import * as React from "react"; import { Section, SectionTitle, CardWithDescription, CardWithTitle } from "../components/Layout"; import { Carousel } from "../components/Carousel/Carousel"; import Seo from "../components/seo"; import CommunitySection from "../components/CommunitySection"; import Uploader from "../components/Uploader"; import { ArrowRight } from "../components/Icons"; import SkynetToolBig from "../components/Icons/SkynetToolBig.svg"; import SkynetUserBig from "../components/Icons/SkynetUserBig.svg"; import SkynetPowerBig from "../components/Icons/SkynetPowerBig.svg"; import SkynetMonetizationSmall from "../components/Icons/SkynetMonetizationSmall.svg"; import SkynetPersistenceSmall from "../components/Icons/SkynetPersistenceSmall.svg"; import SkynetSpeedSmall from "../components/Icons/SkynetSpeedSmall.svg"; import SkynetUsageSmall from "../components/Icons/SkynetUsageSmall.svg"; import SkynetSiaSmall from "../components/Icons/SkynetSiaSmall.svg"; import Link from "../components/Link"; const etosCards = [ { src: SkynetToolBig, title: "Build a better web", alt: "The top of a wrench and a cube representing a new kind of Internet", }, { src: SkynetUserBig, title: "Fight corporate control
of user data", alt: "Symbol of a strong person stretching arms out of screen", }, { src: SkynetPowerBig, title: "Empower global citizens", alt: "Symbol of a fist in the air", }, ]; const ecosystemCards = [ { src: SkynetUsageSmall, title: "Easy to use", text: "Decentralized storage without needing to run a node or wallet. Skynet also includes SDKs for popular programming languages and APIs that integrate seamlessly with your existing apps.", alt: "Image of a finger pushing a button", }, { src: SkynetSpeedSmall, title: "Fast", text: "Skynet's speeds rival centralized providers and surpass all decentralized offerings. A typical Skynet download starts in under 500 ms and can stream at rates as high as 1 Gbps!", alt: "Image of a speedometer", }, { src: SkynetSiaSmall, title: "Free to use", text: "Focus on building, not overhead server costs. When users own their data, developers aren't asked to pay for it.", alt: "Image of a server database and a shield", }, { src: SkynetMonetizationSmall, title: "Monetization", text: "Profit directly from the success of your skapp. Now you can truly prioritize your users, instead of advertisers.", alt: "Image of a coin symbol", }, { src: SkynetPersistenceSmall, title: "Persistence", text: "Your skapp and data stay live, even if corporations pull your access to their resources. You can also use Skynet as a failover site for when centralized providers go down.", alt: "Abstract image of a shield and a graph line", }, ]; const IndexPage = () => { return ( <>

Decentralized Internet
for a Free Future

Skynet is a hosting platform that makes it easy to join the decentralized internet movement. Start your free account today. Skynet is a hosting platform that makes it easy to join the decentralized internet movement. Start your free account today.

The new decentralized internet is here
{, index) => ( ))}

Skynet apps pave the way for a new web that prioritizes the privacy, security, and experience of users. Join our decentralized internet ecosystem and revolution.

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{, index) => ( ))}
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); }; export default IndexPage;