# Skynet Webportal Scripts This package contains useful scripts for managing a Skynet Webportal. ## Available Scripts **blocklist-skylink.sh**\ The `blocklist-skylink.sh` script adds a skylink to the blocklist on all servers. **maintenance-upgrade.sh**\ The `maintenance-upgrade.sh` script upgrades the docker images for nodes on a maintenance server. **portal-down.sh**\ The `portal-down.sh` script takes a portal out of the load balancer by disabling the health check. **portal-restart.sh**\ The `portal-restart.sh` script restarts a portal by taking it out of the load balancer, restarting the docker containers, and adding the portal back to the load balancer. **portal-up.sh**\ The `portal-up.sh` script puts a portal back into the load balancer by enabling the health check. **portal-upgrade.**\ The `portal-upgrade.sh` script upgrades the docker images for a portal and clears and leftover images. ## Webportal Upgrade Procedures TODO... 1. 1 server upgraded at a time 1. Clusters of servers upgraded at a time 1. How to safetly revert to previous stable version. Document what those versions were. 1. Upgrading single subsystem 1. Upgrading multiple subsystems