# Skynet Portal Setup Scripts This directory contains a setup guide and scripts that will install and configure some basic requirements for running a Skynet Portal. The assumption is that we are working with a Debian Buster Minimal system or similar. ## Initial Setup (Assumes we are logged in as root on a fresh installation of Debian) You may want to fork this repository and add your ssh pubkey to `authorized_keys` and optionally edit the `tmux` and `bash` configurations. 0. SSH in a freshly installed Debian machine. 1. `apt-get update && apt-get install sudo` 1. `adduser user` 1. `usermod -a -G sudo user` 1. Quit the ssh session. You a can now ssh into your machine as the user `user`. 5. On your local machine: `ssh-copy-id user@ip-addr` 6. On your local machine: `ssh user@ip-addr` 7. Now logged in as `user`: `sudo apt-get install git` 8. `git clone https://github.com/NebulousLabs/skynet-webportal` 9. `cd skynet-webportal/setup-scripts` 10. `./setup.sh` 11. Once DNS records are set you can run: `./letsencrypt-setup.sh` 12. This should edit your nginx configuration for you. If not, you should check that keys were created by letsencrypt in `/etc/letsencrypt/live/` and add the following lines into your nginx configuration. Make sure to replace `YOUR-DOMAIN` with your domain name. ``` ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOUR-DOMAIN/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOUR-DOMAIN/privkey.pem; ``` 13. Finally make sure to check your nginx conf and reload nginx: `sudo nginx -t` `sudo systemctl reload nginx` ## Running siad NOTE: You must be running `siad` and `siac` by building from a version at least as recent as `v1.4.3`. You still need to setup `siad` for the backend to be complete. 1. `cd ~/; mkdir siad` 2. `nohup siad &>/dev/null &` This will start syncing `siad` in the background. ## Portal Setup When `siad` is done syncing, create a new wallet and unlock the wallet. Then set an allowance (`siac renter setallowance`), with the suggested values below: - 10 KS (keep 25 KS in your wallet) - default period - default number of hosts - 8 week renewal time - 500 GB expected storage - 500 GB expected upload - 5 TB expected download - default redundancy Once your allowance is set you need to set your node to be a viewnode with the following command: `siac renter setallowance --payment-contract-initial-funding 10SC` Now your node will begin making 10 contracts per block with many hosts so it can potentially view the whole network's files. ## Running the Portal Make sure you have [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) and [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install) installed. You can check that with `node -v` and `yarn -v` commands respectively. - run `cd /home/user/skynet-webportal` - run `yarn` to build dependencies - run `yarn build` to build the client package Client package will be outputted to `/build` and nginx configuration will pick it up automatically.