# Skynet Webportal Scripts This package contains useful scripts for managing a Skynet Webportal. ## Available Scripts **blocklist-skylink.sh**\ The `blocklist-skylink.sh` script adds a skylink to the blocklist on all servers. **maintenance-upgrade.sh**\ The `maintenance-upgrade.sh` script upgrades the docker images for nodes on a maintenance server. **portal-down.sh**\ The `portal-down.sh` script takes a portal out of the load balancer by disabling the health check. **portal-restart.sh**\ The `portal-restart.sh` script restarts a portal by taking it out of the load balancer, restarting the docker containers, and adding the portal back to the load balancer. **portal-up.sh**\ The `portal-up.sh` script puts a portal back into the load balancer by enabling the health check. **portal-upgrade.**\ The `portal-upgrade.sh` script upgrades the docker images for a portal and clears and leftover images. **nginx-prune.sh**\ The `nginx-prune.sh` script deletes all entries from nginx cache larger than the given size and smaller entries until nginx cache disk size is smaller than the given cache size limit. Both values are configured in `lib/nginx-prune-cache-subscript.sh`. The script doesn't require `sudo`. ## Webportal Upgrade Procedures TODO... 1. 1 server upgraded at a time 1. Clusters of servers upgraded at a time 1. How to safetly revert to previous stable version. Document what those versions were. 1. Upgrading single subsystem 1. Upgrading multiple subsystems