package tusd_test import ( "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "strings" "testing" "" "" . "" ) func TestPatch(t *testing.T) { SubTest(t, "UploadChunk", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { gomock.InOrder( store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ ID: "yes", Offset: 5, Size: 10, }, nil), store.EXPECT().WriteChunk("yes", int64(5), NewReaderMatcher("hello")).Return(int64(5), nil), ) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, NotifyCompleteUploads: true, }) c := make(chan FileInfo, 1) handler.CompleteUploads = c (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "5", }, ReqBody: strings.NewReader("hello"), Code: http.StatusNoContent, ResHeader: map[string]string{ "Upload-Offset": "10", }, }).Run(handler, t) a := assert.New(t) info := <-c a.Equal("yes", info.ID) a.EqualValues(int64(10), info.Size) a.Equal(int64(10), info.Offset) }) SubTest(t, "MethodOverriding", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { gomock.InOrder( store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ ID: "yes", Offset: 5, Size: 10, }, nil), store.EXPECT().WriteChunk("yes", int64(5), NewReaderMatcher("hello")).Return(int64(5), nil), ) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, }) (&httpTest{ Method: "POST", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Upload-Offset": "5", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "X-HTTP-Method-Override": "PATCH", }, ReqBody: strings.NewReader("hello"), Code: http.StatusNoContent, ResHeader: map[string]string{ "Upload-Offset": "10", }, }).Run(handler, t) }) SubTest(t, "UploadChunkToFinished", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ Offset: 20, Size: 20, }, nil) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, }) (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "20", }, ReqBody: strings.NewReader(""), Code: http.StatusNoContent, ResHeader: map[string]string{ "Upload-Offset": "20", }, }).Run(handler, t) }) SubTest(t, "UploadNotFoundFail", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { store.EXPECT().GetInfo("no").Return(FileInfo{}, os.ErrNotExist) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, }) (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "no", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "5", }, Code: http.StatusNotFound, }).Run(handler, t) }) SubTest(t, "MissmatchingOffsetFail", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ Offset: 5, }, nil) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, }) (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "4", }, Code: http.StatusConflict, }).Run(handler, t) }) SubTest(t, "ExceedingMaxSizeFail", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ Offset: 5, Size: 10, }, nil) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, }) (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "5", }, ReqBody: strings.NewReader("hellothisismorethan15bytes"), Code: http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge, }).Run(handler, t) }) SubTest(t, "OverflowWithoutLength", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { // In this test we attempt to upload more than 15 bytes to an upload // which has only space for 15 bytes (offset of 5 and size of 20). // The request does not contain the Content-Length header and the handler // therefore does not know the chunk's size before. The wanted behavior // is that even if the uploader supplies more than 15 bytes, we only // pass 15 bytes to the data store and ignore the rest. gomock.InOrder( store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ Offset: 5, Size: 20, }, nil), store.EXPECT().WriteChunk("yes", int64(5), NewReaderMatcher("hellothisismore")).Return(int64(15), nil), ) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ DataStore: store, }) // Wrap the string.Reader in a NopCloser to hide its type. else // http.NewRequest() will detect the we supply a strings.Reader as body // and use this information to set the Content-Length header which we // explicitly do not want (see comment above for reason). body := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("hellothisismorethan15bytes")) (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "5", }, ReqBody: body, Code: http.StatusNoContent, ResHeader: map[string]string{ "Upload-Offset": "20", }, }).Run(handler, t) }) SubTest(t, "Locker", func(t *testing.T, store *MockFullDataStore) { ctrl := gomock.NewController(t) defer ctrl.Finish() locker := NewMockLocker(ctrl) gomock.InOrder( locker.EXPECT().LockUpload("yes").Return(nil), store.EXPECT().GetInfo("yes").Return(FileInfo{ Offset: 0, Size: 20, }, nil), store.EXPECT().WriteChunk("yes", int64(0), NewReaderMatcher("hello")).Return(int64(5), nil), locker.EXPECT().UnlockUpload("yes").Return(nil), ) composer := NewStoreComposer() composer.UseCore(store) composer.UseLocker(locker) handler, _ := NewHandler(Config{ StoreComposer: composer, }) (&httpTest{ Method: "PATCH", URL: "yes", ReqHeader: map[string]string{ "Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0", "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", "Upload-Offset": "0", }, ReqBody: strings.NewReader("hello"), Code: http.StatusNoContent, }).Run(handler, t) }) }