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import dayjs from "dayjs";
import prettyBytes from "pretty-bytes";
import { useState } from "react";
import ky from "ky/umd";
import { toast } from "react-toastify";
import Layout from "../components/Layout";
import Table from "../components/Table";
import authServerSideProps from "../services/authServerSideProps";
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";
import useAccountsApi from "../services/useAccountsApi";
const skynetClient = new SkynetClient(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SKYNET_PORTAL_API);
const apiPrefix = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? "/api/stubs" : "";
const getSkylinkLink = ({ skylink }) => skynetClient.getSkylinkUrl(skylink);
const getRelativeDate = ({ uploadedOn }) => dayjs(uploadedOn).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
const headers = [
{ key: "name", name: "Name", nowrap: false, href: getSkylinkLink },
{ key: "skylink", name: "Skylink" },
{ key: "size", name: "Size", formatter: ({ size }) => prettyBytes(size) },
{ key: "uploadedOn", name: "Uploaded on", formatter: getRelativeDate },
const actions = [
name: "Unpin Skylink",
action: async ({ id }, mutate) => {
await toast.promise(ky.delete(`/user/uploads/${id}`), {
pending: "Unpinning Skylink",
success: "Skylink unpinned",
error: (error) => error.message,
export const getServerSideProps = authServerSideProps(async (context, api) => {
const initialData = await api.get("user/uploads?pageSize=10&offset=0").json();
return { props: { initialData } };
export default function Uploads({ initialData }) {
const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0);
const { data, mutate } = useAccountsApi(`${apiPrefix}/user/uploads?pageSize=10&offset=${offset}`, {
initialData: offset === 0 ? initialData : undefined,
revalidateOnMount: true,
// preload next page if it exists (based on the response from the current page query)
const nextPageOffset = data && data.offset + data.pageSize < data.count ? data.offset + data.pageSize : offset;
return (
<Layout title="Your uploads">
<Table {} mutate={mutate} headers={headers} actions={actions} setOffset={setOffset} />