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import * as core from "@peculiar/webcrypto-core";
import * as types from "@peculiar/webcrypto-types";
import * as assert from "assert";
import { Convert } from "pvtsutils";
context("EC", () => {
context("EcUtils", () => {
context("public point", () => {
it("encode/decode point without padding", () => {
const point = {
x: new Uint8Array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]),
y: new Uint8Array([5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]),
const encoded = core.EcUtils.encodePoint(point, 160);
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(encoded), "0401010101010202020202030303030304040404040505050505060606060607070707070808080808");
const decoded = core.EcUtils.decodePoint(encoded, 160);
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(decoded.x), Convert.ToHex(point.x));
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(decoded.y), Convert.ToHex(point.y));
it("decode uncompressed point ", () => {
const uncompressedPoint = new Uint8Array(Convert.FromHex("0400010101010202020202030303030304040404040005050505060606060607070707070808080808"));
const decoded = core.EcUtils.decodePoint(uncompressedPoint, 160);
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(decoded.x), "0001010101020202020203030303030404040404");
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(decoded.y), "0005050505060606060607070707070808080808");
context("signature point", () => {
it("encode/decode", () => {
const encodedHex = "00f3e308185c2d6cb59ec216ba8ce31e0a27db431be250807e604cd858494eb9d1de066b0dc7964f64b31e2f8da7f00741b5ba7e3972fe476099d53f5c5a39905a1f009fc215304c42100a0eec7b9d0bbc5f59c838b604bcceb6ebffd4870c83e76d8eca92e689032caddc69aa87a833216163589f97ce6cb4d10c84b7d6a949e73ca1c5";
const decoded = core.EcUtils.decodeSignature(Convert.FromHex(encodedHex), 521);
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(decoded.r), "f3e308185c2d6cb59ec216ba8ce31e0a27db431be250807e604cd858494eb9d1de066b0dc7964f64b31e2f8da7f00741b5ba7e3972fe476099d53f5c5a39905a1f");
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(decoded.s), "9fc215304c42100a0eec7b9d0bbc5f59c838b604bcceb6ebffd4870c83e76d8eca92e689032caddc69aa87a833216163589f97ce6cb4d10c84b7d6a949e73ca1c5");
const encoded = core.EcUtils.encodeSignature(decoded, 521);
assert.strictEqual(Convert.ToHex(encoded), encodedHex);
context("Base", () => {
class EcTestProvider extends core.EllipticProvider {
public namedCurves = ["P-1", "P-2"];
public name = "ECC";
public usages: types.ProviderKeyUsages = {
privateKey: ["sign"],
publicKey: ["verify"],
public onGenerateKey(algorithm: types.EcKeyGenParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[]): Promise<types.CryptoKeyPair> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
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public onExportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, key: core.CryptoKey): Promise<types.JsonWebKey | ArrayBuffer> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
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public onImportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, keyData: types.JsonWebKey | ArrayBuffer, algorithm: types.EcKeyImportParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[]): Promise<core.CryptoKey> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
const provider = new EcTestProvider();
context("checkGenerateKeyParams", () => {
it("error if `namedCurve` is missing", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
provider.checkGenerateKeyParams({} as any);
}, Error);
it("error if `namedCurve` is not of type String", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
provider.checkGenerateKeyParams({ namedCurve: 123 } as any);
}, TypeError);
it("error if `namedCurve` is not value from list", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
provider.checkGenerateKeyParams({ namedCurve: "P-256" } as any);
}, core.OperationError);
it("correct `namedCurve`", () => {
provider.checkGenerateKeyParams({ namedCurve: "P-2" } as any);
context("ECDH", () => {
const provider = Reflect.construct(core.EcdhProvider, []) as core.EcdhProvider;
context("", () => {
context("checkAlgorithmParams", () => {
it("error if `public` is missing", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({} as any);
}, Error);
it("error if `public` is not instance of CryptoKey", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
const key = {};
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({ public: key } as any);
}, Error);
it("error if `public` is not public CryptoKey", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
2022-05-23 21:09:47 +00:00
const key = new core.CryptoKey();
key.type = "secret";
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({ public: key } as any);
}, Error);
it("error if `public` is wrong CryptoKey alg", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
2022-05-23 21:09:47 +00:00
const key = new core.CryptoKey();
key.type = "public";
key.algorithm = { name: "ECDSA" };
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({ public: key } as any);
}, Error);
it("correct `public`", () => {
2022-05-23 21:09:47 +00:00
const key = new core.CryptoKey();
key.type = "public";
key.algorithm = { name: "ECDH" };
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({ public: key } as any);
context("ECDSA", () => {
const provider = Reflect.construct(core.EcdsaProvider, []) as core.EcdsaProvider;
context("checkAlgorithmParams", () => {
it("error if `hash` is missing", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({} as any);
}, Error);
it("error if `hash` has wrong value", () => {
assert.throws(() => {
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({ hash: { name: "wrong" } } as any);
}, core.OperationError);
it("correct `hash`", () => {
provider.checkAlgorithmParams({ hash: { name: "SHA-1" } } as any);
context("ECDH-ES", () => {
class TestEcdhEsProvider extends core.EcdhEsProvider {
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public async onDeriveBits(algorithm: types.EcdhKeyDeriveParams, baseKey: core.CryptoKey, length: number, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
return null as any;
public async onGenerateKey(algorithm: types.EcKeyGenParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKeyPair> {
return null as any;
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public async onExportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, key: core.CryptoKey, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer | types.JsonWebKey> {
return null as any;
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public async onImportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, keyData: ArrayBuffer | types.JsonWebKey, algorithm: types.EcKeyImportParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<core.CryptoKey> {
return null as any;
const provider = new TestEcdhEsProvider();
context("generateKey", () => {
["X25519", "x448"].forEach((namedCurve) => {
it(namedCurve, async () => {
const keys = await provider.generateKey({ name: "ECDH-ES", namedCurve } as types.EcKeyGenParams, false, ["deriveBits", "deriveKey"]);
assert.strictEqual(keys, null);
context("EdDSA", () => {
class TestEdDsaProvider extends core.EdDsaProvider {
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public async onSign(algorithm: types.EcdsaParams, key: core.CryptoKey, data: ArrayBuffer, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
return null as any;
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public async onVerify(algorithm: types.EcdsaParams, key: core.CryptoKey, signature: ArrayBuffer, data: ArrayBuffer, ...args: any[]): Promise<boolean> {
return true;
public async onGenerateKey(algorithm: types.EcKeyGenParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<types.CryptoKeyPair> {
return null as any;
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public onExportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, key: core.CryptoKey, ...args: any[]): Promise<ArrayBuffer | types.JsonWebKey> {
return null as any;
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public onImportKey(format: types.KeyFormat, keyData: ArrayBuffer | types.JsonWebKey, algorithm: types.EcKeyImportParams, extractable: boolean, keyUsages: types.KeyUsage[], ...args: any[]): Promise<core.CryptoKey> {
return null as any;
const provider = new TestEdDsaProvider();
context("generateKey", () => {
["Ed25519", "ed448"].forEach((namedCurve) => {
it(namedCurve, async () => {
const keys = await provider.generateKey({ name: "EdDSA", namedCurve } as types.EcKeyGenParams, false, ["sign", "verify"]);
assert.strictEqual(keys, null);