import { formatDistanceToNow, subDays, subMonths, subYears } from "date-fns"; import { type ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx"; import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"; import { SearchResult, SiteList } from "@/types.js"; import fs from "fs"; import search from "./lib/search.js"; export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) { return twMerge(clsx(inputs)); } // Utility function to format dates export const formatDate = (date: string | Date) => { const _date = new Date(date); const distance = formatDistanceToNow(_date, { addSuffix: true }); return distance .replace(/less than a minute?/, "<1m") .replace(/ minutes?/, "m") .replace(/ hours?/, "h") .replace(/ days?/, "d") .replace(/ weeks?/, "w"); }; export async function getResults({ query, site, time, }: { query?: string; site?: string; time?: string; }): Promise<SearchResult[]> { if (!query) { return []; } let filters = []; if (site) { filters.push(`site = ${site}`); } if (time) { filters.push(`createdTimestamp >= ${parseInt(time).toString()}`); } const results = await search.index("articles").search(query, { filter: filters.length ? filters.join(" AND ") : undefined, }); return => { return { id:, cid: item.cid, timestamp: item.createdAt, title: item.title, description: "", slug: item.slug, }; }); } export function getAvailableSites() { return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync("sites.json", { encoding: "utf8" }) ) as SiteList; } export const FILTER_TIMES = [ { value: 0, label: "All Times" }, { value: subDays(new Date(), 1), label: "1d ago" }, { value: subDays(new Date(), 7), label: "7d ago" }, { value: subDays(new Date(), 15), label: "15d ago" }, { value: subMonths(new Date(), 1), label: "1m ago" }, { value: subMonths(new Date(), 6), label: "6m ago" }, { value: subYears(new Date(), 1), label: "1y ago" }, ];