# Define action name, description, and inputs name: "Python Flake8 Lint" description: "Lint python code with flake8" # Define action steps runs: using: "composite" steps: - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: "3.x" architecture: x64 - run: pip install flake8 shell: bash # E203: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E203.html - Whitespace before ':' # E501: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E501.html - Line too long # W503: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/W503.html - Line break occurred before a binary operator # W605: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/W605.html - Invalid escape sequence # E722: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E722.html - Do not use bare except, specify exception instead - run: flake8 --max-line-length 88 --ignore E203,E501,W503,W605,E722 shell: bash