From e3236b557ca34a144ee319a3958b787fa964b09a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Derrick Hammer Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 09:14:50 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] chore: delete dist --- dist/ | 4166 ----------------- dist/lib.umd.js | 36 - dist/manifest.json | 11 - dist/package.json | 1 - dist/src/components/SwitchableComponent.d.ts | 19 - .../lume/LumeDashboard/LumeDashboard.d.ts | 2 - .../lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentity.d.ts | 1 - .../LumeIdentity/LumeIdentityContext.d.ts | 11 - .../lume/LumeIdentity/components.d.ts | 18 - dist/src/components/lume/LumeProvider.d.ts | 21 - dist/src/components/ui/button.d.ts | 11 - dist/src/components/ui/input.d.ts | 5 - dist/src/components/utils.d.ts | 2 - dist/src/main.d.ts | 3 - dist/style.css | 1 - 15 files changed, 4308 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 dist/ delete mode 100644 dist/lib.umd.js delete mode 100644 dist/manifest.json delete mode 100644 dist/package.json delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/SwitchableComponent.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/lume/LumeDashboard/LumeDashboard.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentity.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentityContext.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/components.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/lume/LumeProvider.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/ui/button.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/ui/input.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/components/utils.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/src/main.d.ts delete mode 100644 dist/style.css diff --git a/dist/ b/dist/ deleted file mode 100644 index df55dfb..0000000 --- a/dist/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4166 +0,0 @@ -import * as V from "react"; -import N, { useContext as F, forwardRef as ve, Children as me, isValidElement as Te, createElement as q, cloneElement as lt, Fragment as Ur, createContext as be, useLayoutEffect as Zr, useEffect as ct, useRef as H, useInsertionEffect as Ht, useCallback as et, useMemo as he, useState as Kr, useId as qt } from "react"; -var tt = { exports: {} }, Ee = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var _t; -function Xr() { - if (_t) - return Ee; - _t = 1; - var e = N, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, a = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, i = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; - function s(l, p, f) { - var d, c = {}, g = null, b = null; - f !== void 0 && (g = "" + f), p.key !== void 0 && (g = "" + p.key), p.ref !== void 0 && (b = p.ref); - for (d in p) -, d) && !i.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c[d] = p[d]); - if (l && l.defaultProps) - for (d in p = l.defaultProps, p) - c[d] === void 0 && (c[d] = p[d]); - return { $$typeof: t, type: l, key: g, ref: b, props: c, _owner: a.current }; - } - return Ee.Fragment = r, Ee.jsx = s, Ee.jsxs = s, Ee; -} -var Re = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var Ot; -function Jr() { - return Ot || (Ot = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - var e = N, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), r = Symbol.for("react.portal"), n = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), a = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), i = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), s = Symbol.for("react.provider"), l = Symbol.for("react.context"), p = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), f = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), d = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), c = Symbol.for("react.memo"), g = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), b = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), C = Symbol.iterator, E = "@@iterator"; - function A(o) { - if (o === null || typeof o != "object") - return null; - var u = C && o[C] || o[E]; - return typeof u == "function" ? u : null; - } - var O = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; - function h(o) { - { - for (var u = arguments.length, m = new Array(u > 1 ? u - 1 : 0), v = 1; v < u; v++) - m[v - 1] = arguments[v]; - M("error", o, m); - } - } - function M(o, u, m) { - { - var v = O.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, R = v.getStackAddendum(); - R !== "" && (u += "%s", m = m.concat([R])); - var T = { - return String(S); - }); - T.unshift("Warning: " + u),[o], console, T); - } - } - var D = !1, se = !1, Y = !1, le = !1, ce = !1, Z; - Z = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function ye(o) { - return !!(typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "function" || o === n || o === i || ce || o === a || o === f || o === d || le || o === b || D || se || Y || typeof o == "object" && o !== null && (o.$$typeof === g || o.$$typeof === c || o.$$typeof === s || o.$$typeof === l || o.$$typeof === p || // This needs to include all possible module reference object - // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since - // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used - // with. - o.$$typeof === Z || o.getModuleId !== void 0)); - } - function xe(o, u, m) { - var v = o.displayName; - if (v) - return v; - var R = u.displayName || || ""; - return R !== "" ? m + "(" + R + ")" : m; - } - function k(o) { - return o.displayName || "Context"; - } - function z(o) { - if (o == null) - return null; - if (typeof o.tag == "number" && h("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."), typeof o == "function") - return o.displayName || || null; - if (typeof o == "string") - return o; - switch (o) { - case n: - return "Fragment"; - case r: - return "Portal"; - case i: - return "Profiler"; - case a: - return "StrictMode"; - case f: - return "Suspense"; - case d: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof o == "object") - switch (o.$$typeof) { - case l: - var u = o; - return k(u) + ".Consumer"; - case s: - var m = o; - return k(m._context) + ".Provider"; - case p: - return xe(o, o.render, "ForwardRef"); - case c: - var v = o.displayName || null; - return v !== null ? v : z(o.type) || "Memo"; - case g: { - var R = o, T = R._payload, S = R._init; - try { - return z(S(T)); - } catch { - return null; - } - } - } - return null; - } - var W = Object.assign, K = 0, ee, we, ue, X, Ce, J, te; - function L() { - } - L.__reactDisabledLog = !0; - function Sr() { - { - if (K === 0) { - ee = console.log, we =, ue = console.warn, X = console.error, Ce =, J = console.groupCollapsed, te = console.groupEnd; - var o = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - value: L, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: o, - log: o, - warn: o, - error: o, - group: o, - groupCollapsed: o, - groupEnd: o - }); - } - K++; - } - } - function Er() { - { - if (K--, K === 0) { - var o = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: W({}, o, { - value: ee - }), - info: W({}, o, { - value: we - }), - warn: W({}, o, { - value: ue - }), - error: W({}, o, { - value: X - }), - group: W({}, o, { - value: Ce - }), - groupCollapsed: W({}, o, { - value: J - }), - groupEnd: W({}, o, { - value: te - }) - }); - } - K < 0 && h("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - var Ge = O.ReactCurrentDispatcher, De; - function Me(o, u, m) { - { - if (De === void 0) - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (R) { - var v = R.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - De = v && v[1] || ""; - } - return ` -` + De + o; - } - } - var Be = !1, je; - { - var Rr = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - je = new Rr(); - } - function bt(o, u) { - if (!o || Be) - return ""; - { - var m = je.get(o); - if (m !== void 0) - return m; - } - var v; - Be = !0; - var R = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var T; - T = Ge.current, Ge.current = null, Sr(); - try { - if (u) { - var S = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - if (Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(S, []); - } catch (U) { - v = U; - } - Reflect.construct(o, [], S); - } else { - try { -; - } catch (U) { - v = U; - } -; - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (U) { - v = U; - } - o(); - } - } catch (U) { - if (U && v && typeof U.stack == "string") { - for (var x = U.stack.split(` -`), $ = v.stack.split(` -`), _ = x.length - 1, I = $.length - 1; _ >= 1 && I >= 0 && x[_] !== $[I]; ) - I--; - for (; _ >= 1 && I >= 0; _--, I--) - if (x[_] !== $[I]) { - if (_ !== 1 || I !== 1) - do - if (_--, I--, I < 0 || x[_] !== $[I]) { - var G = ` -` + x[_].replace(" at new ", " at "); - return o.displayName && G.includes("") && (G = G.replace("", o.displayName)), typeof o == "function" && je.set(o, G), G; - } - while (_ >= 1 && I >= 0); - break; - } - } - } finally { - Be = !1, Ge.current = T, Er(), Error.prepareStackTrace = R; - } - var fe = o ? o.displayName || : "", At = fe ? Me(fe) : ""; - return typeof o == "function" && je.set(o, At), At; - } - function Pr(o, u, m) { - return bt(o, !1); - } - function kr(o) { - var u = o.prototype; - return !!(u && u.isReactComponent); - } - function Ae(o, u, m) { - if (o == null) - return ""; - if (typeof o == "function") - return bt(o, kr(o)); - if (typeof o == "string") - return Me(o); - switch (o) { - case f: - return Me("Suspense"); - case d: - return Me("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof o == "object") - switch (o.$$typeof) { - case p: - return Pr(o.render); - case c: - return Ae(o.type, u, m); - case g: { - var v = o, R = v._payload, T = v._init; - try { - return Ae(T(R), u, m); - } catch { - } - } - } - return ""; - } - var _e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, yt = {}, xt = O.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function Oe(o) { - if (o) { - var u = o._owner, m = Ae(o.type, o._source, u ? u.type : null); - xt.setExtraStackFrame(m); - } else - xt.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - function Tr(o, u, m, v, R) { - { - var T =; - for (var S in o) - if (T(o, S)) { - var x = void 0; - try { - if (typeof o[S] != "function") { - var $ = Error((v || "React class") + ": " + m + " type `" + S + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof o[S] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`."); - throw $.name = "Invariant Violation", $; - } - x = o[S](u, S, v, m, null, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"); - } catch (_) { - x = _; - } - x && !(x instanceof Error) && (Oe(R), h("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", v || "React class", m, S, typeof x), Oe(null)), x instanceof Error && !(x.message in yt) && (yt[x.message] = !0, Oe(R), h("Failed %s type: %s", m, x.message), Oe(null)); - } - } - } - var Mr = Array.isArray; - function He(o) { - return Mr(o); - } - function jr(o) { - { - var u = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag, m = u && o[Symbol.toStringTag] || || "Object"; - return m; - } - } - function Ar(o) { - try { - return wt(o), !1; - } catch { - return !0; - } - } - function wt(o) { - return "" + o; - } - function Ct(o) { - if (Ar(o)) - return h("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", jr(o)), wt(o); - } - var Se = O.ReactCurrentOwner, _r = { - key: !0, - ref: !0, - __self: !0, - __source: !0 - }, St, Et, qe; - qe = {}; - function Or(o) { - if (, "ref")) { - var u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "ref").get; - if (u && u.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return o.ref !== void 0; - } - function Ir(o) { - if (, "key")) { - var u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "key").get; - if (u && u.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return o.key !== void 0; - } - function Vr(o, u) { - if (typeof o.ref == "string" && Se.current && u && Se.current.stateNode !== u) { - var m = z(Se.current.type); - qe[m] || (h('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here:', z(Se.current.type), o.ref), qe[m] = !0); - } - } - function Lr(o, u) { - { - var m = function() { - St || (St = !0, h("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (", u)); - }; - m.