"use client" import { ArrowLeftIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline" import Link from "next/link" // page https://www.businessinsider.com/web3-music-platforms-blockchain-even-sound-iyk-streaming-services-artists-2023-9#:~:text=Web3%20music%20platforms%20are%20combining,and%20'create%20dope%20consumer%20experiences'&text=Web3%20music%20platforms%20are%20changing,and%20ways%20to%20reach%20fans. import React from "react" type Props = { params: { slug: string } } const Page = ({ params }: Props) => { // TODO: Explore based on the slug, we can also change the slug to be like the id or something the backend understands // We can also pre-render the article from the backend return ( <>