Extend web portal health check to have basic and verbose checks

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Sevey 2020-08-14 11:46:38 -04:00
parent 0fdf1ec86a
commit 84282d4cc6
4 changed files with 321 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const superagent = require("superagent");
const HttpStatus = require("http-status-codes");
// uploadCheck returns the result of uploading a sample file
async function uploadCheck(done) {
const time = process.hrtime();
@ -15,10 +16,12 @@ async function uploadCheck(done) {
up: statusCode === HttpStatus.OK,
time: catchRequestTime(time),
critical: true,
// downloadCheck returns the result of downloading the hard coded link
function downloadCheck(done) {
const time = process.hrtime();
const skylink = "AACogzrAimYPG42tDOKhS3lXZD8YvlF8Q8R17afe95iV2Q";
@ -31,14 +34,18 @@ function downloadCheck(done) {
up: statusCode === HttpStatus.OK,
time: catchRequestTime(time),
critical: true,
// catchRequestTime records the time it took to resolve the request in
// milliseconds
function catchRequestTime(start) {
const diff = process.hrtime(start);
return Math.round((diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1e6); // msec
module.exports.checks = [uploadCheck, downloadCheck];
module.exports.basicChecks = [uploadCheck, downloadCheck];
module.exports.catchRequestTime = catchRequestTime;

View File

@ -2,31 +2,42 @@ const HttpStatus = require("http-status-codes");
const { sum, sumBy } = require("lodash");
const db = require("./db");
// getStatus returns the server's current health check status
function getStatus() {
// Grab entry element from DB
const entry = db.get("entries").orderBy("date", "desc").head().value();
if (entry && entry.checks.every(({ up }) => up)) {
// Check that every critical check entry is up
if (entry && entry.checks.every(({ up, critical }) => up && critical)) {
return HttpStatus.OK;
// At least one check failed
// getTimeout returns the average time out from a sample of 10 health check
// entries.
function getTimeout() {
// Check status of the Health Check
if (getStatus() === HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) {
return 0;
// Grab 10 entries from the database as a sample to determine the average
// timeout for the server.
const sample = db
.orderBy("date", "desc")
.filter(({ checks }) => checks.every(({ up }) => up))
.filter(({ checks }) => checks.every(({ up, critical }) => up && critical))
// Return average timeout
return Math.round(sum(sample.map(({ checks }) => sumBy(checks, "time"))) / sample.size);
// getEntriesSinceYesterday gets the health check entries since yesterday
function getEntriesSinceYesterday() {
const yesterday = new Date();

View File

@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
const schedule = require("node-schedule");
const db = require("./db");
const { checks } = require("./checks");
const { basicChecks } = require("./basicChecks");
const { verboseChecks } = require("./verboseChecks");
// execute the health-check script every 5 mintues
const job = schedule.scheduleJob("*/5 * * * *", async () => {
// execute the basic health-check script every 5 minutes
const basicJob = schedule.scheduleJob("*/5 * * * *", async () => {
const entry = { date: new Date().toISOString(), checks: [] };
entry.checks = await Promise.all(checks.map((check) => new Promise(check)));
entry.checks = await Promise.all(basicChecks.map((check) => new Promise(check)));
// execute the verbose health-check script once a day at 3am
const verboseJob = schedule.scheduleJob("* * 3 * * *", async () => {
const entry = { date: new Date().toISOString(), checks: [] };
entry.checks = await Promise.all(verboseChecks.map((check) => new Promise(check)));
// Launch Health check jobs
setTimeout(() => {
}, 60 * 1000); // delay for 60s to give other services time to start up

