import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import styled from "styled-components"; /** * Primary UI component for user interaction */ export const Button = styled.button.attrs(({ disabled, $primary }) => ({ type: "button", className: `px-6 py-2.5 rounded-full font-sans uppercase text-xs tracking-wide text-palette-600 transition-[filter] ${$primary ? "bg-primary" : "bg-white border-2 border-black"} ${disabled ? "saturate-50 brightness-125 cursor-default text-palette-400" : "hover:brightness-90"}`, }))``; Button.propTypes = { /** * Is this the principal call to action on the page? */ $primary: PropTypes.bool, /** * Prevent interaction on the button */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, }; Button.defaultProps = { $primary: false, disabled: false, };