import * as React from "react";
import classnames from "classnames";
import { Add, Cloud, ArrowUpCircle, CheckCircle } from "../Icons";
import bytes from "bytes";
import classNames from "classnames";
import { getReasonPhrase, StatusCodes } from "http-status-codes";
import path from "path-browserify";
import { useDropzone } from "react-dropzone";
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";
const getFilePath = (file) => file.webkitRelativePath || file.path ||;
const getRelativeFilePath = (file) => {
const filePath = getFilePath(file);
const { root, dir, base } = path.parse(filePath);
const relative = path.normalize(dir).slice(root.length).split(path.sep).slice(1);
return path.join(...relative, base);
const getRootDirectory = (file) => {
const filePath = getFilePath(file);
const { root, dir } = path.parse(filePath);
return path.normalize(dir).slice(root.length).split(path.sep)[0];
const createUploadErrorMessage = (error) => {
// The request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls out of the range of 2xx
if (error.response) {
if ( {
return `Upload failed with error: ${}`;
const statusCode = error.response.status;
const statusText = getReasonPhrase(error.response.status);
return `Upload failed, our server received your request but failed with status code: ${statusCode} ${statusText}`;
// The request was made but no response was received. The best we can do is detect whether browser is online.
// This will be triggered mostly if the server is offline or misconfigured and doesn't respond to valid request.
if (error.request) {
if (!navigator.onLine) {
return "You are offline, please connect to the internet and try again";
// TODO: We should add a note "our team has been notified" and have some kind of notification with this error.
return "Server failed to respond to your request, please try again later.";
// TODO: We should add a note "our team has been notified" and have some kind of notification with this error.
return `Critical error, please refresh the application and try again. ${error.message}`;
const client = new SkynetClient("");
const UploadElement = ({ file, progress, status, url }) => {
const handleCopy = (url) => {
return (