const express = require("express"); const punycode = require("punycode"); const NodeCache = require("node-cache"); const { NodeClient } = require("hs-client"); const host = process.env.HOSTNAME || ""; const port = Number(process.env.PORT) || 3100; const hsdNetworkType = process.env.HSD_NETWORK || "main"; const hsdHost = process.env.HSD_HOST || "localhost"; const hsdPort = Number(process.env.HSD_PORT) || 12037; const hsdApiKey = process.env.HSD_API_KEY || "foo"; const clientOptions = { network: hsdNetworkType, host: hsdHost, port: hsdPort, apiKey: hsdApiKey, }; const client = new NodeClient(clientOptions); const cache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 300 }); // cache for 5 minutes // Match both `sia://HASH` and `HASH` links. const startsWithSkylinkRegExp = /^(sia:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{46}/; const registryEntryRegExp = /^skyns:\/\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9%]+)\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9%]+)$/; const getDomainRecords = async (name) => { if (cache.has(name)) return cache.get(name); const response = await client.execute("getnameresource", [name]); const records = response?.records ?? null; console.log(`${name} => ${JSON.stringify(records)}`); cache.set(name, records); return records; }; const findSkynetCompatibleRecord = (records) => { // Find the last one, so people can update their domains in a non-destructive // way by simply adding a new link. This will also allow keeping links to // older versions for backwards compatibility. return records ?.slice() .reverse() .find(({ txt }) => txt?.some((entry) => isValidSkylink(entry) || isValidRegistryEntry(entry))); }; const createResponseFromCompatibleRecord = (record) => { const skylink = record?.txt?.find((entry) => isValidSkylink(entry)); if (skylink) return { skylink }; const entry = record?.txt?.find((entry) => isValidRegistryEntry(entry)); if (entry) { const match = entry.match(registryEntryRegExp); if (match) return { registry: { publickey: decodeURIComponent(match.groups.publickey), datakey: decodeURIComponent(match.groups.datakey), }, }; } throw new Error(`No skylink in record: ${JSON.stringify(record)}`); }; const resolveDomainHandler = async (req, res) => { try { const domain = punycode.toASCII(; const records = await getDomainRecords(domain); if (!records) return res.status(404).send(`No records found for ${domain}`); const record = findSkynetCompatibleRecord(records); if (!record) throw new Error(`No skynet compatible records found in dns records of ${domain}`); return res.json(createResponseFromCompatibleRecord(record)); } catch (error) { res.status(500).send(`Handshake error: ${error.message}`); } }; // Checks if the given string is a valid Sia link. function isValidSkylink(value) { return Boolean(value && value.match(startsWithSkylinkRegExp)); } // Checks if given string is a valid skynet registry entry function isValidRegistryEntry(value) { return Boolean(value && value.match(registryEntryRegExp)); } const server = express(); server.get("/hnsres/:name", resolveDomainHandler); server.listen(port, host, (error) => { if (error) throw error;`API will look for HSD Server at ${hsdHost}:${hsdPort}, "${hsdNetworkType}" network.`);`Server listening at http://${host}:${port}`); });