import * as React from "react"; import bytes from "pretty-bytes"; import styled from "styled-components"; import { useUser } from "../contexts/user"; import { PlansProvider } from "../contexts/plans/PlansProvider"; import useActivePlan from "../hooks/useActivePlan"; import DashboardLayout from "../layouts/DashboardLayout"; import { Panel } from "../components/Panel"; import Slider from "../components/Slider/Slider"; import { CheckmarkIcon } from "../components/Icons"; import { Button } from "../components/Button"; import { usePortalSettings } from "../contexts/portal-settings"; import { Alert } from "../components/Alert"; import HighlightedLink from "../components/HighlightedLink"; import { Metadata } from "../components/Metadata"; const PAID_PORTAL_BREAKPOINTS = [ { name: "lg", scrollable: true, visibleSlides: 3, }, { name: "sm", scrollable: true, visibleSlides: 2, }, { scrollable: true, visibleSlides: 1, }, ]; const FREE_PORTAL_BREAKPOINTS = [ { name: "xl", scrollable: true, visibleSlides: 4, }, ...PAID_PORTAL_BREAKPOINTS, ]; const PlanSummaryItem = ({ children }) => (
  • {children}
  • ); const Description = styled.div` display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 4; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; overflow: hidden; flex-shrink: 0; height: 6rem; `; const Price = ({ price }) => (

    $ {price}

    per month

    ); const bandwidth = (value) => `${bytes(value, { bits: true })}/s`; const storage = (value) => bytes(value, { binary: true }); const localizedNumber = (value) => value.toLocaleString(); const PlansSlider = () => { const { user, error: userError } = useUser(); const { plans, loading, activePlan, error: plansError } = useActivePlan(user); const { settings } = usePortalSettings(); if (userError || plansError) { return (


    Something went wrong, please try again later.

    ); } return (
    Upgrade {settings.isSubscriptionRequired && !activePlan && (

    This Skynet portal requires a paid subscription.

    If you're not ready for that yet, you can use your account on{" "} {" "} to store up to 100GB for free.

    )} {!loading && ( { const isHigherThanCurrent = plan.tier > activePlan?.tier; const isCurrent = plan.tier === activePlan?.tier; return (


    {plan.limits && (
      Pin up to {storage(plan.limits.storageLimit)} of censorship-resistant storage Support for up to {localizedNumber(plan.limits.maxNumberUploads)} files {bandwidth(plan.limits.uploadBandwidth)} upload bandwidth {bandwidth(plan.limits.downloadBandwidth)} download bandwidth
    ); })} breakpoints={settings.isSubscriptionRequired ? PAID_PORTAL_BREAKPOINTS : FREE_PORTAL_BREAKPOINTS} className="px-8 sm:px-4 md:px-0 lg:px-0" /> )}
    ); }; const UpgradePage = () => ( ); UpgradePage.Layout = DashboardLayout; export default UpgradePage;