import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions"; import "normalize.css"; import "@fontsource/sora"; import "@fontsource/source-sans-pro"; import "./tailwind.css"; // Gatsby's Link overrides: // Gatsby Link calls the `enqueue` & `hovering` methods on the global variable ___loader. // This global object isn't set in storybook context, requiring you to override it to empty functions (no-op), // so Gatsby Link doesn't throw any errors. global.___loader = { enqueue: () => {}, hovering: () => {}, }; // This global variable is prevents the "__BASE_PATH__ is not defined" error inside Storybook. global.__BASE_PATH__ = "/"; // Navigating through a gatsby app using gatsby-link or any other gatsby component will use the `___navigate` method. // In Storybook it makes more sense to log an action than doing an actual navigate. Checkout the actions addon docs for more info: window.___navigate = (pathname) => { action("NavigateTo:")(pathname); }; export const parameters = { actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" }, layout: "fullscreen", viewport: { viewports: { mobile: { name: "Mobile", styles: { height: "667px", width: "375px", }, type: "mobile", }, tablet: { name: "Tablet", styles: { height: "1366px", width: "1024px", }, type: "tablet", }, }, }, backgrounds: { default: "light", values: [ { name: "dark", value: "#0d0d0d" }, { name: "light", value: "#ffffff" }, ], }, };