import { Link } from "@remix-run/react"; export default function Page() { return (

You believe the internet should be free and open for everyone, regardless of political beliefs.

Please understand that, according to United States regulations for our present incorporation status, donations are not currently tax-deductible.

If you are a corporation or business, planning to make a large donation, we recommend that you consult a CPA to ensure you understand the tax implications of your donated funds first.

All payments are nondeductible donations (unless you get consulted otherwise) and do not create any implied service contract or obligation for Hammer Technologies LLC to render any services.

To those that see Web3 as DeFi, we ask this: Do you go on your web browser to access TradingView or other market tools as your homepage, or do you go check your social media, email, and news sites, as well as your money? Blockchain itself is more than just money, and so is Web3, and by extension P2P networks.

So help us in our goals to level-up Web3.

); }