import { getReasonPhrase } from "http-status-codes"; import humanBytes from "../../lib/humanBytes"; export default function buildUploadErrorMessage(error) { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls out of the range of 2xx if (error.response) { if ( { return `Upload failed with error: ${}`; } const statusCode = error.response.status; const statusText = getReasonPhrase(error.response.status); return `Upload failed, our server received your request but failed with status code: ${statusCode} ${statusText}`; } // The request was made but no response was received. The best we can do is detect whether browser is online. // This will be triggered mostly if the server is offline or misconfigured and doesn't respond to valid request. if (error.request) { if (!navigator.onLine) { return "You are offline, please connect to the internet and try again"; } // TODO: We should add a note "our team has been notified" and have some kind of notification with this error. return "Server failed to respond to your request, please try again later."; } // Match the error message to a message returned by TUS when upload exceeds max file size const matchTusMaxFileSizeError = error.message.match(/upload exceeds maximum size: \d+ > (?\d+)/); if (matchTusMaxFileSizeError) { return `File exceeds size limit of ${humanBytes(matchTusMaxFileSizeError.groups.limit, { precision: 0 })}`; } // TODO: We should add a note "our team has been notified" and have some kind of notification with this error. return `Critical error, please refresh the application and try again. ${error.message}`; }