# Skynet Portal ## Latest Setup Documentation Latest Skynet Webportal setup documentation and the setup process Skynet Labs supports is located at https://docs.siasky.net/webportal-management/overview. Some scripts and setup documentation contained in this repository (`skynet-webportal`) may be outdated and generally should not be used. ## Web application Change current directory with `cd packages/website`. Use `yarn start` to start the development server. Use `yarn build` to compile the application to `/public` directory. You can use the below build parameters to customize your web application. - development example `GATSBY_API_URL=https://siasky.dev yarn start` - production example `GATSBY_API_URL=https://siasky.net yarn build` List of available parameters: - `GATSBY_API_URL`: override api url (defaults to location origin) ## License Skynet uses a custom [License](./LICENSE.md). The Skynet License is a source code license that allows you to use, modify and distribute the software, but you must preserve the payment mechanism in the software. For the purposes of complying with our code license, you can use the following Siacoin address: `fb6c9320bc7e01fbb9cd8d8c3caaa371386928793c736837832e634aaaa484650a3177d6714a` ## Running a Portal For those interested in running a Webportal, head over to our developer docs [here](https://portal-docs.skynetlabs.com/) to learn more. ## Contributing ### Testing Your Code Before pushing your code, you should verify that it will pass our online test suite. **Cypress Tests** Verify the Cypress test suite by doing the following: 1. In one terminal screen run `GATSBY_API_URL=https://siasky.net website serve` 1. In a second terminal screen run `yarn cypress run`