global { appname = "tusd" approot = "/srv/tusd" ssh { key_dir = "./ssh" } ansiblecfg { privilege_escalation { become = true } defaults { host_key_checking = false ansible_managed = "Ansible managed" } ssh_connection { pipelining = true } } } infra provider aws { access_key = "${var.FREY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" region = "us-east-1" secret_key = "${var.FREY_AWS_SECRET_KEY}" } infra variable { amis { type = "map" default { "us-east-1" = "ami-8fe79998" } } region { default = "us-east-1" } } infra output { public_address { value = "${aws_instance.tusd.0.public_dns}" } public_addresses { value = "${join("\n", aws_instance.tusd.*.public_dns)}" } endpoint { value = "http://${}:80/" } } infra resource aws_key_pair "infra-tusd" { key_name = "infra-tusd" public_key = "${file("{{{}}}")}" } infra resource aws_instance "tusd" { ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}" instance_type = "t2.micro" key_name = "${aws_key_pair.infra-tusd.key_name}" // vpc_security_group_ids = [""] subnet_id = "subnet-1adf3953" connection { key_file = "{{{}}}" user = "{{{}}}" } tags { Name = "${var.FREY_DOMAIN}" } } infra resource aws_route53_record "www" { name = "${var.FREY_DOMAIN}" records = ["${aws_instance.tusd.public_dns}"] ttl = "300" type = "CNAME" zone_id = "${var.FREY_AWS_ZONE_ID}" } infra resource aws_security_group "fw-tusd" { description = "Infra tusd" name = "fw-tusd" vpc_id = "vpc-cea030a9" ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 8080 to_port = 8080 } ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 80 to_port = 80 } ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 22 to_port = 22 } // This is for outbound internet access egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [ "" ] } } install { playbooks { hosts = "tusd" name = "Install tusd" roles { role = "{{{init.paths.roles_dir}}}/apt/1.3.0" apt_manage_sources_list = true apt_src_enable = false apt_install = ["apg", "build-essential", "curl", "git-core", "htop", "iotop", "libpcre3", "logtail", "mlocate", "mtr", "psmisc", "telnet", "vim", "wget"] apt_install_state = "present" } roles { role = "{{{init.paths.roles_dir}}}/unattended-upgrades/1.3.0" } tasks { lineinfile = "dest=/home/{{{}}}/.bashrc line=\"alias wtf='sudo tail -f /var/log/*{log,err} /var/log/{dmesg,messages,*{,/*}{log,err}}'\" owner={{{}}} group={{{}}} mode=0644 backup=yes" name = "Common | Add convenience shortcut wtf" } tasks { lineinfile = "dest=/home/{{{}}}/.bashrc line=\"cd {{{}}}/current || true\" owner={{{}}} group={{{}}} mode=0644 backup=yes" name = "Common | Install login" } tasks { name = "Common | Set motd" copy = "content='Welcome to {{lookup('env', 'FREY_DOMAIN')}}' dest=/etc/motd owner=root group=root mode=0644 backup=yes" } tasks { name = "Common | Set timezone variables" copy = "content='Etc/UTC' dest=/etc/timezone owner=root group=root mode=0644 backup=yes" notify = ["Common | Update timezone"] } tasks { name = "Common | Disable UseDNS for SSHD" lineinfile = "dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp=\"^UseDNS\" line=\"UseDNS no\" state=present" notify = ["Common | Restart sshd"] } handlers { name = "Common | Update timezone" command = "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata" } handlers { name = "Common | Restart sshd" service = "name=ssh state=restarted" } } } setup { playbooks { hosts = "tusd" name = "Setup tusd" roles { role = "{{{init.paths.roles_dir}}}/upstart/1.0.0" upstart_command = "./tusd -port=8080 -dir=/mnt/tusd-data -store-size=10737418240" upstart_description = "tusd server" upstart_name = "{{{}}}" upstart_pidfile_path = "{{{}}}/shared/{{{}}}.pid" upstart_respawn = true upstart_respawn_limit = true upstart_runtime_root = "{{{}}}/current/tusd_linux_amd64" upstart_user = "www-data" } roles { role = "{{{init.paths.roles_dir}}}/rsyslog/3.1.0" rsyslog_rsyslog_d_files "49-tusd" { directives = ["& stop"] rules { rule = ":programname, startswith, \"{{{}}}\"" logpath = "{{{}}}/shared/logs/{{{}}}.log" } } } roles { role = "{{{init.paths.roles_dir}}}/fqdn/1.0.0" fqdn = "{{lookup('env', 'FREY_DOMAIN')}}" } tasks { file = "path=/mnt/tusd-data state=directory owner=www-data group=ubuntu mode=ug+rwX,o= recurse=yes" name = "tusd | Create tusd data dir" } tasks { name = "tusd | Create purger crontab (clean up >24h (1400minutes) files)" cron { name = "purger" special_time = "hourly" job = "find /mnt/tusd-data -type f -mmin +1440 -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm || true" } } } } deploy { playbooks { hosts = "tusd" name = "Deploy tusd" roles { role = "{{{init.paths.roles_dir}}}/deploy/1.4.0" ansistrano_get_url = "" ansistrano_deploy_to = "{{{}}}" ansistrano_deploy_via = "download_unarchive" ansistrano_group = "ubuntu" } tasks { name = "tusd | Set file attributes" file = "path={{{}}}/current/tusd_linux_amd64/tusd mode=0755 owner=www-data group=www-data" } } } restart { playbooks { hosts = "tusd" name = "Restart tusd" tasks { shell = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080" name = "tusd | Redirect HTTP traffic to tusd" } tasks { action = "service name=tusd state=restarted" name = "tusd | Restart" } } }