#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import io import json import os import re import sys import traceback from datetime import datetime, timedelta import discord import pytz.reference import requests from bot_utils import setup, send_msg from tzlocal import get_localzone """ health-checker reads the /health-check endpoint of the portal and dispatches messages to a Discord channel. """ # Get the number of hours to look back in the logs or use 1 as default. CHECK_HOURS = 1 if len(sys.argv) > 3: CHECK_HOURS = int(sys.argv[3]) # Discord messages have a limit on their length set at 2000 bytes. We use # a lower limit in order to leave some space for additional message text. DISCORD_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1900 GB = 1 << 30 # 1 GiB in bytes # We are going to issue Discord warnings if the free space on a server falls # under this threshold. FREE_DISK_SPACE_THRESHOLD = 50 * GB bot_token = setup() client = discord.Client() # exit_after kills the script if it hasn't exited on its own after `delay` seconds async def exit_after(delay): await asyncio.sleep(delay) os._exit(0) @client.event async def on_ready(): await run_checks() asyncio.create_task(exit_after(3)) async def run_checks(): print("Running Skynet portal health checks") try: await check_load_average() await check_disk() await check_health() except: trace = traceback.format_exc() print("[DEBUG] run_checks() failed.") if len(trace) < DISCORD_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: await send_msg(client, "```\n{}\n```".format(trace), force_notify=False) else: await send_msg(client, "Failed to run the portal health checks!", file=discord.File(io.BytesIO(trace.encode()), filename="failed_checks.log"), force_notify=True) # check_load_average monitors the system's load average value and issues a # warning message if it exceeds 10. async def check_load_average(): uptime_string = os.popen("uptime").read().strip() if sys.platform == "Darwin": pattern = "^.*load averages: \d*\.\d* \d*\.\d* (\d*\.\d*)$" else: pattern = "^.*load average: \d*\.\d*, \d*\.\d*, (\d*\.\d*)$" load_av = re.match(pattern, uptime_string).group(1) if float(load_av) > 10: await send_msg(client, "High system load detected: `uptime: {}`".format(uptime_string), force_notify=True) # check_disk checks the amount of free space on the /home partition and issues # a warning message if it's under FREE_DISK_SPACE_THRESHOLD GB. async def check_disk(): # We check free disk space in 1024 byte units, so it's easy to convert. df = os.popen("df --block-size=1024").read().strip() volumes = {} for line in df.split("\n")[1:]: fields = list(filter(None, line.split(" "))) # -1 is "mounted on", 3 is "available space" in KiB which we want in bytes volumes[fields[-1]] = fields[3] * 1024 # List of mount point, longest to shortest. We'll use that to find the best # fit for the volume we want to check. mount_points = sorted(volumes.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) wd = os.popen("pwd").read().strip() vol = "" for mp in mount_points: if wd.startswith(mp): vol = mp break if vol == "": msg = "Failed to check free disk space! Didn't find a suitable mount point to check.\ndf output:\n{}".format(df) await send_msg(client, msg) return if int(volumes[vol]) < FREE_DISK_SPACE_THRESHOLD: free_space_gb = "{:.2f}".format(int(volumes[vol]) / GB) await send_msg(client, "WARNING! Low disk space: {}GiB".format(free_space_gb), force_notify=True) return # check_health checks /health-check endpoint and reports recent issues async def check_health(): print("\nChecking portal health status...") try: res = requests.get("http://localhost/health-check", verify=False) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() print("[DEBUG] check_health() failed.") if len(trace) < DISCORD_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: await send_msg(client, "```\n{}\n```".format(trace), force_notify=False) else: await send_msg(client, "Failed to run the checks!", file=discord.File(io.BytesIO(trace.encode()), filename="failed_checks.log"), force_notify=True) return # Check the health records. passed_checks = 0 failed_checks = 0 failed_critical = 0 failed_records = [] time_limit_unaware = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=CHECK_HOURS) # local time time_limit = time_limit_unaware.astimezone(get_localzone()) # time with time zone for rec in res.json(): time_unaware = datetime.strptime(rec['date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') # time in UTC time = pytz.utc.localize(time_unaware) # time with time zone if time < time_limit: continue bad = False for check in rec['checks']: if check['up'] == False: bad = True failed_checks += 1 if check['critical']: failed_critical += 1 if bad: # We append the entire record, so we can get the full context. failed_records.append(rec) passed_checks += 1 checks = passed_checks + failed_checks if len(failed_records) > 0: message = "Found {}/{} failed checks ({} critical) over the last {} hours!".format(failed_checks, checks, failed_critical, CHECK_HOURS) file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(json.dumps(failed_records, indent=2).encode()), filename="failed_checks.log") notifyTeam = failed_critical > 0 await send_msg(client, message, file=file, force_notify=notifyTeam) return # Send an informational heartbeat if all checks passed but only if it's in # the first CHECK_HOURS hours of the day, essentially the first call. if datetime.now().hour < CHECK_HOURS: await send_msg(client, "Health checks passed: {}/{}\n".format(passed_checks, checks)) client.run(bot_token)