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(o, "key", { - get: m, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - } - function $r(o, u) { - { - var m = function() { - Et || (Et = !0, h("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (", u)); - }; - m.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(o, "ref", { - get: m, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - } - var Nr = function(o, u, m, v, R, T, S) { - var x = { - // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element - $$typeof: t, - // Built-in properties that belong on the element - type: o, - key: u, - ref: m, - props: S, - // Record the component responsible for creating this element. - _owner: T - }; - return x._store = {}, Object.defineProperty(x._store, "validated", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - value: !1 - }), Object.defineProperty(x, "_self", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: v - }), Object.defineProperty(x, "_source", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: R - }), Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(x.props), Object.freeze(x)), x; - }; - function Fr(o, u, m, v, R) { - { - var T, S = {}, x = null, $ = null; - m !== void 0 && (Ct(m), x = "" + m), Ir(u) && (Ct(u.key), x = "" + u.key), Or(u) && ($ = u.ref, Vr(u, R)); - for (T in u) -, T) && !_r.hasOwnProperty(T) && (S[T] = u[T]); - if (o && o.defaultProps) { - var _ = o.defaultProps; - for (T in _) - S[T] === void 0 && (S[T] = _[T]); - } - if (x || $) { - var I = typeof o == "function" ? o.displayName || || "Unknown" : o; - x && Lr(S, I), $ && $r(S, I); - } - return Nr(o, x, $, R, v, Se.current, S); - } - } - var Ye = O.ReactCurrentOwner, Rt = O.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function de(o) { - if (o) { - var u = o._owner, m = Ae(o.type, o._source, u ? u.type : null); - Rt.setExtraStackFrame(m); - } else - Rt.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - var Ue; - Ue = !1; - function Ze(o) { - return typeof o == "object" && o !== null && o.$$typeof === t; - } - function Pt() { - { - if (Ye.current) { - var o = z(Ye.current.type); - if (o) - return ` - -Check the render method of \`` + o + "`."; - } - return ""; - } - } - function zr(o) { - { - if (o !== void 0) { - var u = o.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""), m = o.lineNumber; - return ` - -Check your code at ` + u + ":" + m + "."; - } - return ""; - } - } - var kt = {}; - function Wr(o) { - { - var u = Pt(); - if (!u) { - var m = typeof o == "string" ? o : o.displayName ||; - m && (u = ` - -Check the top-level render call using <` + m + ">."); - } - return u; - } - } - function Tt(o, u) { - { - if (!o._store || o._store.validated || o.key != null) - return; - o._store.validated = !0; - var m = Wr(u); - if (kt[m]) - return; - kt[m] = !0; - var v = ""; - o && o._owner && o._owner !== Ye.current && (v = " It was passed a child from " + z(o._owner.type) + "."), de(o), h('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See for more information.', m, v), de(null); - } - } - function Mt(o, u) { - { - if (typeof o != "object") - return; - if (He(o)) - for (var m = 0; m < o.length; m++) { - var v = o[m]; - Ze(v) && Tt(v, u); - } - else if (Ze(o)) - o._store && (o._store.validated = !0); - else if (o) { - var R = A(o); - if (typeof R == "function" && R !== o.entries) - for (var T =, S; !(S =; ) - Ze(S.value) && Tt(S.value, u); - } - } - } - function Gr(o) { - { - var u = o.type; - if (u == null || typeof u == "string") - return; - var m; - if (typeof u == "function") - m = u.propTypes; - else if (typeof u == "object" && (u.$$typeof === p || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here. - // Inner props are checked in the reconciler. - u.$$typeof === c)) - m = u.propTypes; - else - return; - if (m) { - var v = z(u); - Tr(m, o.props, "prop", v, o); - } else if (u.PropTypes !== void 0 && !Ue) { - Ue = !0; - var R = z(u); - h("Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", R || "Unknown"); - } - typeof u.getDefaultProps == "function" && !u.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved && h("getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead."); - } - } - function Dr(o) { - { - for (var u = Object.keys(o.props), m = 0; m < u.length; m++) { - var v = u[m]; - if (v !== "children" && v !== "key") { - de(o), h("Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.", v), de(null); - break; - } - } - o.ref !== null && (de(o), h("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."), de(null)); - } - } - function jt(o, u, m, v, R, T) { - { - var S = ye(o); - if (!S) { - var x = ""; - (o === void 0 || typeof o == "object" && o !== null && Object.keys(o).length === 0) && (x += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."); - var $ = zr(R); - $ ? x += $ : x += Pt(); - var _; - o === null ? _ = "null" : He(o) ? _ = "array" : o !== void 0 && o.$$typeof === t ? (_ = "<" + (z(o.type) || "Unknown") + " />", x = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?") : _ = typeof o, h("React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", _, x); - } - var I = Fr(o, u, m, R, T); - if (I == null) - return I; - if (S) { - var G = u.children; - if (G !== void 0) - if (v) - if (He(G)) { - for (var fe = 0; fe < G.length; fe++) - Mt(G[fe], o); - Object.freeze && Object.freeze(G); - } else - h("React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. Use the Babel transform instead."); - else - Mt(G, o); - } - return o === n ? Dr(I) : Gr(I), I; - } - } - function Br(o, u, m) { - return jt(o, u, m, !0); - } - function Hr(o, u, m) { - return jt(o, u, m, !1); - } - var qr = Hr, Yr = Br; - Re.Fragment = n, Re.jsx = qr, Re.jsxs = Yr; - }()), Re; -} -process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? tt.exports = Xr() : tt.exports = Jr(); -var P = tt.exports; -const Qr = N.createContext(void 0); -function aa() { - const e = F(Qr); - if (!e) - throw new Error("useLume must be used within a LumeProvider"); - const { lume: t } = e; - return t; -} -function $e() { - return $e = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { - for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { - var r = arguments[t]; - for (var n in r) -, n) && (e[n] = r[n]); - } - return e; - }, $e.apply(this, arguments); -} -function en(e, t) { - typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e != null && (e.current = t); -} -function tn(...e) { - return (t) => e.forEach( - (r) => en(r, t) - ); -} -const Yt = /* @__PURE__ */ ve((e, t) => { - const { children: r, ...n } = e, a = me.toArray(r), i = a.find(nn); - if (i) { - const s = i.props.children, l = => p === i ? me.count(s) > 1 ? me.only(null) : /* @__PURE__ */ Te(s) ? s.props.children : null : p); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q(rt, $e({}, n, { - ref: t - }), /* @__PURE__ */ Te(s) ? /* @__PURE__ */ lt(s, void 0, l) : null); - } - return /* @__PURE__ */ q(rt, $e({}, n, { - ref: t - }), r); -}); -Yt.displayName = "Slot"; -const rt = /* @__PURE__ */ ve((e, t) => { - const { children: r, ...n } = e; - return /* @__PURE__ */ Te(r) ? /* @__PURE__ */ lt(r, { - ...on(n, r.props), - ref: t ? tn(t, r.ref) : r.ref - }) : me.count(r) > 1 ? me.only(null) : null; -}); -rt.displayName = "SlotClone"; -const rn = ({ children: e }) => /* @__PURE__ */ q(Ur, null, e); -function nn(e) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ Te(e) && e.type === rn; -} -function on(e, t) { - const r = { - ...t - }; - for (const n in t) { - const a = e[n], i = t[n]; - /^on[A-Z]/.test(n) ? a && i ? r[n] = (...l) => { - i(...l), a(...l); - } : a && (r[n] = a) : n === "style" ? r[n] = { - ...a, - ...i - } : n === "className" && (r[n] = [ - a, - i - ].filter(Boolean).join(" ")); - } - return { - ...e, - ...r - }; -} -function Ut(e) { - var t, r, n = ""; - if (typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number") - n += e; - else if (typeof e == "object") - if (Array.isArray(e)) - for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) - e[t] && (r = Ut(e[t])) && (n && (n += " "), n += r); - else - for (t in e) - e[t] && (n && (n += " "), n += t); - return n; -} -function Zt() { - for (var e, t, r = 0, n = ""; r < arguments.length; ) - (e = arguments[r++]) && (t = Ut(e)) && (n && (n += " "), n += t); - return n; -} -const It = (e) => typeof e == "boolean" ? "".concat(e) : e === 0 ? "0" : e, Vt = Zt, an = (e, t) => (r) => { - var n; - if ((t == null ? void 0 : t.variants) == null) - return Vt(e, r == null ? void 0 : r.class, r == null ? void 0 : r.className); - const { variants: a, defaultVariants: i } = t, s = Object.keys(a).map((f) => { - const d = r == null ? void 0 : r[f], c = i == null ? void 0 : i[f]; - if (d === null) - return null; - const g = It(d) || It(c); - return a[f][g]; - }), l = r && Object.entries(r).reduce((f, d) => { - let [c, g] = d; - return g === void 0 || (f[c] = g), f; - }, {}), p = t == null || (n = t.compoundVariants) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.reduce((f, d) => { - let { class: c, className: g, ...b } = d; - return Object.entries(b).every((C) => { - let [E, A] = C; - return Array.isArray(A) ? A.includes({ - ...i, - ...l - }[E]) : { - ...i, - ...l - }[E] === A; - }) ? [ - ...f, - c, - g - ] : f; - }, []); - return Vt(e, s, p, r == null ? void 0 : r.class, r == null ? void 0 : r.className); -}; -function sn() { - for (var e = 0, t, r, n = ""; e < arguments.length; ) - (t = arguments[e++]) && (r = Kt(t)) && (n && (n += " "), n += r); - return n; -} -function Kt(e) { - if (typeof e == "string") - return e; - for (var t, r = "", n = 0; n < e.length; n++) - e[n] && (t = Kt(e[n])) && (r && (r += " "), r += t); - return r; -} -var ut = "-"; -function ln(e) { - var t = un(e), r = e.conflictingClassGroups, n = e.conflictingClassGroupModifiers, a = n === void 0 ? {} : n; - function i(l) { - var p = l.split(ut); - return p[0] === "" && p.length !== 1 && p.shift(), Xt(p, t) || cn(l); - } - function s(l, p) { - var f = r[l] || []; - return p && a[l] ? [].concat(f, a[l]) : f; - } - return { - getClassGroupId: i, - getConflictingClassGroupIds: s - }; -} -function Xt(e, t) { - var s; - if (e.length === 0) - return t.classGroupId; - var r = e[0], n = t.nextPart.get(r), a = n ? Xt(e.slice(1), n) : void 0; - if (a) - return a; - if (t.validators.length !== 0) { - var i = e.join(ut); - return (s = t.validators.find(function(l) { - var p = l.validator; - return p(i); - })) == null ? void 0 : s.classGroupId; - } -} -var Lt = /^\[(.+)\]$/; -function cn(e) { - if (Lt.test(e)) { - var t = Lt.exec(e)[1], r = t == null ? void 0 : t.substring(0, t.indexOf(":")); - if (r) - return "arbitrary.." + r; - } -} -function un(e) { - var t = e.theme, r = e.prefix, n = { - nextPart: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), - validators: [] - }, a = fn(Object.entries(e.classGroups), r); - return a.forEach(function(i) { - var s = i[0], l = i[1]; - nt(l, n, s, t); - }), n; -} -function nt(e, t, r, n) { - e.forEach(function(a) { - if (typeof a == "string") { - var i = a === "" ? t : $t(t, a); - i.classGroupId = r; - return; - } - if (typeof a == "function") { - if (dn(a)) { - nt(a(n), t, r, n); - return; - } - t.validators.push({ - validator: a, - classGroupId: r - }); - return; - } - Object.entries(a).forEach(function(s) { - var l = s[0], p = s[1]; - nt(p, $t(t, l), r, n); - }); - }); -} -function $t(e, t) { - var r = e; - return t.split(ut).forEach(function(n) { - r.nextPart.has(n) || r.nextPart.set(n, { - nextPart: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), - validators: [] - }), r = r.nextPart.get(n); - }), r; -} -function dn(e) { - return e.isThemeGetter; -} -function fn(e, t) { - return t ? { - var n = r[0], a = r[1], i = { - return typeof s == "string" ? t + s : typeof s == "object" ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(s).map(function(l) { - var p = l[0], f = l[1]; - return [t + p, f]; - })) : s; - }); - return [n, i]; - }) : e; -} -function pn(e) { - if (e < 1) - return { - get: function() { - }, - set: function() { - } - }; - var t = 0, r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - function a(i, s) { - r.set(i, s), t++, t > e && (t = 0, n = r, r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); - } - return { - get: function(s) { - var l = r.get(s); - if (l !