import { Panel } from "./Panel"; export default { title: "SkynetLibrary/Panel", component: Panel, decorators: [ (Story) => (
), ], }; const SampleContent = () => ( <>

This is the first paragraph

This is the second paragraph

This is the third paragraph

); const Template = (args) => ( ); export const RawPanel = Template.bind({}); RawPanel.args = {}; export const TitledPanel = Template.bind({}); TitledPanel.args = { title: "Latest activity", }; export const InlinePanelsExample = () => (
); export const FullWidthPanelsExample = () => ( <> ); export const CustomPanelBackground = Template.bind({}); CustomPanelBackground.args = { className: "bg-red-500", title: "Background below should be red", };