Version Scheme -------------- Skynet Webportal uses the following versioning scheme, vX.X.X - First Digit signifies a major (compatibility breaking) release - Second Digit signifies a major (non compatibility breaking) release - Third Digit signifies a minor or patch release Version History --------------- Latest: ## Sep 21, 2021: ### deploy-2021-09-21 **Key Updates** - Change skyd 307 redirect code to 308 - Set caddy dns entry ttl limit to 15 minutes to remove stranded entries. - Update health check disable command to require reason. - Add proper handling for options response on /skynet/tus endpoint **Bugs Fixed** - Fix extended checks error by rounding the reported datetime. **Other** - Remove outdated references to NebulousLabs ## August 9th, 2021: ### v0.1.1 Monthly release ## March 24th, 2021: ### v0.1.0 Initial versioned release