKeys(crypto, action.key); const encKey = keys.publicKey; const decKey = keys.privateKey; const algorithm = Object.assign({}, action.algorithm); =; // encrypt const enc = await crypto.subtle.encrypt(algorithm, encKey,; // decrypt let dec = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(algorithm, decKey, enc); assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(dec), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(; dec = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(algorithm, decKey, action.encData); assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(dec), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(; }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region Import/Export if (param.actions.import) { context("Import/Export", () => { param.actions.import!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { const importedKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( action.format,, action.algorithm, action.extractable, action.keyUsages); // Can't continue if key is not extractable. if (!action.extractable) { return; } const exportedData = await crypto.subtle.exportKey( action.format, importedKey); if (action.format === "jwk") { exportedData.key_ops.sort(); ( as Required).key_ops.sort(); assert.deepEqual(exportedData,; } else { assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(exportedData as ArrayBuffer), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex( as ArrayBuffer)); } }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region Sign/Verify if (param.actions.sign) { context("Sign/Verify", () => { param.actions.sign!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { // import keys const keys = await getKeys(crypto, action.key); const verifyKey = keys.publicKey; const signKey = keys.privateKey; const algorithm = Object.assign({}, action.algorithm); =; // sign const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign(algorithm, signKey,; // verify let ok = await crypto.subtle.verify(algorithm, verifyKey, signature,; assert.equal(true, ok, "Cannot verify signature from Action data"); ok = await crypto.subtle.verify(algorithm, verifyKey, action.signature,; if (!ok) { assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(signature), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(action.signature)); } assert.equal(true, ok); }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region Derive bits if (param.actions.deriveBits) { context("Derive bits", () => { param.actions.deriveBits!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { // import keys const keys = await getKeys(crypto, action.key); const algorithm = Object.assign({}, action.algorithm, { public: keys.publicKey }); =; // derive bits const derivedBits = await crypto.subtle.deriveBits(algorithm, keys.privateKey, action.length); assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(derivedBits), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(; }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region Derive key if (param.actions.deriveKey) { context("Derive key", () => { param.actions.deriveKey!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { // import keys const keys = await getKeys(crypto, action.key); const algorithm = Object.assign({}, action.algorithm, { public: keys.publicKey }); =; // derive key const derivedKey = await crypto.subtle.deriveKey(algorithm, keys.privateKey, action.derivedKeyType, true, action.keyUsages); const keyData = await crypto.subtle.exportKey(action.format, derivedKey); if (action.format === "jwk") { assert.deepEqual(keyData, action.keyData); } else { assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(keyData as ArrayBuffer), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(action.keyData as ArrayBuffer)); } }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region Digest if (param.actions.digest) { context("Digest", () => { param.actions.digest!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest(action.algorithm,; assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(hash), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(action.hash)); }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion //#region Wrap/Unwrap key if (param.actions.wrapKey) { context("Wrap/Unwrap key", () => { param.actions.wrapKey!.forEach((action, index) => { wrapTest(async () => { const wKey = (await getKeys(crypto, action.wKey)).privateKey; const key = await getKeys(crypto, action.key); const wrappedKey = await crypto.subtle.wrapKey(action.wKey.format, wKey, key.publicKey, action.algorithm); if (action.wrappedKey) { assert.equal(pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(wrappedKey), pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(action.wrappedKey)); } const unwrappedKey = await crypto.subtle.unwrapKey( action.wKey.format, wrappedKey, key.privateKey, action.algorithm, action.wKey.algorithm, action.wKey.extractable, action.wKey.keyUsages); assert.deepEqual(unwrappedKey.algorithm, wKey.algorithm); }, action, index); }); }); } //#endregion }); }); }