
160 lines
5.1 KiB

package cli
import (
var Composer *handler.StoreComposer
func CreateComposer() {
// Attempt to use S3 as a backend if the -s3-bucket option has been supplied.
// If not, we default to storing them locally on disk.
Composer = handler.NewStoreComposer()
if Flags.S3Bucket != "" {
s3Config := aws.NewConfig()
if Flags.S3TransferAcceleration {
s3Config = s3Config.WithS3UseAccelerate(true)
if Flags.S3DisableContentHashes {
// Prevent the S3 service client from automatically
// adding the Content-MD5 header to S3 Object Put and Upload API calls.
s3Config = s3Config.WithS3DisableContentMD5Validation(true)
if Flags.S3DisableSSL {
// Disable HTTPS and only use HTTP (helpful for debugging requests).
s3Config = s3Config.WithDisableSSL(true)
if Flags.S3Endpoint == "" {
if Flags.S3TransferAcceleration {
stdout.Printf("Using 's3://%s' as S3 bucket for storage with AWS S3 Transfer Acceleration enabled.\n", Flags.S3Bucket)
} else {
stdout.Printf("Using 's3://%s' as S3 bucket for storage.\n", Flags.S3Bucket)
} else {
stdout.Printf("Using '%s/%s' as S3 endpoint and bucket for storage.\n", Flags.S3Endpoint, Flags.S3Bucket)
s3Config = s3Config.WithEndpoint(Flags.S3Endpoint).WithS3ForcePathStyle(true)
// Derive credentials from default credential chain (env, shared, ec2 instance role)
// as per https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go#configuring-credentials
store := s3store.New(Flags.S3Bucket, s3.New(session.Must(session.NewSession()), s3Config))
store.ObjectPrefix = Flags.S3ObjectPrefix
store.PreferredPartSize = Flags.S3PartSize
store.DisableContentHashes = Flags.S3DisableContentHashes
locker := memorylocker.New()
} else if Flags.GCSBucket != "" {
if Flags.GCSObjectPrefix != "" && strings.Contains(Flags.GCSObjectPrefix, "_") {
stderr.Fatalf("gcs-object-prefix value (%s) can't contain underscore. "+
"Please remove underscore from the value", Flags.GCSObjectPrefix)
// Derivce credentials from service account file path passed in
// GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE environment variable.
if gcsSAF == "" {
stderr.Fatalf("No service account file provided for Google Cloud Storage using the GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE environment variable.\n")
service, err := gcsstore.NewGCSService(gcsSAF)
if err != nil {
stderr.Fatalf("Unable to create Google Cloud Storage service: %s\n", err)
stdout.Printf("Using 'gcs://%s' as GCS bucket for storage.\n", Flags.GCSBucket)
store := gcsstore.New(Flags.GCSBucket, service)
store.ObjectPrefix = Flags.GCSObjectPrefix
locker := memorylocker.New()
} else if Flags.AzStorage != "" {
accountName := os.Getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT")
if accountName == "" {
stderr.Fatalf("No service account name for Azure BlockBlob Storage using the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT environment variable.\n")
accountKey := os.Getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_KEY")
if accountKey == "" {
stderr.Fatalf("No service account key for Azure BlockBlob Storage using the AZURE_STORAGE_KEY environment variable.\n")
azureEndpoint := Flags.AzEndpoint
// Enables support for using Azurite as a storage emulator without messing with proxies and stuff
// e.g.
if azureEndpoint == "" {
azureEndpoint = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net", accountName)
stdout.Printf("Custom Azure Endpoint not specified in flag variable azure-endpoint.\n"+
"Using endpoint %s\n", azureEndpoint)
} else {
stdout.Printf("Using Azure endpoint %s\n", azureEndpoint)
azConfig := &azurestore.AzConfig{
AccountName: accountName,
AccountKey: accountKey,
ContainerName: Flags.AzStorage,
ContainerAccessType: Flags.AzContainerAccessType,
BlobAccessTier: Flags.AzBlobAccessTier,
Endpoint: azureEndpoint,
azService, err := azurestore.NewAzureService(azConfig)
if err != nil {
store := azurestore.New(azService)
store.ObjectPrefix = Flags.AzObjectPrefix
store.Container = Flags.AzStorage
locker := memorylocker.New()
} else {
dir, err := filepath.Abs(Flags.UploadDir)
if err != nil {
stderr.Fatalf("Unable to make absolute path: %s", err)
stdout.Printf("Using '%s' as directory storage.\n", dir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.FileMode(0774)); err != nil {
stderr.Fatalf("Unable to ensure directory exists: %s", err)
store := filestore.New(dir)
locker := filelocker.New(dir)
stdout.Printf("Using %.2fMB as maximum size.\n", float64(Flags.MaxSize)/1024/1024)