# Skynet Portal Setup Scripts This directory contains a setup guide and scripts that will install and configure some basic requirements for running a Skynet Portal. The assumption is that we are working with a Debian Buster Minimal system or similar. ## Initial Setup (Assumes we are logged in as root on a fresh installation of Debian) 1. `apt-get update && apt-get install sudo` 2. `adduser user` 3. `usermod -a -G sudo user` 4. QUIT SSH SESSION 5. ON LOCAL COMPUTER: `ssh-copy-id user@ip-addr` 6. ON LOCAL COMPUTER: `ssh user@ip-addr` 7. (LOGGED IN AS USER): `sudo apt-get install git` 8. `git clone https://github.com/NebulousLabs/skynet-webportal` 9. `cd skynet-webportal/setup-scripts` 10. Add ssh pubkeys to `authorized_keys` file. 11. `./setup.sh` 12. Once DNS records are set you can run: `./letsencrypt-setup.sh`