import * as React from "react"; // import { StaticImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"; import Layout from "../components/Layout/Layout"; import SEO from "../components/seo"; import HeroStartPage from "../components/HeroStartPage/HeroStartPage"; import CommunitySection from "../components/CommunitySection"; import { ArrowRight, SkynetToolBig, SkynetUserBig, SkynetPowerBig, SkynetMonetizationSmall, SkynetPersistenceSmall, SkynetSpeedSmall, SkynetUsageSmall, SkynetSiaSmall, } from "../components/Icons"; import classnames from "classnames"; const Section = ({ children, className }) => (
Skynet apps pave the way for a new web that priorities the privacy, security, and experience of users. Join our decentralized ecosystem and revolution.
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