
166 lines
6.4 KiB

package s3store
import (
const enableTestDebugOutput = false
func assertCalculatedPartSize(store S3Store, assert *assert.Assertions, size int64) {
optimalPartSize, err := store.calcOptimalPartSize(size)
assert.Nil(err, "Size %d, no error should be returned.\n", size)
// Number of parts with the same size
equalparts := size / optimalPartSize
// Size of the last part (or 0 if no spare part is needed)
lastpartSize := size % optimalPartSize
prelude := fmt.Sprintf("Size %d, %d parts of size %d, lastpart %d: ", size, equalparts, optimalPartSize, lastpartSize)
assert.False(optimalPartSize < store.MinPartSize, prelude+"optimalPartSize < MinPartSize %d.\n", store.MinPartSize)
assert.False(optimalPartSize > store.MaxPartSize, prelude+"optimalPartSize > MaxPartSize %d.\n", store.MaxPartSize)
assert.False(lastpartSize == 0 && equalparts > store.MaxMultipartParts, prelude+"more parts than MaxMultipartParts %d.\n", store.MaxMultipartParts)
assert.False(lastpartSize > 0 && equalparts > store.MaxMultipartParts-1, prelude+"more parts than MaxMultipartParts %d.\n", store.MaxMultipartParts)
assert.False(lastpartSize > store.MaxPartSize, prelude+"lastpart > MaxPartSize %d.\n", store.MaxPartSize)
assert.False(lastpartSize > optimalPartSize, prelude+"lastpart > optimalPartSize %d.\n", optimalPartSize)
assert.True(size <= optimalPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts, prelude+"upload does not fit in %d parts.\n", store.MaxMultipartParts)
if enableTestDebugOutput {
fmt.Printf(prelude+"does exceed MaxObjectSize: %t.\n", size > store.MaxObjectSize)
func TestCalcOptimalPartSize(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
assert := assert.New(t)
s3obj := NewMockS3API(mockCtrl)
store := New("bucket", s3obj)
// If you quickly want to override the default values in this test
store.MinPartSize = 2
store.MaxPartSize = 10
store.MaxMultipartParts = 20
store.MaxObjectSize = 200
// sanity check
if store.MaxObjectSize > store.MaxPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts {
t.Errorf("MaxObjectSize %v can never be achieved, as MaxMultipartParts %v and MaxPartSize %v only allow for an upload of %v bytes total.\n", store.MaxObjectSize, store.MaxMultipartParts, store.MaxPartSize, store.MaxMultipartParts*store.MaxPartSize)
HighestApplicablePartSize := store.MaxObjectSize / store.MaxMultipartParts
if store.MaxObjectSize%store.MaxMultipartParts > 0 {
RemainderWithHighestApplicablePartSize := store.MaxObjectSize % HighestApplicablePartSize
// some of these tests are actually duplicates, as they specify the same size
// in bytes - two ways to describe the same thing. That is wanted, in order
// to provide a full picture from any angle.
testcases := []int64{
store.MinPartSize - 1,
store.MinPartSize + 1,
store.MinPartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) - 1,
store.MinPartSize * (store.MaxMultipartParts - 1),
store.MinPartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + 1,
store.MinPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts - 1,
store.MinPartSize * store.MaxMultipartParts,
store.MinPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts + 1,
store.MinPartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts+1) - 1,
store.MinPartSize * (store.MaxMultipartParts + 1),
store.MinPartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts+1) + 1,
(HighestApplicablePartSize-1)*store.MaxMultipartParts - 1,
(HighestApplicablePartSize - 1) * store.MaxMultipartParts,
(HighestApplicablePartSize-1)*store.MaxMultipartParts + 1,
HighestApplicablePartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) - 1,
HighestApplicablePartSize * (store.MaxMultipartParts - 1),
HighestApplicablePartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + 1,
HighestApplicablePartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + RemainderWithHighestApplicablePartSize - 1,
HighestApplicablePartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + RemainderWithHighestApplicablePartSize,
HighestApplicablePartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + RemainderWithHighestApplicablePartSize + 1,
store.MaxObjectSize - 1,
store.MaxObjectSize + 1,
(store.MaxObjectSize/store.MaxMultipartParts)*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) - 1,
(store.MaxObjectSize / store.MaxMultipartParts) * (store.MaxMultipartParts - 1),
(store.MaxObjectSize/store.MaxMultipartParts)*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + 1,
store.MaxPartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) - 1,
store.MaxPartSize * (store.MaxMultipartParts - 1),
store.MaxPartSize*(store.MaxMultipartParts-1) + 1,
store.MaxPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts - 1,
store.MaxPartSize * store.MaxMultipartParts,
// We cannot calculate a part size for store.MaxPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts + 1
// This case is tested in TestCalcOptimalPartSize_ExceedingMaxPartSize
for _, size := range testcases {
assertCalculatedPartSize(store, assert, size)
if enableTestDebugOutput {
fmt.Println("HighestApplicablePartSize", HighestApplicablePartSize)
fmt.Println("RemainderWithHighestApplicablePartSize", RemainderWithHighestApplicablePartSize)
func TestCalcOptimalPartSize_AllUploadSizes(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
assert := assert.New(t)
s3obj := NewMockS3API(mockCtrl)
store := New("bucket", s3obj)
store.MinPartSize = 5
store.MaxPartSize = 5 * 1024
store.MaxMultipartParts = 1000
store.MaxObjectSize = store.MaxPartSize * store.MaxMultipartParts
// sanity check
if store.MaxObjectSize > store.MaxPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts {
t.Errorf("MaxObjectSize %v can never be achieved, as MaxMultipartParts %v and MaxPartSize %v only allow for an upload of %v bytes total.\n", store.MaxObjectSize, store.MaxMultipartParts, store.MaxPartSize, store.MaxMultipartParts*store.MaxPartSize)
for size := int64(0); size <= store.MaxObjectSize; size++ {
assertCalculatedPartSize(store, assert, size)
func TestCalcOptimalPartSize_ExceedingMaxPartSize(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
assert := assert.New(t)
s3obj := NewMockS3API(mockCtrl)
store := New("bucket", s3obj)
size := store.MaxPartSize*store.MaxMultipartParts + 1
optimalPartSize, err := store.calcOptimalPartSize(size)
assert.EqualError(err, fmt.Sprintf("calcOptimalPartSize: to upload %v bytes optimalPartSize %v must exceed MaxPartSize %v", size, optimalPartSize, store.MaxPartSize))