== void 0) - return l; - if ((l = n.get(s)) !== void 0) - return a(s, l), l; - }, - set: function(s, l) { - r.has(s) ? r.set(s, l) : a(s, l); - } - }; -} -var Jt = "!"; -function mn(e) { - var t = e.separator || ":", r = t.length === 1, n = t[0], a = t.length; - return function(s) { - for (var l = [], p = 0, f = 0, d, c = 0; c < s.length; c++) { - var g = s[c]; - if (p === 0) { - if (g === n && (r || s.slice(c, c + a) === t)) { - l.push(s.slice(f, c)), f = c + a; - continue; - } - if (g === "/") { - d = c; - continue; - } - } - g === "[" ? p++ : g === "]" && p--; - } - var b = l.length === 0 ? s : s.substring(f), C = b.startsWith(Jt), E = C ? b.substring(1) : b, A = d && d > f ? d - f : void 0; - return { - modifiers: l, - hasImportantModifier: C, - baseClassName: E, - maybePostfixModifierPosition: A - }; - }; -} -function gn(e) { - if (e.length <= 1) - return e; - var t = [], r = []; - return e.forEach(function(n) { - var a = n[0] === "["; - a ? (t.push.apply(t, r.sort().concat([n])), r = []) : r.push(n); - }), t.push.apply(t, r.sort()), t; -} -function hn(e) { - return { - cache: pn(e.cacheSize), - splitModifiers: mn(e), - ...ln(e) - }; -} -var vn = /\s+/; -function bn(e, t) { - var r = t.splitModifiers, n = t.getClassGroupId, a = t.getConflictingClassGroupIds, i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - return e.trim().split(vn).map(function(s) { - var l = r(s), p = l.modifiers, f = l.hasImportantModifier, d = l.baseClassName, c = l.maybePostfixModifierPosition, g = n(c ? d.substring(0, c) : d), b = !!c; - if (!g) { - if (!c) - return { - isTailwindClass: !1, - originalClassName: s - }; - if (g = n(d), !g) - return { - isTailwindClass: !1, - originalClassName: s - }; - b = !1; - } - var C = gn(p).join(":"), E = f ? C + Jt : C; - return { - isTailwindClass: !0, - modifierId: E, - classGroupId: g, - originalClassName: s, - hasPostfixModifier: b - }; - }).reverse().filter(function(s) { - if (!s.isTailwindClass) - return !0; - var l = s.modifierId, p = s.classGroupId, f = s.hasPostfixModifier, d = l + p; - return i.has(d) ? !1 : (i.add(d), a(p, f).forEach(function(c) { - return i.add(l + c); - }), !0); - }).reverse().map(function(s) { - return s.originalClassName; - }).join(" "); -} -function yn() { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) - t[r] = arguments[r]; - var n, a, i, s = l; - function l(f) { - var d = t[0], c = t.slice(1), g = c.reduce(function(b, C) { - return C(b); - }, d()); - return n = hn(g), a = n.cache.get, i = n.cache.set, s = p, p(f); - } - function p(f) { - var d = a(f); - if (d) - return d; - var c = bn(f, n); - return i(f, c), c; - } - return function() { - return s(sn.apply(null, arguments)); - }; -} -function j(e) { - var t = function(n) { - return n[e] || []; - }; - return t.isThemeGetter = !0, t; -} -var Qt = /^\[(?:([a-z-]+):)?(.+)\]$/i, xn = /^\d+\/\d+$/, wn = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["px", "full", "screen"]), Cn = /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)?(xs|sm|md|lg|xl)$/, Sn = /\d+(%|px|r?em|[sdl]?v([hwib]|min|max)|pt|pc|in|cm|mm|cap|ch|ex|r?lh|cq(w|h|i|b|min|max))|\b(calc|min|max|clamp)\(.+\)|^0$/, En = /^-?((\d+)?\.?(\d+)[a-z]+|0)_-?((\d+)?\.?(\d+)[a-z]+|0)/; -function B(e) { - return ne(e) || wn.has(e) || xn.test(e) || ot(e); -} -function ot(e) { - return ie(e, "length", jn); -} -function Rn(e) { - return ie(e, "size", er); -} -function Pn(e) { - return ie(e, "position", er); -} -function kn(e) { - return ie(e, "url", An); -} -function Ie(e) { - return ie(e, "number", ne); -} -function ne(e) { - return !Number.isNaN(Number(e)); -} -function Tn(e) { - return e.endsWith("%") && ne(e.slice(0, -1)); -} -function Pe(e) { - return Nt(e) || ie(e, "number", Nt); -} -function w(e) { - return Qt.test(e); -} -function ke() { - return !0; -} -function Q(e) { - return Cn.test(e); -} -function Mn(e) { - return ie(e, "", _n); -} -function ie(e, t, r) { - var n = Qt.exec(e); - return n ? n[1] ? n[1] === t : r(n[2]) : !1; -} -function jn(e) { - return Sn.test(e); -} -function er() { - return !1; -} -function An(e) { - return e.startsWith("url("); -} -function Nt(e) { - return Number.isInteger(Number(e)); -} -function _n(e) { - return En.test(e); -} -function On() { - var e = j("colors"), t = j("spacing"), r = j("blur"), n = j("brightness"), a = j("borderColor"), i = j("borderRadius"), s = j("borderSpacing"), l = j("borderWidth"), p = j("contrast"), f = j("grayscale"), d = j("hueRotate"), c = j("invert"), g = j("gap"), b = j("gradientColorStops"), C = j("gradientColorStopPositions"), E = j("inset"), A = j("margin"), O = j("opacity"), h = j("padding"), M = j("saturate"), D = j("scale"), se = j("sepia"), Y = j("skew"), le = j("space"), ce = j("translate"), Z = function() { - return ["auto", "contain", "none"]; - }, ye = function() { - return ["auto", "hidden", "clip", "visible", "scroll"]; - }, xe = function() { - return ["auto", w, t]; - }, k = function() { - return [w, t]; - }, z = function() { - return ["", B]; - }, W = function() { - return ["auto", ne, w]; - }, K = function() { - return ["bottom", "center", "left", "left-bottom", "left-top", "right", "right-bottom", "right-top", "top"]; - }, ee = function() { - return ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "none"]; - }, we = function() { - return ["normal", "multiply", "screen", "overlay", "darken", "lighten", "color-dodge", "color-burn", "hard-light", "soft-light", "difference", "exclusion", "hue", "saturation", "color", "luminosity", "plus-lighter"]; - }, ue = function() { - return ["start", "end", "center", "between", "around", "evenly", "stretch"]; - }, X = function() { - return ["", "0", w]; - }, Ce = function() { - return ["auto", "avoid", "all", "avoid-page", "page", "left", "right", "column"]; - }, J = function() { - return [ne, Ie]; - }, te = function() { - return [ne, w]; - }; - return { - cacheSize: 500, - theme: { - colors: [ke], - spacing: [B], - blur: ["none", "", Q, w], - brightness: J(), - borderColor: [e], - borderRadius: ["none", "", "full", Q, w], - borderSpacing: k(), - borderWidth: z(), - contrast: J(), - grayscale: X(), - hueRotate: te(), - invert: X(), - gap: k(), - gradientColorStops: [e], - gradientColorStopPositions: [Tn, ot], - inset: xe(), - margin: xe(), - opacity: J(), - padding: k(), - saturate: J(), - scale: J(), - sepia: X(), - skew: te(), - space: k(), - translate: k() - }, - classGroups: { - // Layout - /** - * Aspect Ratio - * @see - */ - aspect: [{ - aspect: ["auto", "square", "video", w] - }], - /** - * Container - * @see - */ - container: ["container"], - /** - * Columns - * @see - */ - columns: [{ - columns: [Q] - }], - /** - * Break After - * @see - */ - "break-after": [{ - "break-after": Ce() - }], - /** - * Break Before - * @see - */ - "break-before": [{ - "break-before": Ce() - }], - /** - * Break Inside - * @see - */ - "break-inside": [{ - "break-inside": ["auto", "avoid", "avoid-page", "avoid-column"] - }], - /** - * Box Decoration Break - * @see - */ - "box-decoration": [{ - "box-decoration": ["slice", "clone"] - }], - /** - * Box Sizing - * @see - */ - box: [{ - box: ["border", "content"] - }], - /** - * Display - * @see - */ - display: ["block", "inline-block", "inline", "flex", "inline-flex", "table", "inline-table", "table-caption", "table-cell", "table-column", "table-column-group", "table-footer-group", "table-header-group", "table-row-group", "table-row", "flow-root", "grid", "inline-grid", "contents", "list-item", "hidden"], - /** - * Floats - * @see - */ - float: [{ - float: ["right", "left", "none"] - }], - /** - * Clear - * @see - */ - clear: [{ - clear: ["left", "right", "both", "none"] - }], - /** - * Isolation - * @see - */ - isolation: ["isolate", "isolation-auto"], - /** - * Object Fit - * @see - */ - "object-fit": [{ - object: ["contain", "cover", "fill", "none", "scale-down"] - }], - /** - * Object Position - * @see - */ - "object-position": [{ - object: [].concat(K(), [w]) - }], - /** - * Overflow - * @see - */ - overflow: [{ - overflow: ye() - }], - /** - * Overflow X - * @see - */ - "overflow-x": [{ - "overflow-x": ye() - }], - /** - * Overflow Y - * @see - */ - "overflow-y": [{ - "overflow-y": ye() - }], - /** - * Overscroll Behavior - * @see - */ - overscroll: [{ - overscroll: Z() - }], - /** - * Overscroll Behavior X - * @see - */ - "overscroll-x": [{ - "overscroll-x": Z() - }], - /** - * Overscroll Behavior Y - * @see - */ - "overscroll-y": [{ - "overscroll-y": Z() - }], - /** - * Position - * @see - */ - position: ["static", "fixed", "absolute", "relative", "sticky"], - /** - * Top / Right / Bottom / Left - * @see - */ - inset: [{ - inset: [E] - }], - /** - * Right / Left - * @see - */ - "inset-x": [{ - "inset-x": [E] - }], - /** - * Top / Bottom - * @see - */ - "inset-y": [{ - "inset-y": [E] - }], - /** - * Start - * @see - */ - start: [{ - start: [E] - }], - /** - * End - * @see - */ - end: [{ - end: [E] - }], - /** - * Top - * @see - */ - top: [{ - top: [E] - }], - /** - * Right - * @see - */ - right: [{ - right: [E] - }], - /** - * Bottom - * @see - */ - bottom: [{ - bottom: [E] - }], - /** - * Left - * @see - */ - left: [{ - left: [E] - }], - /** - * Visibility - * @see - */ - visibility: ["visible", "invisible", "collapse"], - /** - * Z-Index - * @see - */ - z: [{ - z: ["auto", Pe] - }], - // Flexbox and Grid - /** - * Flex Basis - * @see - */ - basis: [{ - basis: xe() - }], - /** - * Flex Direction - * @see - */ - "flex-direction": [{ - flex: ["row", "row-reverse", "col", "col-reverse"] - }], - /** - * Flex Wrap - * @see - */ - "flex-wrap": [{ - flex: ["wrap", "wrap-reverse", "nowrap"] - }], - /** - * Flex - * @see - */ - flex: [{ - flex: ["1", "auto", "initial", "none", w] - }], - /** - * Flex Grow - * @see - */ - grow: [{ - grow: X() - }], - /** - * Flex Shrink - * @see - */ - shrink: [{ - shrink: X() - }], - /** - * Order - * @see - */ - order: [{ - order: ["first", "last", "none", Pe] - }], - /** - * Grid Template Columns - * @see - */ - "grid-cols": [{ - "grid-cols": [ke] - }], - /** - * Grid Column Start / End - * @see - */ - "col-start-end": [{ - col: ["auto", { - span: ["full", Pe] - }, w] - }], - /** - * Grid Column Start - * @see - */ - "col-start": [{ - "col-start": W() - }], - /** - * Grid Column End - * @see - */ - "col-end": [{ - "col-end": W() - }], - /** - * Grid Template Rows - * @see - */ - "grid-rows": [{ - "grid-rows": [ke] - }], - /** - * Grid Row Start / End - * @see - */ - "row-start-end": [{ - row: ["auto", { - span: [Pe] - }, w] - }], - /** - * Grid Row Start - * @see - */ - "row-start": [{ - "row-start": W() - }], - /** - * Grid Row End - * @see - */ - "row-end": [{ - "row-end": W() - }], - /** - * Grid Auto Flow - * @see - */ - "grid-flow": [{ - "grid-flow": ["row", "col", "dense", "row-dense", "col-dense"] - }], - /** - * Grid Auto Columns - * @see - */ - "auto-cols": [{ - "auto-cols": ["auto", "min", "max", "fr", w] - }], - /** - * Grid Auto Rows - * @see - */ - "auto-rows": [{ - "auto-rows": ["auto", "min", "max", "fr", w] - }], - /** - * Gap - * @see - */ - gap: [{ - gap: [g] - }], - /** - * Gap X - * @see - */ - "gap-x": [{ - "gap-x": [g] - }], - /** - * Gap Y - * @see - */ - "gap-y": [{ - "gap-y": [g] - }], - /** - * Justify Content - * @see - */ - "justify-content": [{ - justify: ["normal"].concat(ue()) - }], - /** - * Justify Items - * @see - */ - "justify-items": [{ - "justify-items": ["start", "end", "center", "stretch"] - }], - /** - * Justify Self - * @see - */ - "justify-self": [{ - "justify-self": ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "stretch"] - }], - /** - * Align Content - * @see - */ - "align-content": [{ - content: ["normal"].concat(ue(), ["baseline"]) - }], - /** - * Align Items - * @see - */ - "align-items": [{ - items: ["start", "end", "center", "baseline", "stretch"] - }], - /** - * Align Self - * @see - */ - "align-self": [{ - self: ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "stretch", "baseline"] - }], - /** - * Place Content - * @see - */ - "place-content": [{ - "place-content": [].concat(ue(), ["baseline"]) - }], - /** - * Place Items - * @see - */ - "place-items": [{ - "place-items": ["start", "end", "center", "baseline", "stretch"] - }], - /** - * Place Self - * @see - */ - "place-self": [{ - "place-self": ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "stretch"] - }], - // Spacing - /** - * Padding - * @see - */ - p: [{ - p: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding X - * @see - */ - px: [{ - px: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding Y - * @see - */ - py: [{ - py: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding Start - * @see - */ - ps: [{ - ps: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding End - * @see - */ - pe: [{ - pe: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding Top - * @see - */ - pt: [{ - pt: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding Right - * @see - */ - pr: [{ - pr: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding Bottom - * @see - */ - pb: [{ - pb: [h] - }], - /** - * Padding Left - * @see - */ - pl: [{ - pl: [h] - }], - /** - * Margin - * @see - */ - m: [{ - m: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin X - * @see - */ - mx: [{ - mx: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin Y - * @see - */ - my: [{ - my: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin Start - * @see - */ - ms: [{ - ms: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin End - * @see - */ - me: [{ - me: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin Top - * @see - */ - mt: [{ - mt: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin Right - * @see - */ - mr: [{ - mr: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin Bottom - * @see - */ - mb: [{ - mb: [A] - }], - /** - * Margin Left - * @see - */ - ml: [{ - ml: [A] - }], - /** - * Space Between X - * @see - */ - "space-x": [{ - "space-x": [le] - }], - /** - * Space Between X Reverse - * @see - */ - "space-x-reverse": ["space-x-reverse"], - /** - * Space Between Y - * @see - */ - "space-y": [{ - "space-y": [le] - }], - /** - * Space Between Y Reverse - * @see - */ - "space-y-reverse": ["space-y-reverse"], - // Sizing - /** - * Width - * @see - */ - w: [{ - w: ["auto", "min", "max", "fit", w, t] - }], - /** - * Min-Width - * @see - */ - "min-w": [{ - "min-w": ["min", "max", "fit", w, B] - }], - /** - * Max-Width - * @see - */ - "max-w": [{ - "max-w": ["0", "none", "full", "min", "max", "fit", "prose", { - screen: [Q] - }, Q, w] - }], - /** - * Height - * @see - */ - h: [{ - h: [w, t, "auto", "min", "max", "fit"] - }], - /** - * Min-Height - * @see - */ - "min-h": [{ - "min-h": ["min", "max", "fit", w, B] - }], - /** - * Max-Height - * @see - */ - "max-h": [{ - "max-h": [w, t, "min", "max", "fit"] - }], - // Typography - /** - * Font Size - * @see - */ - "font-size": [{ - text: ["base", Q, ot] - }], - /** - * Font Smoothing - * @see - */ - "font-smoothing": ["antialiased", "subpixel-antialiased"], - /** - * Font Style - * @see - */ - "font-style": ["italic", "not-italic"], - /** - * Font Weight - * @see - */ - "font-weight": [{ - font: ["thin", "extralight", "light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", "bold", "extrabold", "black", Ie] - }], - /** - * Font Family - * @see - */ - "font-family": [{ - font: [ke] - }], - /** - * Font Variant Numeric - * @see - */ - "fvn-normal": ["normal-nums"], - /** - * Font Variant Numeric - * @see - */ - "fvn-ordinal": ["ordinal"], - /** - * Font Variant Numeric - * @see - */ - "fvn-slashed-zero": ["slashed-zero"], - /** - * Font Variant Numeric - * @see - */ - "fvn-figure": ["lining-nums", "oldstyle-nums"], - /** - * Font Variant Numeric - * @see - */ - "fvn-spacing": ["proportional-nums", "tabular-nums"], - /** - * Font Variant Numeric - * @see - */ - "fvn-fraction": ["diagonal-fractions", "stacked-fractons"], - /** - * Letter Spacing - * @see - */ - tracking: [{ - tracking: ["tighter", "tight", "normal", "wide", "wider", "widest", w] - }], - /** - * Line Clamp - * @see - */ - "line-clamp": [{ - "line-clamp": ["none", ne, Ie] - }], - /** - * Line Height - * @see - */ - leading: [{ - leading: ["none", "tight", "snug", "normal", "relaxed", "loose", w, B] - }], - /** - * List Style Image - * @see - */ - "list-image": [{ - "list-image": ["none", w] - }], - /** - * List Style Type - * @see - */ - "list-style-type": [{ - list: ["none", "disc", "decimal", w] - }], - /** - * List Style Position - * @see - */ - "list-style-position": [{ - list: ["inside", "outside"] - }], - /** - * Placeholder Color - * @deprecated since Tailwind CSS v3.0.0 - * @see - */ - "placeholder-color": [{ - placeholder: [e] - }], - /** - * Placeholder Opacity - * @see - */ - "placeholder-opacity": [{ - "placeholder-opacity": [O] - }], - /** - * Text Alignment - * @see - */ - "text-alignment": [{ - text: ["left", "center", "right", "justify", "start", "end"] - }], - /** - * Text Color - * @see - */ - "text-color": [{ - text: [e] - }], - /** - * Text Opacity - * @see - */ - "text-opacity": [{ - "text-opacity": [O] - }], - /** - * Text Decoration - * @see - */ - "text-decoration": ["underline", "overline", "line-through", "no-underline"], - /** - * Text Decoration Style - * @see - */ - "text-decoration-style": [{ - decoration: [].concat(ee(), ["wavy"]) - }], - /** - * Text Decoration Thickness - * @see - */ - "text-decoration-thickness": [{ - decoration: ["auto", "from-font", B] - }], - /** - * Text Underline Offset - * @see - */ - "underline-offset": [{ - "underline-offset": ["auto", w, B] - 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* @see - */ - "bg-attachment": [{ - bg: ["fixed", "local", "scroll"] - }], - /** - * Background Clip - * @see - */ - "bg-clip": [{ - "bg-clip": ["border", "padding", "content", "text"] - }], - /** - * Background Opacity - * @deprecated since Tailwind CSS v3.0.0 - * @see - */ - "bg-opacity": [{ - "bg-opacity": [O] - }], - /** - * Background Origin - * @see - */ - "bg-origin": [{ - "bg-origin": ["border", "padding", "content"] - }], - /** - * Background Position - * @see - */ - "bg-position": [{ - bg: [].concat(K(), [Pn]) - }], - /** - * Background Repeat - * @see - */ - "bg-repeat": [{ - bg: ["no-repeat", { - repeat: ["", "x", "y", "round", "space"] - }] - }], - /** - * Background Size - * @see - */ - "bg-size": [{ - bg: ["auto", "cover", "contain", Rn] - }], - /** - * Background Image - * @see - */ - "bg-image": [{ - bg: ["none", { - "gradient-to": ["t", "tr", "r", "br", "b", "bl", "l", "tl"] - }, kn] - }], - /** - * Background Color - * @see - */ - "bg-color": [{ - bg: [e] - }], - /** - * Gradient Color Stops From Position - * @see - */ - "gradient-from-pos": [{ - from: [C] - }], - /** - * Gradient Color Stops Via Position - * @see - */ - "gradient-via-pos": [{ - via: [C] - }], - /** - * Gradient Color Stops To Position - * @see - */ - "gradient-to-pos": [{ - to: [C] - }], - /** - * Gradient Color Stops From - * @see - */ - "gradient-from": [{ - from: [b] - }], - /** - * Gradient Color Stops Via - * @see - */ - "gradient-via": [{ - via: [b] - }], - /** - * Gradient Color Stops To - * @see - */ - "gradient-to": [{ - to: [b] - }], - // Borders - /** - * Border Radius - * @see - */ - rounded: [{ - rounded: [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Start - * @see - */ - "rounded-s": [{ - "rounded-s": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius End - * @see - */ - "rounded-e": [{ - "rounded-e": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Top - * @see - */ - "rounded-t": [{ - "rounded-t": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Right - * @see - */ - "rounded-r": [{ - "rounded-r": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Bottom - * @see - */ - "rounded-b": [{ - "rounded-b": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Left - * @see - */ - "rounded-l": [{ - "rounded-l": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Start Start - * @see - */ - "rounded-ss": [{ - "rounded-ss": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Start End - * @see - */ - "rounded-se": [{ - "rounded-se": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius End End - * @see - */ - "rounded-ee": [{ - "rounded-ee": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius End Start - * @see - */ - "rounded-es": [{ - "rounded-es": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Top Left - * @see - */ - "rounded-tl": [{ - "rounded-tl": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Top Right - * @see - */ - "rounded-tr": [{ - "rounded-tr": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Bottom Right - * @see - */ - "rounded-br": [{ - "rounded-br": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Radius Bottom Left - * @see - */ - "rounded-bl": [{ - "rounded-bl": [i] - }], - /** - * Border Width - * @see - */ - "border-w": [{ - border: [l] - }], - /** - * Border Width X - * @see - */ - 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/** - * Divide Width Y - * @see - */ - "divide-y": [{ - "divide-y": [l] - }], - /** - * Divide Width Y Reverse - * @see - */ - "divide-y-reverse": ["divide-y-reverse"], - /** - * Divide Opacity - * @see - */ - "divide-opacity": [{ - "divide-opacity": [O] - }], - /** - * Divide Style - * @see - */ - "divide-style": [{ - divide: ee() - }], - /** - * Border Color - * @see - */ - "border-color": [{ - border: [a] - }], - /** - * Border Color X - * @see - */ - "border-color-x": [{ - "border-x": [a] - }], - /** - * Border Color Y - * @see - */ - "border-color-y": [{ - "border-y": [a] - }], - /** - * Border Color Top - * @see - */ - "border-color-t": [{ - "border-t": [a] - }], - /** - * Border Color Right - * @see - */ - "border-color-r": [{ - "border-r": [a] - }], - /** - * Border Color Bottom - * @see - */ - "border-color-b": [{ - "border-b": [a] - }], - /** - * Border Color Left - * @see - */ - "border-color-l": [{ - "border-l": [a] - }], - /** - * Divide Color - * @see - */ - "divide-color": [{ - divide: [a] - }], - /** - * Outline Style - * @see - */ - "outline-style": [{ - outline: [""].concat(ee()) - }], - /** - * Outline Offset - * @see - */ - "outline-offset": [{ - "outline-offset": [w, B] - }], - /** - * Outline Width - * @see - */ - "outline-w": [{ - outline: [B] - }], - /** - * Outline Color - * @see - */ - "outline-color": [{ - outline: [e] - }], - /** - * Ring Width - * @see - */ - "ring-w": [{ - ring: z() - }], - /** - * Ring Width Inset - * @see - */ - "ring-w-inset": ["ring-inset"], - /** - * Ring Color - * @see - */ - "ring-color": [{ - ring: [e] - }], - /** - * Ring Opacity - * @see - */ - "ring-opacity": [{ - "ring-opacity": [O] - }], - /** - * Ring Offset Width - * @see - */ - "ring-offset-w": [{ - "ring-offset": [B] - }], - /** - * Ring Offset Color - * @see - */ - "ring-offset-color": [{ - "ring-offset": [e] - }], - // Effects - /** - * Box Shadow - * @see - */ - shadow: [{ - shadow: ["", "inner", "none", Q, Mn] - }], - /** - * Box Shadow Color - * @see - */ - "shadow-color": [{ - shadow: [ke] - }], - /** - * Opacity - * @see - */ - opacity: [{ - opacity: [O] - }], - /** - * Mix Blend Mode - * @see - */ - "mix-blend": [{ - "mix-blend": we() - }], - /** - * Background Blend Mode - * @see - */ - "bg-blend": [{ - "bg-blend": we() - }], - // Filters - /** - * Filter - * @deprecated since Tailwind CSS v3.0.0 - * @see - */ - filter: [{ - filter: ["", "none"] - }], - /** - * Blur - * @see - */ - blur: [{ - blur: [r] - }], - /** - * Brightness - * @see - */ - brightness: [{ - brightness: [n] - }], - /** - * Contrast - * @see - */ - contrast: [{ - contrast: [p] - }], - /** - * Drop Shadow - * @see - */ - "drop-shadow": [{ - "drop-shadow": ["", "none", Q, w] - }], - /** - * Grayscale - * @see - */ - grayscale: [{ - grayscale: [f] - }], - /** - * Hue Rotate - * @see - */ - "hue-rotate": [{ - "hue-rotate": [d] - }], - /** - * Invert - * @see - */ - invert: [{ - invert: [c] - }], - /** - * Saturate - * @see - */ - saturate: [{ - saturate: [M] - }], - /** - * Sepia - * @see - */ - sepia: [{ - sepia: [se] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Filter - * @deprecated since Tailwind CSS v3.0.0 - * @see - */ - "backdrop-filter": [{ - "backdrop-filter": ["", "none"] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Blur - * @see - */ - "backdrop-blur": [{ - "backdrop-blur": [r] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Brightness - * @see - */ - "backdrop-brightness": [{ - "backdrop-brightness": [n] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Contrast - * @see - */ - "backdrop-contrast": [{ - "backdrop-contrast": [p] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Grayscale - * @see - */ - "backdrop-grayscale": [{ - "backdrop-grayscale": [f] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Hue Rotate - * @see - */ - "backdrop-hue-rotate": [{ - "backdrop-hue-rotate": [d] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Invert - * @see - */ - "backdrop-invert": [{ - "backdrop-invert": [c] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Opacity - * @see - */ - "backdrop-opacity": [{ - "backdrop-opacity": [O] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Saturate - * @see - */ - "backdrop-saturate": [{ - "backdrop-saturate": [M] - }], - /** - * Backdrop Sepia - * @see - */ - "backdrop-sepia": [{ - "backdrop-sepia": [se] - }], - // Tables - /** - * Border Collapse - * @see - */ - "border-collapse": [{ - border: ["collapse", "separate"] - }], - /** - * Border Spacing - * @see - */ - "border-spacing": [{ - "border-spacing": [s] - }], - /** - * Border Spacing X - * @see - */ - "border-spacing-x": [{ - "border-spacing-x": [s] - }], - /** - * Border Spacing Y - * @see - */ - "border-spacing-y": [{ - "border-spacing-y": [s] - }], - /** - * Table Layout - * @see - */ - "table-layout": [{ - table: ["auto", "fixed"] - }], - /** - * Caption Side - * @see - */ - caption: [{ - caption: ["top", "bottom"] - }], - // Transitions and Animation - /** - * Tranisition Property - * @see - */ - transition: [{ - transition: ["none", "all", "", "colors", "opacity", "shadow", "transform", w] - }], - /** - * Transition Duration - * @see - */ - duration: [{ - duration: te() - }], - /** - * Transition Timing Function - * @see - */ - ease: [{ - ease: ["linear", "in", "out", "in-out", w] - }], - /** - * Transition Delay - * @see - */ - delay: [{ - delay: te() - }], - /** - * Animation - * @see - */ - animate: [{ - animate: ["none", "spin", "ping", "pulse", "bounce", w] - }], - // Transforms - /** - * Transform - * @see - */ - transform: [{ - transform: ["", "gpu", "none"] - }], - /** - * Scale - * @see - */ - scale: [{ - scale: [D] - }], - /** - * Scale X - * @see - */ - "scale-x": [{ - "scale-x": [D] - }], - /** - * Scale Y - * @see - */ - "scale-y": [{ - "scale-y": [D] - }], - /** - * Rotate - * @see - */ - rotate: [{ - rotate: [Pe, w] - }], - /** - * Translate X - * @see - */ - "translate-x": [{ - "translate-x": [ce] - }], - /** - * Translate Y - * @see - */ - "translate-y": [{ - "translate-y": [ce] - }], - /** - * Skew X - * @see - */ - "skew-x": [{ - "skew-x": [Y] - }], - /** - * Skew Y - * @see - */ - "skew-y": [{ - "skew-y": [Y] - }], - /** - * Transform Origin - * @see - */ - "transform-origin": [{ - origin: ["center", "top", "top-right", "right", "bottom-right", "bottom", "bottom-left", "left", "top-left", w] - }], - // Interactivity - /** - * Accent Color - * @see - */ - accent: [{ - accent: ["auto", e] - }], - /** - * Appearance - * @see - */ - appearance: ["appearance-none"], - /** - * Cursor - * @see - */ - cursor: [{ - cursor: ["auto", "default", "pointer", "wait", "text", "move", "help", "not-allowed", "none", "context-menu", "progress", "cell", "crosshair", "vertical-text", "alias", "copy", "no-drop", "grab", "grabbing", "all-scroll", "col-resize", "row-resize", "n-resize", "e-resize", "s-resize", "w-resize", "ne-resize", "nw-resize", "se-resize", "sw-resize", "ew-resize", "ns-resize", "nesw-resize", "nwse-resize", "zoom-in", "zoom-out", w] - }], - /** - * Caret Color - * @see - */ - "caret-color": [{ - caret: [e] - }], - /** - * Pointer Events - * @see - */ - "pointer-events": [{ - "pointer-events": ["none", "auto"] - }], - /** - * Resize - * @see - */ - resize: [{ - resize: ["none", "y", "x", ""] - }], - /** - * Scroll Behavior - * @see - */ - "scroll-behavior": [{ - scroll: ["auto", "smooth"] - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin - * @see - */ - "scroll-m": [{ - "scroll-m": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin X - * @see - */ - "scroll-mx": [{ - "scroll-mx": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin Y - * @see - */ - "scroll-my": [{ - "scroll-my": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin Start - * @see - */ - "scroll-ms": [{ - "scroll-ms": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin End - * @see - */ - "scroll-me": [{ - "scroll-me": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin Top - * @see - */ - "scroll-mt": [{ - "scroll-mt": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin Right - * @see - */ - "scroll-mr": [{ - "scroll-mr": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin Bottom - * @see - */ - "scroll-mb": [{ - "scroll-mb": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Margin Left - * @see - */ - "scroll-ml": [{ - "scroll-ml": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Padding - * @see - */ - "scroll-p": [{ - "scroll-p": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Padding X - * @see - */ - "scroll-px": [{ - "scroll-px": k() - }], - /** - * Scroll Padding Y - * @see - */ - "scroll-py": [{ - "scroll-py": k() - 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touch: ["auto", "none", "pinch-zoom", "manipulation", { - pan: ["x", "left", "right", "y", "up", "down"] - }] - }], - /** - * User Select - * @see - */ - select: [{ - select: ["none", "text", "all", "auto"] - }], - /** - * Will Change - * @see - */ - "will-change": [{ - "will-change": ["auto", "scroll", "contents", "transform", w] - }], - // SVG - /** - * Fill - * @see - */ - fill: [{ - fill: [e, "none"] - }], - /** - * Stroke Width - * @see - */ - "stroke-w": [{ - stroke: [B, Ie] - }], - /** - * Stroke - * @see - */ - stroke: [{ - stroke: [e, "none"] - }], - // Accessibility - /** - * Screen Readers - * @see - */ - sr: ["sr-only", "not-sr-only"] - }, - conflictingClassGroups: { - overflow: ["overflow-x", "overflow-y"], - overscroll: ["overscroll-x", "overscroll-y"], - inset: ["inset-x", "inset-y", "start", "end", "top", "right", "bottom", "left"], - "inset-x": ["right", "left"], - "inset-y": ["top", "bottom"], - flex: ["basis", "grow", "shrink"], - gap: ["gap-x", "gap-y"], - p: ["px", "py", "ps", "pe", "pt", "pr", "pb", "pl"], - px: ["pr", "pl"], - py: ["pt", "pb"], - m: ["mx", "my", "ms", "me", "mt", "mr", "mb", "ml"], - mx: ["mr", "ml"], - my: ["mt", "mb"], - "font-size": ["leading"], - "fvn-normal": ["fvn-ordinal", "fvn-slashed-zero", "fvn-figure", "fvn-spacing", "fvn-fraction"], - "fvn-ordinal": ["fvn-normal"], - "fvn-slashed-zero": ["fvn-normal"], - "fvn-figure": ["fvn-normal"], - "fvn-spacing": ["fvn-normal"], - "fvn-fraction": ["fvn-normal"], - rounded: ["rounded-s", "rounded-e", "rounded-t", "rounded-r", "rounded-b", "rounded-l", "rounded-ss", "rounded-se", "rounded-ee", "rounded-es", "rounded-tl", "rounded-tr", "rounded-br", "rounded-bl"], - "rounded-s": ["rounded-ss", "rounded-es"], - "rounded-e": ["rounded-se", "rounded-ee"], - "rounded-t": ["rounded-tl", "rounded-tr"], - "rounded-r": ["rounded-tr", "rounded-br"], - "rounded-b": ["rounded-br", "rounded-bl"], - "rounded-l": ["rounded-tl", "rounded-bl"], - "border-spacing": ["border-spacing-x", "border-spacing-y"], - "border-w": ["border-w-s", "border-w-e", "border-w-t", "border-w-r", "border-w-b", "border-w-l"], - "border-w-x": ["border-w-r", "border-w-l"], - "border-w-y": ["border-w-t", "border-w-b"], - "border-color": ["border-color-t", "border-color-r", "border-color-b", "border-color-l"], - "border-color-x": ["border-color-r", "border-color-l"], - "border-color-y": ["border-color-t", "border-color-b"], - "scroll-m": ["scroll-mx", "scroll-my", "scroll-ms", "scroll-me", "scroll-mt", "scroll-mr", "scroll-mb", "scroll-ml"], - "scroll-mx": ["scroll-mr", "scroll-ml"], - "scroll-my": ["scroll-mt", "scroll-mb"], - "scroll-p": ["scroll-px", "scroll-py", "scroll-ps", "scroll-pe", "scroll-pt", "scroll-pr", "scroll-pb", "scroll-pl"], - "scroll-px": ["scroll-pr", "scroll-pl"], - "scroll-py": ["scroll-pt", "scroll-pb"] - }, - conflictingClassGroupModifiers: { - "font-size": ["leading"] - } - }; -} -var In = /* @__PURE__ */ yn(On); -function tr(...e) { - return In(Zt(e)); -} -const Vn = an( - "inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-md text-sm font-medium transition-colors focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-1 focus-visible:ring-ring disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50", - { - variants: { - variant: { - default: "bg-primary text-primary-foreground shadow hover:bg-primary/90", - destructive: "bg-destructive text-destructive-foreground shadow-sm hover:bg-destructive/90", - outline: "text-neutral-600 border border-current bg-transparent shadow-sm hover:border-white hover:text-white", - secondary: "bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground shadow-sm hover:bg-secondary/80", - ghost: "hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground", - link: "text-primary underline-offset-4 hover:underline" - }, - size: { - default: "h-9 px-4 py-2", - sm: "h-8 rounded-md px-3 text-xs", - lg: "h-10 rounded-md px-8", - icon: "h-9 w-9" - } - }, - defaultVariants: { - variant: "default", - size: "default" - } - } -), oe = V.forwardRef( - ({ className: e, variant: t, size: r, asChild: n = !1, ...a }, i) => { - const s = n ? Yt : "button"; - return /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx( - s, - { - className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n " + tr(Vn({ variant: t, size: r, className: e })), - ref: i, - ...a - } - ); - } -); -oe.displayName = "Button"; -const rr = be({ - transformPagePoint: (e) => e, - isStatic: !1, - reducedMotion: "never" -}), Fe = be({}), dt = be(null), nr = typeof document < "u", ft = nr ? Zr : ct, or = be({ strict: !1 }); -function Ln(e, t, r, n) { - const { visualElement: a } = F(Fe), i = F(or), s = F(dt), l = F(rr).reducedMotion, p = H(); - n = n || i.renderer, !p.current && n && (p.current = n(e, { - visualState: t, - parent: a, - props: r, - presenceContext: s, - blockInitialAnimation: s ? s.initial === !1 : !1, - reducedMotionConfig: l - })); - const f = p.current; - Ht(() => { - f && f.update(r, s); - }); - const d = H(!!window.HandoffAppearAnimations); - return ft(() => { - f && (f.render(), d.current && f.animationState && f.animationState.animateChanges()); - }), ct(() => { - f && (f.updateFeatures(), !d.current && f.animationState && f.animationState.animateChanges(), window.HandoffAppearAnimations = void 0, d.current = !1); - }), f; -} -function $n(e) { - return typeof e == "object" &&, "current"); -} -function Nn(e, t, r) { - return et( - (n) => { - n && e.mount && e.mount(n), t && (n ? t.mount(n) : t.unmount()), r && (typeof r == "function" ? r(n) : $n(r) && (r.current = n)); - }, - /** - * Only pass a new ref callback to React if we've received a visual element - * factory. Otherwise we'll be mounting/remounting every time externalRef - * or other dependencies change. - */ - [t] - ); -} -function at(e) { - return typeof e == "string" || Array.isArray(e); -} -function ar(e) { - return typeof e == "object" && typeof e.start == "function"; -} -const Fn = [ - "animate", - "whileInView", - "whileFocus", - "whileHover", - "whileTap", - "whileDrag", - "exit" -], zn = ["initial", ...Fn]; -function pt(e) { - return ar(e.animate) || zn.some((t) => at(e[t])); -} -function Wn(e) { - return !!(pt(e) || e.variants); -} -function Gn(e, t) { - if (pt(e)) { - const { initial: r, animate: n } = e; - return { - initial: r === !1 || at(r) ? r : void 0, - animate: at(n) ? n : void 0 - }; - } - return e.inherit !