import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect } from "react"; import bytes from "bytes"; import classNames from "classnames"; import { getReasonPhrase, StatusCodes } from "http-status-codes"; import path from "path-browserify"; import { useDropzone } from "react-dropzone"; import { Button, UploadFile } from "../"; import { Deco3, Deco4, Deco5, Folder, DownArrow } from "../../svg"; import "./HomeUpload.scss"; import AppContext from "../../AppContext"; import { SkynetClient, parseSkylink } from "skynet-js"; const isValidSkylink = (skylink) => { try { parseSkylink(skylink); // try to parse the skylink, it will throw on error } catch (error) { return false; } return true; }; const getFilePath = (file) => file.webkitRelativePath || file.path ||; const getRelativeFilePath = (file) => { const filePath = getFilePath(file); const { root, dir, base } = path.parse(filePath); const relative = path.normalize(dir).slice(root.length).split(path.sep).slice(1); return path.join(...relative, base); }; const getRootDirectory = (file) => { const filePath = getFilePath(file); const { root, dir } = path.parse(filePath); return path.normalize(dir).slice(root.length).split(path.sep)[0]; }; const createUploadErrorMessage = (error) => { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls out of the range of 2xx if (error.response) { if ( { return `Upload failed with error: ${}`; } const statusCode = error.response.status; const statusText = getReasonPhrase(error.response.status); return `Upload failed, our server received your request but failed with status code: ${statusCode} ${statusText}`; } // The request was made but no response was received. The best we can do is detect whether browser is online. // This will be triggered mostly if the server is offline or misconfigured and doesn't respond to valid request. if (error.request) { if (!navigator.onLine) { return "You are offline, please connect to the internet and try again"; } // TODO: We should add a note "our team has been notified" and have some kind of notification with this error. return "Server failed to respond to your request, please try again later."; } // TODO: We should add a note "our team has been notified" and have some kind of notification with this error. return `Critical error, please refresh the application and try again. ${error.message}`; }; export default function HomeUpload() { const [files, setFiles] = useState([]); const [skylink, setSkylink] = useState(""); const { apiUrl } = useContext(AppContext); const [directoryMode, setDirectoryMode] = useState(false); const client = new SkynetClient(apiUrl); useEffect(() => { if (directoryMode) { inputRef.current.setAttribute("webkitdirectory", "true"); } else { inputRef.current.removeAttribute("webkitdirectory"); } }, [directoryMode]); const handleDrop = async (acceptedFiles) => { if (directoryMode && acceptedFiles.length) { const rootDir = getRootDirectory(acceptedFiles[0]); // get the file path from the first file acceptedFiles = [{ name: rootDir, directory: true, files: acceptedFiles }]; } setFiles((previousFiles) => [ => ({ file, status: "uploading" })), ...previousFiles]); const onFileStateChange = (file, state) => { setFiles((previousFiles) => { const index = previousFiles.findIndex((f) => f.file === file); return [ ...previousFiles.slice(0, index), { ...previousFiles[index], ...state, }, ...previousFiles.slice(index + 1), ]; }); }; acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => { const onUploadProgress = (progress) => { const status = progress === 1 ? "processing" : "uploading"; onFileStateChange(file, { status, progress }); }; // Reject files larger than our hard limit of 1 GB with proper message if (file.size > bytes("1 GB")) { onFileStateChange(file, { status: "error", error: "This file size exceeds the maximum allowed size of 1 GB." }); return; } const upload = async () => { try { let response; if ( { const directory = file.files.reduce((acc, file) => ({ ...acc, [getRelativeFilePath(file)]: file }), {}); response = await client.uploadDirectory(directory, encodeURIComponent(, { onUploadProgress }); } else { response = await client.uploadFile(file, { onUploadProgress }); } onFileStateChange(file, { status: "complete", url: client.getSkylinkUrl(response) }); } catch (error) { if (error.response && error.response.status === StatusCodes.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS) { onFileStateChange(file, { progress: -1 }); return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(upload()), 3000)); } onFileStateChange(file, { status: "error", error: createUploadErrorMessage(error) }); } }; upload(); }); }; const { getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive, inputRef } = useDropzone({ onDrop: handleDrop }); const handleSkylink = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // only try to open a valid skylink if (isValidSkylink(skylink)) { client.openFile(skylink); } }; return (

Upload your {directoryMode ? "Directory" : "Files"}

Drop your {directoryMode ? "directory" : "files"} here to pin to Skynet
{directoryMode && (

Please note that directory upload is not a standard browser feature and the browser support is limited. To check whether your browser is compatible, visit{" "} .


Paste the link to retrieve your file

setSkylink(} />
{files.length > 0 && (
{, i) => { return ; })}

Upon uploading a file, Skynet generates a 46 byte link called a Skylink. This link can then be shared with anyone to retrieve the file on any Skynet Webportal.

); }