View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
const superagent = require("superagent");
const HttpStatus = require("http-status-codes");
const hash = require("object-hash");
const checks = require("./basicChecks");
// audioExampleCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Example audio file on siasky.net
function audioExampleCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Audio Example",
skylink: "_A2zt5SKoqwnnZU4cBF8uBycSKULXMyeg1c5ZISBr2Q3dA",
metadataHash: "35e70208d0cf5f9ba254a2772039713be46a69d6",
bodyHash: "be335f5ad9bc357248f3d35c7e49df491afb6b12",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// dappExampleCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Example Dapp on siasky.net
function dappExampleCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Dapp Example (UniSwap)",
skylink: "EAC5HJr5Pu086EAZG4fP_r6Pnd7Ft366vt6t2AnjkoFb9Q/index.html",
metadataHash: "72ea3859b8d83b234b62e8f6e1931f969ec39402",
bodyHash: "d6ad2506590bb45b5acc6a8a964a3da4d657354f",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// developMomentumIndexFileCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Develop Momentum Application with a trailing /index.html
function developMomentumIndexFileCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Develop Momentum Index File",
skylink: "EAA1fG_ip4C1Vi1Ijvsr1oyr8jpH0Bo9HXya0T3kw-elGw/index.html",
metadataHash: "f0d06f934d28b420a77529acdb779a117a0d4cf5",
bodyHash: "53b44a9d3cfa9b3d66ce5c29976f4383725d3652",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// htmlExampleCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Example HTML file on siasky.net
function htmlExampleCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "HTML Example",
skylink: "PAL0w4SdA5rFCDGEutgpeQ50Om-YkBabtXVOJAkmedslKw",
metadataHash: "eebdbfe406466ed8bbd190127a5d5a07ada68403",
bodyHash: "c932fd56f98b6db589e56be8018817f13bb29f72",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// imageExampleCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Example image on siasky.net
function imageExampleCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Image Example",
skylink: "IADUs8d9CQjUO34LmdaaNPK_STuZo24rpKVfYW3wPPM2uQ",
metadataHash: "e77df549c8e5f41881e34c3844ec7e182a0db701",
bodyHash: "313207978d0a88bf2b961f098804e9ab0f82837f",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// jsonExampleCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Example JSON file on siasky.net
function jsonExampleCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "JSON Example",
skylink: "AAC0uO43g64ULpyrW0zO3bjEknSFbAhm8c-RFP21EQlmSQ",
metadataHash: "0e6ee84c15ee3bc848058575337303ad9958ec64",
bodyHash: "198771c3d07d5c7302aadcc0697a7298e5e8ccc3",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// pdfExampleCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Example PDF file on siasky.net
function pdfExampleCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "PDF Example",
skylink: "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg",
metadataHash: "7cb17f927c37a1c9a78221ed8b17f1af4a7299e8",
bodyHash: "9bd8162e1575569a9041972f7f62d65887063dc3",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// randomImageCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink for
// a Random Image.
function randomImageCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Random Image",
skylink: "PAHx7JmsU9EFGbqm5q0LNKT2wKfoJ_mhPI8zWlNEXZ8uOQ/",
metadataHash: "1ce51445b63d7c658b02392ca7268ea90119abd7",
bodyHash: "4c73c5a0eddd5823be677d7f93bf80cc9338ee9f",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// randomImageRedirectCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink for
// a Random Image with no trailing slash.
function randomImageRedirectCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Random Image Redirect",
skylink: "PAHx7JmsU9EFGbqm5q0LNKT2wKfoJ_mhPI8zWlNEXZ8uOQ",
metadataHash: "1ce51445b63d7c658b02392ca7268ea90119abd7",
bodyHash: "4c73c5a0eddd5823be677d7f93bf80cc9338ee9f",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyBayCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink for the SkyBay Application.
function skyBayCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyBay",
skylink: "EABkMjXzxJRpPz0eO0Or5fy2eo-rz3prdigGwRlyNd9mwA/",