== !1 ? t : {}; -} -function Dn(e) { - const { initial: t, animate: r } = Gn(e, F(Fe)); - return he(() => ({ initial: t, animate: r }), [Ft(t), Ft(r)]); -} -function Ft(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? e.join(" ") : e; -} -const zt = { - animation: [ - "animate", - "variants", - "whileHover", - "whileTap", - "exit", - "whileInView", - "whileFocus", - "whileDrag" - ], - exit: ["exit"], - drag: ["drag", "dragControls"], - focus: ["whileFocus"], - hover: ["whileHover", "onHoverStart", "onHoverEnd"], - tap: ["whileTap", "onTap", "onTapStart", "onTapCancel"], - pan: ["onPan", "onPanStart", "onPanSessionStart", "onPanEnd"], - inView: ["whileInView", "onViewportEnter", "onViewportLeave"], - layout: ["layout", "layoutId"] -}, it = {}; -for (const e in zt) - it[e] = { - isEnabled: (t) => zt[e].some((r) => !!t[r]) - }; -function Bn(e) { - for (const t in e) - it[t] = { -[t], - ...e[t] - }; -} -const ir = be({}), Hn = be({}), qn = Symbol.for("motionComponentSymbol"); -function Yn({ preloadedFeatures: e, createVisualElement: t, useRender: r, useVisualState: n, Component: a }) { - e && Bn(e); - function i(l, p) { - let f; - const d = { - ...F(rr), - ...l, - layoutId: Un(l) - }, { isStatic: c } = d, g = Dn(l), b = n(l, c); - if (!c && nr) { - g.visualElement = Ln(a, b, d, t); - const C = F(Hn), E = F(or).strict; - g.visualElement && (f = g.visualElement.loadFeatures( - // Note: Pass the full new combined props to correctly re-render dynamic feature components. - d, - E, - e, - C - )); - } - return V.createElement( - Fe.Provider, - { value: g }, - f && g.visualElement ? V.createElement(f, { visualElement: g.visualElement, ...d }) : null, - r(a, l, Nn(b, g.visualElement, p), b, c, g.visualElement) - ); - } - const s = ve(i); - return s[qn] = a, s; -} -function Un({ layoutId: e }) { - const t = F(ir).id; - return t && e !== void 0 ? t + "-" + e : e; -} -function Zn(e) { - function t(n, a = {}) { - return Yn(e(n, a)); - } - if (typeof Proxy > "u") - return t; - const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - return new Proxy(t, { - /** - * Called when `motion` is referenced with a prop: `motion.div`, `motion.input` etc. - * The prop name is passed through as `key` and we can use that to generate a `motion` - * DOM component with that name. - */ - get: (n, a) => (r.has(a) || r.set(a, t(a)), r.get(a)) - }); -} -const Kn = [ - "animate", - "circle", - "defs", - "desc", - "ellipse", - "g", - "image", - "line", - "filter", - "marker", - "mask", - "metadata", - "path", - "pattern", - "polygon", - "polyline", - "rect", - "stop", - "switch", - "symbol", - "svg", - "text", - "tspan", - "use", - "view" -]; -function sr(e) { - return ( - /** - * If it's not a string, it's a custom React component. Currently we only support - * HTML custom React components. - */ - typeof e != "string" || /** - * If it contains a dash, the element is a custom HTML webcomponent. - */ - e.includes("-") ? !1 : ( - /** - * If it's in our list of lowercase SVG tags, it's an SVG component - */ - !!(Kn.indexOf(e) > -1 || /** - * If it contains a capital letter, it's an SVG component - */ - /[A-Z]/.test(e)) - ) - ); -} -const Xn = {}, ze = [ - "transformPerspective", - "x", - "y", - "z", - "translateX", - "translateY", - "translateZ", - "scale", - "scaleX", - "scaleY", - "rotate", - "rotateX", - "rotateY", - "rotateZ", - "skew", - "skewX", - "skewY" -], lr = new Set(ze); -function cr(e, { layout: t, layoutId: r }) { - return lr.has(e) || e.startsWith("origin") || (t || r !== void 0) && (!!Xn[e] || e === "opacity"); -} -const ae = (e) => !!(e && e.getVelocity), Jn = { - x: "translateX", - y: "translateY", - z: "translateZ", - transformPerspective: "perspective" -}, Qn = ze.length; -function eo(e, { enableHardwareAcceleration: t = !0, allowTransformNone: r = !0 }, n, a) { - let i = ""; - for (let s = 0; s < Qn; s++) { - const l = ze[s]; - if (e[l] !== void 0) { - const p = Jn[l] || l; - i += `${p}(${e[l]}) `; - } - } - return t && !e.z && (i += "translateZ(0)"), i = i.trim(), a ? i = a(e, n ? "" : i) : r && n && (i = "none"), i; -} -const to = (e) => (t) => typeof t == "string" && t.startsWith(e), ro = to("--"), no = (e, t) => t && typeof e == "number" ? t.transform(e) : e, oo = (e, t, r) => Math.min(Math.max(r, e), t), mt = { - test: (e) => typeof e == "number", - parse: parseFloat, - transform: (e) => e -}, Ke = { -, - transform: (e) => oo(0, 1, e) -}, Ve = { -, - default: 1 -}; -function ao(e) { - return typeof e == "string"; -} -const gt = (e) => ({ - test: (t) => ao(t) && t.endsWith(e) && t.split(" ").length === 1, - parse: parseFloat, - transform: (t) => `${t}${e}` -}), re = gt("deg"), Xe = gt("%"), y = gt("px"), Wt = { - ...Xe, - parse: (e) => Xe.parse(e) / 100, - transform: (e) => Xe.transform(e * 100) -}, Gt = { -, - transform: Math.round -}, io = { - // Border props - borderWidth: y, - borderTopWidth: y, - borderRightWidth: y, - borderBottomWidth: y, - borderLeftWidth: y, - borderRadius: y, - radius: y, - borderTopLeftRadius: y, - borderTopRightRadius: y, - borderBottomRightRadius: y, - borderBottomLeftRadius: y, - // Positioning props - width: y, - maxWidth: y, - height: y, - maxHeight: y, - size: y, - top: y, - right: y, - bottom: y, - left: y, - // Spacing props - padding: y, - paddingTop: y, - paddingRight: y, - paddingBottom: y, - paddingLeft: y, - margin: y, - marginTop: y, - marginRight: y, - marginBottom: y, - marginLeft: y, - // Transform props - rotate: re, - rotateX: re, - rotateY: re, - rotateZ: re, - scale: Ve, - scaleX: Ve, - scaleY: Ve, - scaleZ: Ve, - skew: re, - skewX: re, - skewY: re, - distance: y, - translateX: y, - translateY: y, - translateZ: y, - x: y, - y, - z: y, - perspective: y, - transformPerspective: y, - opacity: Ke, - originX: Wt, - originY: Wt, - originZ: y, - // Misc - zIndex: Gt, - // SVG - fillOpacity: Ke, - strokeOpacity: Ke, - numOctaves: Gt -}; -function ur(e, t, r, n) { - const { style: a, vars: i, transform: s, transformOrigin: l } = e; - let p = !1, f = !1, d = !0; - for (const c in t) { - const g = t[c]; - if (ro(c)) { - i[c] = g; - continue; - } - const b = io[c], C = no(g, b); - if (lr.has(c)) { - if (p = !0, s[c] = C, !d) - continue; - g !== (b.default || 0) && (d = !1); - } else - c.startsWith("origin") ? (f = !0, l[c] = C) : a[c] = C; - } - if (t.transform || (p || n ? a.transform = eo(e.transform, r, d, n) : a.transform && (a.transform = "none")), f) { - const { originX: c = "50%", originY: g = "50%", originZ: b = 0 } = l; - a.transformOrigin = `${c} ${g} ${b}`; - } -} -const ht = () => ({ - style: {}, - transform: {}, - transformOrigin: {}, - vars: {} -}); -function dr(e, t, r) { - for (const n in t) - !ae(t[n]) && !cr(n, r) && (e[n] = t[n]); -} -function so({ transformTemplate: e }, t, r) { - return he(() => { - const n = ht(); - return ur(n, t, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !r }, e), Object.assign({}, n.vars,; - }, [t]); -} -function lo(e, t, r) { - const n = || {}, a = {}; - return dr(a, n, e), Object.assign(a, so(e, t, r)), e.transformValues ? e.transformValues(a) : a; -} -function co(e, t, r) { - const n = {}, a = lo(e, t, r); - return e.drag && e.dragListener !== !1 && (n.draggable = !1, a.userSelect = a.WebkitUserSelect = a.WebkitTouchCallout = "none", a.touchAction = e.drag === !0 ? "none" : `pan-${e.drag === "x" ? "y" : "x"}`), e.tabIndex === void 0 && (e.onTap || e.onTapStart || e.whileTap) && (n.tabIndex = 0), = a, n; -} -const uo = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ - "animate", - "exit", - "variants", - "initial", - "style", - "values", - "variants", - "transition", - "transformTemplate", - "transformValues", - "custom", - "inherit", - "onLayoutAnimationStart", - "onLayoutAnimationComplete", - "onLayoutMeasure", - "onBeforeLayoutMeasure", - "onAnimationStart", - "onAnimationComplete", - "onUpdate", - "onDragStart", - "onDrag", - "onDragEnd", - "onMeasureDragConstraints", - "onDirectionLock", - "onDragTransitionEnd", - "_dragX", - "_dragY", - "onHoverStart", - "onHoverEnd", - "onViewportEnter", - "onViewportLeave", - "ignoreStrict", - "viewport" -]); -function Ne(e) { - return e.startsWith("while") || e.startsWith("drag") && e !== "draggable" || e.startsWith("layout") || e.startsWith("onTap") || e.startsWith("onPan") || uo.has(e); -} -let fr = (e) => !Ne(e); -function fo(e) { - e && (fr = (t) => t.startsWith("on") ? !Ne(t) : e(t)); -} -try { - fo(require("@emotion/is-prop-valid").default); -} catch { -} -function po(e, t, r) { - const n = {}; - for (const a in e) - a === "values" && typeof e.values == "object" || (fr(a) || r === !0 && Ne(a) || !t && !Ne(a) || // If trying to use native HTML drag events, forward drag listeners - e.draggable && a.startsWith("onDrag")) && (n[a] = e[a]); - return n; -} -function Dt(e, t, r) { - return typeof e == "string" ? e : y.transform(t + r * e); -} -function mo(e, t, r) { - const n = Dt(t, e.x, e.width), a = Dt(r, e.y, e.height); - return `${n} ${a}`; -} -const go = { - offset: "stroke-dashoffset", - array: "stroke-dasharray" -}, ho = { - offset: "strokeDashoffset", - array: "strokeDasharray" -}; -function vo(e, t, r = 1, n = 0, a = !0) { - e.pathLength = 1; - const i = a ? go : ho; - e[i.offset] = y.transform(-n); - const s = y.transform(t), l = y.transform(r); - e[i.array] = `${s} ${l}`; -} -function pr(e, { - attrX: t, - attrY: r, - attrScale: n, - originX: a, - originY: i, - pathLength: s, - pathSpacing: l = 1, - pathOffset: p = 0, - // This is object creation, which we try to avoid per-frame. - ...f -}, d, c, g) { - if (ur(e, f, d, g), c) { - && (e.attrs.viewBox =; - return; - } - e.attrs =, = {}; - const { attrs: b, style: C, dimensions: E } = e; - b.transform && (E && (C.transform = b.transform), delete b.transform), E && (a !== void 0 || i !== void 0 || C.transform) && (C.transformOrigin = mo(E, a !== void 0 ? a : 0.5, i !== void 0 ? i : 0.5)), t !== void 0 && (b.x = t), r !== void 0 && (b.y = r), n !== void 0 && (b.scale = n), s !== void 0 && vo(b, s, l, p, !1); -} -const mr = () => ({ -, - attrs: {} -}), gr = (e) => typeof e == "string" && e.toLowerCase() === "svg"; -function bo(e, t, r, n) { - const a = he(() => { - const i = mr(); - return pr(i, t, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !1 }, gr(n), e.transformTemplate), { - ...i.attrs, - style: { } - }; - }, [t]); - if ( { - const i = {}; - dr(i,, e), = { ...i, }; - } - return a; -} -function yo(e = !1) { - return (r, n, a, { latestValues: i }, s) => { - const p = (sr(r) ? bo : co)(n, i, s, r), d = { - ...po(n, typeof r == "string", e), - ...p, - ref: a - }, { children: c } = n, g = he(() => ae(c) ? c.get() : c, [c]); - return q(r, { - ...d, - children: g - }); - }; -} -const xo = (e) => e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(); -function wo(e, { style: t, vars: r }, n, a) { - Object.assign(, t, a && a.getProjectionStyles(n)); - for (const i in r) -, r[i]); -} -const Co = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ - "baseFrequency", - "diffuseConstant", - "kernelMatrix", - "kernelUnitLength", - "keySplines", - "keyTimes", - "limitingConeAngle", - "markerHeight", - "markerWidth", - "numOctaves", - "targetX", - "targetY", - "surfaceScale", - "specularConstant", - "specularExponent", - "stdDeviation", - "tableValues", - "viewBox", - "gradientTransform", - "pathLength", - "startOffset", - "textLength", - "lengthAdjust" -]); -function So(e, t, r, n) { - wo(e, t, void 0, n); - for (const a in t.attrs) - e.setAttribute(Co.has(a) ? a : xo(a), t.attrs[a]); -} -function hr(e, t) { - const { style: r } = e, n = {}; - for (const a in r) - (ae(r[a]) || && ae([a]) || cr(a, e)) && (n[a] = r[a]); - return n; -} -function Eo(e, t) { - const r = hr(e, t); - for (const n in e) - if (ae(e[n]) || ae(t[n])) { - const a = ze.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? "attr" + n.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n.substring(1) : n; - r[a] = e[n]; - } - return r; -} -function Ro(e, t, r, n = {}, a = {}) { - return typeof t == "function" && (t = t(r !== void 0 ? r : e.custom, n, a)), typeof t == "string" && (t = e.variants && e.variants[t]), typeof t == "function" && (t = t(r !== void 0 ? r : e.custom, n, a)), t; -} -function vr(e) { - const t = H(null); - return t.current === null && (t.current = e()), t.current; -} -const Po = (e) => !!