secret (see [Mongo's keyfile access control]( for details).
Kratos uses CockroachDB to store its data. For that data to be shared across all
nodes that comprise your portal cluster setup, we need to set up a CockroachDB
cluster, complete with secure communication.
#### Generate the certificates for secure communication
For a detailed walk-through, please check [this guide]( out.
1. Start a local cockroach docker instance:
`docker run -d -v "<local dir>:/cockroach/cockroach-secure" --name=crdb cockroachdb/cockroach start --insecure`
1. Get a shall into that instance: `docker exec -it crdb /bin/bash`
1. Go to the directory we which we mapped to a local dir: `cd /cockroach/cockroach-secure`
1. Create the subdirectories in which to create certificates and keys: `mkdir certs my-safe-directory`
1. Create the CA (Certificate Authority) certificate and key pair: `cockroach cert create-ca --certs-dir=certs --ca-key=my-safe-directory/ca.key`
1. Create a client certificate and key pair for the root user: `cockroach cert create-client root --certs-dir=certs --ca-key=my-safe-directory/ca.key`
1. Create the certificate and key pair for your nodes: `cockroach cert create-node --certs-dir=certs --ca-key=my-safe-directory/ca.key`
1. If you want to create certificates for more nodes, just delete the `node.*`
files (after you've finished the next step!) and re-run the above
command with the new node name.
1. Put the contents of the `certs` folder in `.certs/` under your portal's root
dir and store the content of `my-safe-directory` somewhere safe.
#### Configure your CockroachDB node
There is some configuration that needs to be added to your `.env`file, namely:
1. CR_NODE - the name of your node
1. CR_IP - the public IP of your node
1. CR_CLUSTER_NODES - a list of IPs and ports which make up your cluster, e.g.
`,,`. This will be
the list of nodes that will make up your cluster, so make sure those are