local _M = {}

function _M.authorization_header()
    -- read api password from env variable
    local apipassword = os.getenv("SIA_API_PASSWORD")
    -- if api password is not available as env variable, read it from disk
    if apipassword == nil or apipassword == "" then
        -- open apipassword file for reading (b flag is required for some reason)
        -- (file /etc/.sia/apipassword has to be mounted from the host system)
        local apipassword_file = io.open("/data/sia/apipassword", "rb")
        -- read apipassword file contents and trim newline (important)
        apipassword = apipassword_file:read("*all"):gsub("%s+", "")
        -- make sure to close file after reading the password
    -- encode the user:password authorization string
    -- (in our case user is empty so it is just :password)
    local content = require("ngx.base64").encode_base64url(":" .. apipassword)
    -- set authorization header with proper base64 encoded string
    return "Basic " .. content

return _M