179 lines
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179 lines
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import * as React from "react";
import Layout, { Section, SectionTitle, CardWithDescription } from "../components/Layout";
import { Carousel } from "../components/Carousel/Carousel";
import { ExternalLink, DataSwap, Encryption, Layers, Mesh, Toolkit, DevBig } from "../components/Icons";
import CodeTerminal from "../components/CodeTerminal";
import SEO from "../components/seo";
import Link from "../components/Link";
const LearnMoreButton = () => (
className="button-secondary-dark inline-block px-10 mt-7"
Learn more
const reasonCards = [
Icon: DataSwap,
title: "Immutable Data, Globally Available. Trustless",
"Our [IGDL] means data is instantly accessible on any device, by any portal and is fully verifiable, but leveraging trustees decentralize storage on the Sia blockchain.",
Icon: Encryption,
title: "Dynamic content with a user-focus",
"SkyDB enables complex apps by providing a key-value store for mutable data secured by the private key of the user.",
Icon: Layers,
title: "BYO Frontend Library",
"Our SDKs are built with web2 developers in mind and client-side web apps and static generators are perfect for using Skynet to deploy with.",
Icon: Mesh,
title: "Decentralized Stack-Friendly",
"With integrations with HNS, ENS and easy use for off-chain storage, Skynet is positioned to connect with the DWeb and web3 technologies you need.",
Icon: Toolkit,
title: "Hack Today & Activate an Existing User base",
"Start building without worrying about server overhead or where users will come from. Bootstrap the user experience with interoperable storage that costs you nothing and user-identity right out of the box.",
const resources = [
title: "Skynet Developer Guide",
description: "Developer portal for resources and guides.",
href: "https://support.siasky.net/the-technology/developing-on-skynet",
title: "Skynet SDK Docs",
description: "SDKs in Javascript, Go, Python and more.",
href: "https://siasky.net/docs/",
title: "Skynet AppStore",
description: "Explore webs apps in the ecosystem, many open source.",
href: "https://skyapps.hns.siasky.net",
title: "Skynet Core Repo",
description: "The code base that makes the rest tick.",
href: "https://gitlab.com/skynetlabs/skyd",
title: "Skynet on Github",
description: "Includes SDKs, resources, and web portal. PR’s always welcome.",
href: "https://github.com/SkynetHQ",
title: "Join us on Discord",
description: "A generous developer community, ready to solve hard problems.",
href: "https://discordapp.com/invite/sia",
const docs = [
{ name: "Developer Guide", href: "https://support.siasky.net/the-technology/developing-on-skynet" },
{ name: "Skynet SDK Docs", href: "https://siasky.net/docs/" },
const DevelopersPage = () => (
<SEO title="Developers" />
<Section first={true}>
<div className="flex flex-col desktop:flex-row desktop:space-y-0 space-y-12 desktop:space-x-12">
<div className="space-y-12">
<h1 className="text-white">
Decentralized Apps with speed, confidence, and <span className="text-primary underline">usability</span>
<ul className="space-y-2">
{docs.map(({ name, href }, index) => (
<li key={index}>
className="text-primary font-light text-lg inline-flex hover:text-primary-light transition-colors duration-200"
{name} <ExternalLink className="fill-current inline-block ml-2" height={28} />
<CodeTerminal />
<Section className="bg-white">
<SectionTitle className="mb-7 desktop:hidden">Plenty of reason to use Skynet</SectionTitle>
<div className="hidden desktop:grid gap-x-8 gap-y-16 grid-cols-3">
<div className="hidden desktop:inline-block">
<SectionTitle>Plenty of reason to use Skynet</SectionTitle>
<LearnMoreButton />
{reasonCards.map((card, index) => (
<CardWithDescription key={index} {...card} />
<div className="desktop:hidden">
<Carousel Component={CardWithDescription} items={reasonCards} />
<div className="desktop:hidden mt-12 text-center">
<LearnMoreButton />
<Section className="bg-palette-100">
<SectionTitle className="text-center">Join a community of builders already using Skynet</SectionTitle>
<p className="text-center mt-20">cards</p>
<Section className="bg-white">
<div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-32 gap-y-10 desktop:grid-cols-3">
<div className="space-y-8">
<DevBig width="170" viewBox="90 0 170 142" />
<SectionTitle>Start building with Skynet</SectionTitle>
<p className="font-light text-lg">
Whether hosting your front-end or building a full-scale web app, start here.
<ul className="col-span-2 space-y-1">
{resources.map(({ href, title, description }, index) => (
<li key={index}>
className="block bg-palette-100 px-8 py-5 rounded border-2 border-transparent hover:border-palette-600 transition-colors duration-200"
<div className="font-semibold text-lg">{title}</div>
<div className="font-content text-palette-400">{description}</div>
export default DevelopersPage;