#!/bin/bash # The dc command is an alias to docker-compose which also scans the current portal configuration (as defined in .env) # and selects the right docker-compose files to include in the operation. You can use the command in the same way you # would use docker-compose with the only difference being that you don't need to specify compose files. For more # information you can run `./dc` or `./dc help`. if [ -f .env ]; then OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for x in $(grep -v '^#.*' .env); do export $x; done IFS=$OLD_IFS fi # include base docker compose file COMPOSE_FILES="-f docker-compose.yml" for i in $(seq 1 ${#PORTAL_MODULES}); do # accounts module - alias "a" if [[ ${PORTAL_MODULES:i-1:1} == "a" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILES+=" -f docker-compose.mongodb.yml -f docker-compose.accounts.yml" fi # blocker module - alias "b" if [[ ${PORTAL_MODULES:i-1:1} == "b" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILES+=" -f docker-compose.mongodb.yml -f docker-compose.blocker.yml" fi # jaeger module - alias "j" if [[ ${PORTAL_MODULES:i-1:1} == "j" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILES+=" -f docker-compose.jaeger.yml" fi # malware-scanner module - alias "s" if [[ ${PORTAL_MODULES:i-1:1} == "s" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILES+=" -f docker-compose.blocker.yml -f docker-compose.mongodb.yml -f docker-compose.malware-scanner.yml" fi # mongodb module - alias "m" if [[ ${PORTAL_MODULES:i-1:1} == "m" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILES+=" -f docker-compose.mongodb.yml" fi done # override file if exists if [[ -f docker-compose.override.yml ]]; then COMPOSE_FILES+=" -f docker-compose.override.yml" fi docker-compose $COMPOSE_FILES $@