const superagent = require("superagent"); const HttpStatus = require("http-status-codes"); // uploadCheck returns the result of uploading a sample file async function uploadCheck(done) { const time = process.hrtime(); superagent .post(`http://${process.env.PORTAL_URL}/skynet/skyfile`) .attach("file", "package.json", "package.json") .end((err, res) => { const statusCode = (res && res.statusCode) || (err && err.statusCode) || null; done({ name: "upload_file", up: statusCode === HttpStatus.OK, statusCode, time: catchRequestTime(time), critical: true, }); }); } // downloadCheck returns the result of downloading the hard coded link function downloadCheck(done) { const time = process.hrtime(); const skylink = "AACogzrAimYPG42tDOKhS3lXZD8YvlF8Q8R17afe95iV2Q"; superagent.get(`http://${process.env.PORTAL_URL}/${skylink}?nocache=true`).end((err, res) => { const statusCode = (res && res.statusCode) || (err && err.statusCode) || null; done({ name: "download_file", up: statusCode === HttpStatus.OK, statusCode, time: catchRequestTime(time), critical: true, }); }); } // catchRequestTime records the time it took to resolve the request in // milliseconds function catchRequestTime(start) { const diff = process.hrtime(start); return Math.round((diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1e6); // msec } module.exports.basicChecks = [uploadCheck, downloadCheck]; module.exports.catchRequestTime = catchRequestTime;