(e && typeof e == "object" && e.mix && e.toValue); -function ko(e) { - const t = ae(e) ? e.get() : e; - return Po(t) ? t.toValue() : t; -} -function To({ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: e, createRenderState: t, onMount: r }, n, a, i) { - const s = { - latestValues: Mo(n, a, i, e), - renderState: t() - }; - return r && (s.mount = (l) => r(n, l, s)), s; -} -const br = (e) => (t, r) => { - const n = F(Fe), a = F(dt), i = () => To(e, t, n, a); - return r ? i() : vr(i); -}; -function Mo(e, t, r, n) { - const a = {}, i = n(e, {}); - for (const g in i) - a[g] = ko(i[g]); - let { initial: s, animate: l } = e; - const p = pt(e), f = Wn(e); - t && f && !p && e.inherit !== !1 && (s === void 0 && (s = t.initial), l === void 0 && (l = t.animate)); - let d = r ? r.initial === !1 : !1; - d = d || s === !1; - const c = d ? l : s; - return c && typeof c != "boolean" && !ar(c) && (Array.isArray(c) ? c : [c]).forEach((b) => { - const C = Ro(e, b); - if (!C) - return; - const { transitionEnd: E, transition: A, ...O } = C; - for (const h in O) { - let M = O[h]; - if (Array.isArray(M)) { - const D = d ? M.length - 1 : 0; - M = M[D]; - } - M !== null && (a[h] = M); - } - for (const h in E) - a[h] = E[h]; - }), a; -} -const jo = (e) => e; -class Bt { - constructor() { - this.order = [], this.scheduled = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - } - add(t) { - if (!this.scheduled.has(t)) - return this.scheduled.add(t), this.order.push(t), !0; - } - remove(t) { - const r = this.order.indexOf(t); - r !== -1 && (this.order.splice(r, 1), this.scheduled.delete(t)); - } - clear() { - this.order.length = 0, this.scheduled.clear(); - } -} -function Ao(e) { - let t = new Bt(), r = new Bt(), n = 0, a = !1, i = !1; - const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), l = { - /** - * Schedule a process to run on the next frame. - */ - schedule: (p, f = !1, d = !1) => { - const c = d && a, g = c ? t : r; - return f && s.add(p), g.add(p) && c && a && (n = t.order.length), p; - }, - /** - * Cancel the provided callback from running on the next frame. - */ - cancel: (p) => { - r.remove(p), s.delete(p); - }, - /** - * Execute all schedule callbacks. - */ - process: (p) => { - if (a) { - i = !0; - return; - } - if (a = !0, [t, r] = [r, t], r.clear(), n = t.order.length, n) - for (let f = 0; f < n; f++) { - const d = t.order[f]; - d(p), s.has(d) && (l.schedule(d), e()); - } - a = !1, i && (i = !1, l.process(p)); - } - }; - return l; -} -const Le = [ - "prepare", - "read", - "update", - "preRender", - "render", - "postRender" -], _o = 40; -function Oo(e, t) { - let r = !1, n = !0; - const a = { - delta: 0, - timestamp: 0, - isProcessing: !1 - }, i = Le.reduce((c, g) => (c[g] = Ao(() => r = !0), c), {}), s = (c) => i[c].process(a), l = () => { - const c =; - r = !1, = n ? 1e3 / 60 : Math.max(Math.min(c - a.timestamp, _o), 1), a.timestamp = c, a.isProcessing = !0, Le.forEach(s), a.isProcessing = !1, r && t && (n = !1, e(l)); - }, p = () => { - r = !0, n = !0, a.isProcessing || e(l); - }; - return { schedule: Le.reduce((c, g) => { - const b = i[g]; - return c[g] = (C, E = !1, A = !1) => (r || p(), b.schedule(C, E, A)), c; - }, {}), cancel: (c) => Le.forEach((g) => i[g].cancel(c)), state: a, steps: i }; -} -const { schedule: st, cancel: ia, state: sa, steps: la } = Oo(typeof requestAnimationFrame < "u" ? requestAnimationFrame : jo, !0), Io = { - useVisualState: br({ - scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: Eo, - createRenderState: mr, - onMount: (e, t, { renderState: r, latestValues: n }) => { - => { - try { - r.dimensions = typeof t.getBBox == "function" ? t.getBBox() : t.getBoundingClientRect(); - } catch { - r.dimensions = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0 - }; - } - }), st.render(() => { - pr(r, n, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !1 }, gr(t.tagName), e.transformTemplate), So(t, r); - }); - } - }) -}, Vo = { - useVisualState: br({ - scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: hr, - createRenderState: ht - }) -}; -function Lo(e, { forwardMotionProps: t = !1 }, r, n) { - return { - ? Io : Vo, - preloadedFeatures: r, - useRender: yo(t), - createVisualElement: n, - Component: e - }; -} -const ge = Zn(Lo); -function yr() { - const e = H(!1); - return ft(() => (e.current = !0, () => { - e.current = !1; - }), []), e; -} -function $o() { - const e = yr(), [t, r] = Kr(0), n = et(() => { - e.current && r(t + 1); - }, [t]); - return [et(() => st.postRender(n), [n]), t]; -} -class No extends V.Component { - getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t) { - const r = this.props.childRef.current; - if (r && t.isPresent && !this.props.isPresent) { - const n = this.props.sizeRef.current; - n.height = r.offsetHeight || 0, n.width = r.offsetWidth || 0, = r.offsetTop, n.left = r.offsetLeft; - } - return null; - } - /** - * Required with getSnapshotBeforeUpdate to stop React complaining. - */ - componentDidUpdate() { - } - render() { - return this.props.children; - } -} -function Fo({ children: e, isPresent: t }) { - const r = qt(), n = H(null), a = H({ - width: 0, - height: 0, - top: 0, - left: 0 - }); - return Ht(() => { - const { width: i, height: s, top: l, left: p } = a.current; - if (t || !n.current || !i || !s) - return; - n.current.dataset.motionPopId = r; - const f = document.createElement("style"); - return document.head.appendChild(f), f.sheet && f.sheet.insertRule(` - [data-motion-pop-id="${r}"] { - position: absolute !important; - width: ${i}px !important; - height: ${s}px !important; - top: ${l}px !important; - left: ${p}px !important; - } - `), () => { - document.head.removeChild(f); - }; - }, [t]), V.createElement(No, { isPresent: t, childRef: n, sizeRef: a }, V.cloneElement(e, { ref: n })); -} -const Je = ({ children: e, initial: t, isPresent: r, onExitComplete: n, custom: a, presenceAffectsLayout: i, mode: s }) => { - const l = vr(zo), p = qt(), f = he( - () => ({ - id: p, - initial: t, - isPresent: r, - custom: a, - onExitComplete: (d) => { - l.set(d, !0); - for (const c of l.values()) - if (!c) - return; - n && n(); - }, - register: (d) => (l.set(d, !1), () => l.delete(d)) - }), - /** - * If the presence of a child affects the layout of the components around it, - * we want to make a new context value to ensure they get re-rendered - * so they can detect that layout change. - */ - i ? void 0 : [r] - ); - return he(() => { - l.forEach((d, c) => l.set(c, !1)); - }, [r]), V.useEffect(() => { - !r && !l.size && n && n(); - }, [r]), s === "popLayout" && (e = V.createElement(Fo, { isPresent: r }, e)), V.createElement(dt.Provider, { value: f }, e); -}; -function zo() { - return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -} -function Wo(e) { - return ct(() => () => e(), []); -} -const pe = (e) => e.key || ""; -function Go(e, t) { - e.forEach((r) => { - const n = pe(r); - t.set(n, r); - }); -} -function Do(e) { - const t = []; - return me.forEach(e, (r) => { - Te(r) && t.push(r); - }), t; -} -const Qe = ({ children: e, custom: t, initial: r = !0, onExitComplete: n, exitBeforeEnter: a, presenceAffectsLayout: i = !0, mode: s = "sync" }) => { - const l = F(ir).forceRender || $o()[0], p = yr(), f = Do(e); - let d = f; - const c = H(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()).current, g = H(d), b = H(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()).current, C = H(!0); - if (ft(() => { - C.current = !1, Go(f, b), g.current = d; - }), Wo(() => { - C.current = !0, b.clear(), c.clear(); - }), C.current) - return V.createElement(V.Fragment, null, => V.createElement(Je, { key: pe(h), isPresent: !0, initial: r ? void 0 : !1, presenceAffectsLayout: i, mode: s }, h))); - d = [...d]; - const E =, A =, O = E.length; - for (let h = 0; h < O; h++) { - const M = E[h]; - A.indexOf(M) === -1 && !c.has(M) && c.set(M, void 0); - } - return s === "wait" && c.size && (d = []), c.forEach((h, M) => { - if (A.indexOf(M) !== -1) - return; - const D = b.get(M); - if (!D) - return; - const se = E.indexOf(M); - let Y = h; - if (!Y) { - const le = () => { - b.delete(M), c.delete(M); - const ce = g.current.findIndex((Z) => Z.key === M); - if (g.current.splice(ce, 1), !c.size) { - if (g.current = f, p.current === !1) - return; - l(), n && n(); - } - }; - Y = V.createElement(Je, { key: pe(D), isPresent: !1, onExitComplete: le, custom: t, presenceAffectsLayout: i, mode: s }, D), c.set(M, Y); - } - d.splice(se, 0, Y); - }), d = => { - const M = h.key; - return c.has(M) ? h : V.createElement(Je, { key: pe(h), isPresent: !0, presenceAffectsLayout: i, mode: s }, h); - }), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && s === "wait" && d.length > 1 && console.warn(`You're attempting to animate multiple children within AnimatePresence, but its mode is set to "wait". This will lead to odd visual behaviour.`), V.createElement(V.Fragment, null, c.size ? d : => lt(h))); -}, Bo = N.createContext(void 0); -function xr(e) { - const t = N.useContext(Bo); - if (t === void 0) - throw new Error("useSwitchableComponent hook is being used outside of its context. Please ensure that it is wrapped within a ."); - return N.useEffect(() => { - e && t.visibleComponent && t.setVisibleComponent(e); - }, [e]), t; -} -Symbol("DEFAULT_COMPONENT").toString(); -function We(e, t) { - return { - render(r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(e, { ...r }); - }, - index: t || Symbol( - }; -} -const wr = V.forwardRef( - ({ className: e, type: t, ...r }, n) => /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx( - "input", - { - type: t, - className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n " + tr( - "flex h-9 w-full text-white rounded-md border border-input bg-transparent px-3 py-1 text-sm shadow-sm transition-colors file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium placeholder:text-muted-foreground focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-1 focus-visible:ring-ring disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50 focus:border-white", - e - ), - ref: n, - ...r - } - ) -); -wr.displayName = "Input"; -function vt(e, t) { - if (e == null) - return {}; - var r = {}, n = Object.keys(e), a, i; - for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) - a = n[i], !(t.indexOf(a) >= 0) && (r[a] = e[a]); - return r; -} -var Ho = ["color"], qo = /* @__PURE__ */ ve(function(e, t) { - var r = e.color, n = r === void 0 ? "currentColor" : r, a = vt(e, Ho); - return q("svg", Object.assign({ - width: "15", - height: "15", - viewBox: "0 0 15 15", - fill: "none", - xmlns: "" - }, a, { - ref: t - }), q("path", { - d: "M11.4669 3.72684C11.7558 3.91574 11.8369 4.30308 11.648 4.59198L7.39799 11.092C7.29783 11.2452 7.13556 11.3467 6.95402 11.3699C6.77247 11.3931 6.58989 11.3355 6.45446 11.2124L3.70446 8.71241C3.44905 8.48022 3.43023 8.08494 3.66242 7.82953C3.89461 7.57412 4.28989 7.55529 4.5453 7.78749L6.75292 9.79441L10.6018 3.90792C10.7907 3.61902 11.178 3.53795 11.4669 3.72684Z", - fill: n, - fillRule: "evenodd", - clipRule: "evenodd" - })); -}), Yo = ["color"], Uo = /* @__PURE__ */ ve(function(e, t) { - var r = e.color, n = r === void 0 ? "currentColor" : r, a = vt(e, Yo); - return q("svg", Object.assign({ - width: "15", - height: "15", - viewBox: "0 0 15 15", - fill: "none", - xmlns: "" - }, a, { - ref: t - }), q("path", { - d: "M5 2V1H10V2H5ZM4.75 0C4.33579 0 4 0.335786 4 0.75V1H3.5C2.67157 1 2 1.67157 2 2.5V12.5C2 13.3284 2.67157 14 3.5 14H7V13H3.5C3.22386 13 3 12.7761 3 12.5V2.5C3 2.22386 3.22386 2 3.5 2H4V2.25C4 2.66421 4.33579 3 4.75 3H10.25C10.6642 3 11 2.66421 11 2.25V2H11.5C11.7761 2 12 2.22386 12 2.5V7H13V2.5C13 1.67157 12.3284 1 11.5 1H11V0.75C11 0.335786 10.6642 0 10.25 0H4.75ZM9 8.5C9 8.77614 8.77614 9 8.5 9C8.22386 9 8 8.77614 8 8.5C8 8.22386 8.22386 8 8.5 8C8.77614 8 9 8.22386 9 8.5ZM10.5 9C10.7761 9 11 8.77614 11 8.5C11 8.22386 10.7761 8 10.5 8C10.2239 8 10 8.22386 10 8.5C10 8.77614 10.2239 9 10.5 9ZM13 8.5C13 8.77614 12.7761 9 12.5 9C12.2239 9 12 8.77614 12 8.5C12 8.22386 12.2239 8 12.5 8C12.7761 8 13 8.22386 13 8.5ZM14.5 9C14.7761 9 15 8.77614 15 8.5C15 8.22386 