FROM golang:1.18.0-alpine AS builder WORKDIR /go/src/ # Add gcc and libc-dev early so it is cached RUN set -xe \ && apk add --no-cache gcc libc-dev # Install dependencies earlier so they are cached between builds COPY go.mod go.sum ./ RUN set -xe \ && go mod download # Copy the source code, because directories are special, there are separate layers COPY cmd/ ./cmd/ COPY internal/ ./internal/ COPY pkg/ ./pkg/ # Get the version name and git commit as a build argument ARG GIT_VERSION ARG GIT_COMMIT RUN set -xe \ && GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build \ -ldflags="-X${GIT_VERSION} -X${GIT_COMMIT} -X '$(date --utc)'" \ -o /go/bin/tusd ./cmd/tusd/main.go # start a new stage that copies in the binary built in the previous stage FROM alpine:3.15.1 WORKDIR /srv/tusd-data RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates jq \ && addgroup -g 1000 tusd \ && adduser -u 1000 -G tusd -s /bin/sh -D tusd \ && mkdir -p /srv/tusd-hooks \ && chown tusd:tusd /srv/tusd-data COPY --from=builder /go/bin/tusd /usr/local/bin/tusd EXPOSE 1080 USER tusd ENTRYPOINT ["tusd"] CMD [ "--hooks-dir", "/srv/tusd-hooks" ]