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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
import urllib, json, os, traceback, discord
portal_name = os.environ["PORTAL_NAME"]
# sc_precision is the number of hastings per siacoin
sc_precision = 10 ** 24
api_endpoint = "http://localhost:9980" # TODO get port from env/param
# Discord bot initialization
bot_token = os.environ["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"]
client = discord.Client()
channel_name = "skynet-portal-health-check"
async def on_ready():
await run_checks()
await client.close()
# send_msg sends the msg to the specified discord channel. If force_notify is set to true it adds "@here".
async def send_msg(msg, force_notify=False):
await client.wait_until_ready()
guild = client.guilds[0]
channels = guild.channels
chan = None
for c in channels:
if == channel_name:
chan = c
if chan is None:
print("Can't find channel {}".format(channel_name))
# Add the portal name.
msg = "`{}`: {}".format(portal_name, msg)
if force_notify:
msg = "@here: \n{}".format(msg)
await chan.send(msg)
#siac class provides wrappers for the necessary siac commands.
class siac:
# initializes values for using the API (password and
# user-agent) so that all calls to urllib.request.urlopen have these set.
def initialize():
# Setup a handler with the API password
username = ""
password_mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, api_endpoint, username, siac.get_password())
handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
# Setup an opener with the correct user agent
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler)
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Sia-Agent')]
# Install the opener.
# Now all calls to urllib.request.urlopen use our opener.
def get_password():
password_file = open("/home/marcin/.sia/apipassword")
password = password_file.readlines()
return password[0].strip()
# load_json reads the http response and decodes the JSON value
def load_json(resp):
return json.loads(resp.decode("utf-8"))
def get_wallet():
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(api_endpoint + "/wallet").read()
return siac.load_json(resp)
def get_renter():
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(api_endpoint + "/renter").read()
return siac.load_json(resp)
def get_renter_contracts():
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(api_endpoint + "/renter/contracts").read()
return siac.load_json(resp)
# check_health checks that the wallet is unlocked, that it has at least 1
# allowance worth of money left, and if more than hald the allowance is spent. If
# all checks pass it sends a informational message.
async def check_health():
print("\nChecking health...")
wallet_get = siac.get_wallet()
renter_get = siac.get_renter()
if not wallet_get['unlocked']:
await send_msg("Wallet locked", force_notify=True)
confirmed_coins = int(wallet_get['confirmedsiacoinbalance'])
unconfirmed_coins = int(wallet_get['unconfirmedincomingsiacoins'])
unconfirmed_outgoing_coins = int(wallet_get['unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins'])
balance = confirmed_coins + unconfirmed_coins - unconfirmed_outgoing_coins
print("Balance: ", balance / sc_precision)
allowance = renter_get['settings']['allowance']
allowance_funds = int(allowance['funds'])
unspent_funds = int(renter_get['financialmetrics']['unspent'])
spent_funds = allowance_funds - unspent_funds
# Send an alert if there is less than 1 allowance worth of money left.
if balance < allowance_funds:
await send_msg("Wallet balance running low: {}".format(balance), force_notify=True)
# Alert devs when 1/2 the allowance is gone
if spent_funds >= unspent_funds:
await send_msg("Allowance half spent: \nUnspent: {}\nSpent: {}".format(unspent_funds/sc_precision, spent_funds/sc_precision), force_notify=True)
# Send an informational heartbeat if all checks passed.
pretty_renter_get = json.dumps(siac.get_renter(), indent=4)
pretty_renter_contracts = json.dumps(siac.get_renter_contracts(), indent=4)
await send_msg("Health checks passed:\n\nRenter Info:\n```\n{}\n```\n\nContract Info:\n```\n{}\n```\n".format(pretty_renter_get, pretty_renter_contracts))
async def run_checks():
# Initialize the siac API helper.
print("Running Skynet portal health checks")
await check_health()
except: # catch all exceptions
trace = traceback.format_exc()
await send_msg("```\n{}\n```".format(trace), force_notify=True)