metadataHash: "4b3e12932186ed6925d1c8ad2d71e0220bd957dd",
bodyHash: "25d63937c9734fb08d2749c6517d1b3de8ecb856",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyBayRedirectCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the SkyBay Application with no trailing slash.
function skyBayRedirectCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyBay Redirect",
skylink: "EABkMjXzxJRpPz0eO0Or5fy2eo-rz3prdigGwRlyNd9mwA",
metadataHash: "4b3e12932186ed6925d1c8ad2d71e0220bd957dd",
bodyHash: "25d63937c9734fb08d2749c6517d1b3de8ecb856",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyBinCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink for the SkyBin Application.
function skyBinCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyBin",
skylink: "CAAVU14pB9GRIqCrejD7rlS27HltGGiiCLICzmrBV0wVtA/",
metadataHash: "5c23ba16cd62d623bfb73e86a503d681d2ffcb24",
bodyHash: "767ec67c417e11b97c5db7dad9ea3b6b27cb0d39",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyBinRedirectCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the SkyBin Application with no trailing slash.
function skyBinRedirectCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyBin Redirect",
skylink: "CAAVU14pB9GRIqCrejD7rlS27HltGGiiCLICzmrBV0wVtA",
metadataHash: "5c23ba16cd62d623bfb73e86a503d681d2ffcb24",
bodyHash: "767ec67c417e11b97c5db7dad9ea3b6b27cb0d39",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyGalleryCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink for the SkyGallery Application.
function skyGalleryCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyGallery",
skylink: "AADW6GsQcetwDBaDYnGCSTbYjSKY743NtY1A5VRx5sj3Dg/",
metadataHash: "b17a16a3522f2877b5b9ebdcdfd98956eade8721",
bodyHash: "077e54054748d278114f1870f8045a162eb73641",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyGalleryIndexFileCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the SkyGallery Application with a trailing /index.html
function skyGalleryIndexFileCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyGallery Index File",
skylink: "AADW6GsQcetwDBaDYnGCSTbYjSKY743NtY1A5VRx5sj3Dg/index.html",
metadataHash: "203dcc63e6c3db7501822d9f0d38fab26f3dbceb",
bodyHash: "077e54054748d278114f1870f8045a162eb73641",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skyGalleryRedirectCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the SkyGallery Application with no trailing slash.
function skyGalleryRedirectCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "SkyGallery Redirect",
skylink: "AADW6GsQcetwDBaDYnGCSTbYjSKY743NtY1A5VRx5sj3Dg",
metadataHash: "b17a16a3522f2877b5b9ebdcdfd98956eade8721",
bodyHash: "077e54054748d278114f1870f8045a162eb73641",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// uniswapIndexFileCheck returns the result of trying to download the skylink
// for the Uniswap Application with a trailing /index.html
function uniswapIndexFileCheck(done) {
const linkInfo = {
description: "Uniswap Skylink Index File",
skylink: "IAC6CkhNYuWZqMVr1gob1B6tPg4MrBGRzTaDvAIAeu9A9w/index.html",
metadataHash: "5baef23f7cc138a41d945727eb862fc2cd94ae45",
bodyHash: "3965f9a7def085b3a764ddc76a528eda38d72359",
skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo);
// skylinkVerification verifies a skylink against known information provided in
// the linkInfo.
function skylinkVerification(done, linkInfo) {
const time = process.hrtime();
// Create the query for the skylink
let query = `http://${process.env.PORTAL_URL}/${linkInfo.skylink}?nocache=true`;
// Get the Skylink
.end((err, res) => {
// Record the statusCode
const statusCode = (res && res.statusCode) || (err && err.statusCode) || null;
// Determine if the skylink is up. Start with checking if there was an
// error in the request.
let up = err === null;
if (up) {
// Check if the response body is valid by checking against the known
// hash
let validBody = hash(res.body) === linkInfo.bodyHash;
// Check if the metadata is valid by checking against the known
// hash
let validMetadata = hash(res.header["skynet-file-metadata"]) === linkInfo.metadataHash;
// Redetermine if the Skylink is up based on the results from the body
// and metadata hash checks
up = up && validBody && validMetadata;
// Return the entry information
name: linkInfo.description,
up: up,
time: checks.catchRequestTime(time),
module.exports.verboseChecks = [