14.7761 8 14.5 8C14.2239 8 14 8.22386 14 8.5C14 8.77614 14.2239 9 14.5 9ZM15 10.5C15 10.7761 14.7761 11 14.5 11C14.2239 11 14 10.7761 14 10.5C14 10.2239 14.2239 10 14.5 10C14.7761 10 15 10.2239 15 10.5ZM14.5 13C14.7761 13 15 12.7761 15 12.5C15 12.2239 14.7761 12 14.5 12C14.2239 12 14 12.2239 14 12.5C14 12.7761 14.2239 13 14.5 13ZM14.5 15C14.7761 15 15 14.7761 15 14.5C15 14.2239 14.7761 14 14.5 14C14.2239 14 14 14.2239 14 14.5C14 14.7761 14.2239 15 14.5 15ZM8.5 11C8.77614 11 9 10.7761 9 10.5C9 10.2239 8.77614 10 8.5 10C8.22386 10 8 10.2239 8 10.5C8 10.7761 8.22386 11 8.5 11ZM9 12.5C9 12.7761 8.77614 13 8.5 13C8.22386 13 8 12.7761 8 12.5C8 12.2239 8.22386 12 8.5 12C8.77614 12 9 12.2239 9 12.5ZM8.5 15C8.77614 15 9 14.7761 9 14.5C9 14.2239 8.77614 14 8.5 14C8.22386 14 8 14.2239 8 14.5C8 14.7761 8.22386 15 8.5 15ZM11 14.5C11 14.7761 10.7761 15 10.5 15C10.2239 15 10 14.7761 10 14.5C10 14.2239 10.2239 14 10.5 14C10.7761 14 11 14.2239 11 14.5ZM12.5 15C12.7761 15 13 14.7761 13 14.5C13 14.2239 12.7761 14 12.5 14C12.2239 14 12 14.2239 12 14.5C12 14.7761 12.2239 15 12.5 15Z", - fill: n, - fillRule: "evenodd", - clipRule: "evenodd" - })); -}), Zo = ["color"], Ko = /* @__PURE__ */ ve(function(e, t) { - var r = e.color, n = r === void 0 ? "currentColor" : r, a = vt(e, Zo); - return q("svg", Object.assign({ - width: "15", - height: "15", - viewBox: "0 0 15 15", - fill: "none", - xmlns: "" - }, a, { - ref: t - }), q("path", { - d: "M8.4449 0.608765C8.0183 -0.107015 6.9817 -0.107015 6.55509 0.608766L0.161178 11.3368C-0.275824 12.07 0.252503 13 1.10608 13H13.8939C14.7475 13 15.2758 12.07 14.8388 11.3368L8.4449 0.608765ZM7.4141 1.12073C7.45288 1.05566 7.54712 1.05566 7.5859 1.12073L13.9798 11.8488C14.0196 11.9154 13.9715 12 13.8939 12H1.10608C1.02849 12 0.980454 11.9154 1.02018 11.8488L7.4141 1.12073ZM6.8269 4.48611C6.81221 4.10423 7.11783 3.78663 7.5 3.78663C7.88217 3.78663 8.18778 4.10423 8.1731 4.48612L8.01921 8.48701C8.00848 8.766 7.7792 8.98664 7.5 8.98664C7.2208 8.98664 6.99151 8.766 6.98078 8.48701L6.8269 4.48611ZM8.24989 10.476C8.24989 10.8902 7.9141 11.226 7.49989 11.226C7.08567 11.226 6.74989 10.8902 6.74989 10.476C6.74989 10.0618 7.08567 9.72599 7.49989 9.72599C7.9141 9.72599 8.24989 10.0618 8.24989 10.476Z", - fill: n, - fillRule: "evenodd", - clipRule: "evenodd" - })); -}); -const Xo = N.createContext(void 0); -function Cr() { - const e = N.useContext(Xo); - if (N.useEffect(() => { - e != null && e.session ? localStorage.setItem("lume-session", e.session) : localStorage.removeItem("lume-session"); - }, [e == null ? void 0 : e.session]), N.useEffect(() => { - const t = localStorage.getItem("lume-session"); - t && (e == null || e.setSession(t)); - }, []), e === void 0) - throw new Error("useLumeIndentity hook is being used outside of its context. Please ensure that it is wrapped within a ."); - return { - isSignedIn: !!e.session, - signIn: (t) => { - console.log("signing in with key", t), e.setSession("session"); - }, - signOut: () => { - e.setSession(void 0); - } - }; -} -const Jo = () => { - const { setVisibleComponent: e } = xr(); - return /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(oe, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-12", variant: "outline", onClick: () => e(ra), children: /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx("span", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-center text-lg font-normal leading-normal", children: "Sign in with Account Key" }) }); -}, Qo = () => { - const { signIn: e } = Cr(); - return /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsxs(ge.form, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n flex-col flex gap-y-4", onSubmit: (t) => { - t.preventDefault(); - const n =; - e(n); - }, children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(wr, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n h-12 w-full text-lg", name: "seedPhrase" }), - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx( - ge.div, - { - initial: { y: 50 }, - animate: { y: 0 }, - exit: { y: -50 }, - transition: { type: "just", delay: 0.1 }, - className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n h-12", - children: /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(oe, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-full", role: "submit", children: /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx("span", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-center text-lg font-normal leading-normal", children: "Sign in" }) }) - } - ) - ] }); -}, ea = () => { - const { setVisibleComponent: e } = xr(), [t, r] = N.useState(); - return /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx( - ge.div, - { - initial: { y: 50 }, - animate: { y: 0 }, - exit: { y: -50, height: "auto" }, - transition: { type: "just", delay: 0.1 }, - className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n min-h-12 h-full max-w-full", - style: { maxWidth: t ?? "auto" }, - ref: (n) => setTimeout(() => r(n.getBoundingClientRect().width), 0), - children: /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(oe, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-full", onClick: () => e(na), children: /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx("span", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-center text-lg font-normal leading-normal", children: "I get it, I'll keep it safe. Let's see the key." }) }) - } - ); -}, ta = ({ phraseLength: e = 12 }) => { - const [t, r] = N.useState("idle"), [n, a] = N.useState(0), { signIn: i } = Cr(), s = N.useMemo(() => Array(e).fill("a phrase"), [e]), l = N.useMemo(() => s.join(" "), [s]), p = () => { - navigator.clipboard.writeText(s.join(" ")), r("clicked"), setTimeout(() => r("idle"), 1e3); - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsxs("div", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n relative", children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(Qe, { children: n === 1 ? /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx( - ge.div, - { - className: "z-10 absolute top-0 bottom-0 left-0 right-0 bg-black pointer-events-none", - initial: { opacity: 0 }, - animate: { opacity: 0.75, top: -200, left: -20, right: -20, bottom: 120 }, - transition: { type: "tween", duration: 0.1 } - } - ) : null }), - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsxs("div", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n z-20 relative mb-2.5 w-full h-full flex-wrap justify-center items-center gap-2.5 inline-flex", children: [ -, d) => /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsxs("div", { className: "justify-center items-center gap-2.5 flex w-[calc(33%-10px)] h-10 rounded border border-current relative ring-current text-neutral-700", children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx("span", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-white text-md font-normal leading-normal w-full h-fit px-2.5 bg-transparent text-center", children: f }), - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx("span", { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n left-[6px] top-0 absolute text-current text-xs font-normal leading-normal", children: d + 1 }) - ] }, `SeedPhrase_${d}`)), - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(Qe, { children: n === 1 ? /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsxs( - ge.div, - { - className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-red-400 flex flex-row gap-5 py-8", - initial: { opacity: 0, y: 50 }, - animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0 }, - exit: { opacity: 0, y: 50 }, - transition: { type: "linear", delay: 0.2, duration: 0.5 }, - children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(Ko, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-14 h-14" }), - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx("span", { children: "Make sure to write this down for safe keeping." }) - ] - } - ) : null }), - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsxs(oe, { className: `w-full h-12 ${t === "clicked" ? "!text-primary !border-primary" : ""}`, variant: "outline", onClick: p, children: [ - t === "clicked" ? /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(qo, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-5 h-5 mr-2.5" }) : /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(Uo, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-5 h-5 mr-2.5" }), - t === "clicked" ? "Copied!" : "Copy Account Key" - ] }) - ] }), - n === 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(oe, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n z-20 w-full h-12 text-white bg-neutral-700 hover:bg-neutral-800", variant: "secondary", onClick: () => a(1), children: "Continue" }) : null, - /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(Qe, { children: n === 1 ? /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx( - ge.div, - { - className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n z-20 w-full h-12", - initial: { opacity: 0, y: -50 }, - animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0 }, - exit: { opacity: 0, y: 50 }, - transition: { type: "linear", delay: 2, duration: 0.5 }, - children: /* @__PURE__ */ P.jsx(oe, { className: "d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-full", onClick: () => i(l), children: "Sign In" }) - } - ) : null }) - ] }); -}; -We(Jo, "submit-button"); -const ra = We(Qo, "seed-phrase-input"); -We(ea, "setup-account-key"); -const na = We(ta, "seed-phrase-form"); -export { - aa as useLume -}; -//# diff --git a/dist/lib.umd.js b/dist/lib.umd.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4700cd9..0000000 --- a/dist/lib.umd.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -(function(X,c){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?c(exports,require("react")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","react"],c):(X=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:X||self,c(X["lume-sdk"]={},X.React))})(this,function(X,c){"use strict";function dr(e){const t=Object.create(null,{[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});if(e){for(const r in e)if(r!=="default"){const n=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,r);Object.defineProperty(t,r,n.get?n:{enumerable:!0,get:()=>e[r]})}}return t.default=e,Object.freeze(t)}const L=dr(c);var Ve={exports:{}},pe={};/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */var lt;function fr(){if(lt)return pe;lt=1;var e=c,t=Symbol.for("react.element"),r=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),n=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,i=e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner,a={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function s(l,m,p){var f,u={},h=null,y=null;p!==void 0&&(h=""+p),m.key!==void 0&&(h=""+m.key),m.ref!==void 0&&(y=m.ref);for(f in m),f)&&!a.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(u[f]=m[f]);if(l&&l.defaultProps)for(f in m=l.defaultProps,m)u[f]===void 0&&(u[f]=m[f]);return{$$typeof:t,type:l,key:h,ref:y,props:u,_owner:i.current}}return pe.Fragment=r,pe.jsx=s,pe.jsxs=s,pe}var me={};/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */var ut;function pr(){return ut||(ut=1,process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&function(){var e=c,t=Symbol.for("react.element"),r=Symbol.for("react.portal"),n=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),i=Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),a=Symbol.for("react.profiler"),s=Symbol.for("react.provider"),l=Symbol.for("react.context"),m=Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),p=Symbol.for("react.suspense"),f=Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"),u=Symbol.for("react.memo"),h=Symbol.for("react.lazy"),y=Symbol.for("react.offscreen"),E=Symbol.iterator,P="@@iterator";function _(o){if(o===null||typeof o!="object")return null;var d=E&&o[E]||o[P];return typeof d=="function"?d:null}var R=e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;function v(o){{for(var d=arguments.length,g=new Array(d>1?d-1:0),b=1;b=1&&V>=0&&C[I]!==N[V];)V--;for(;I>=1&&V>=0;I--,V--)if(C[I]!==N[V]){if(I!==1||V!==1)do if(I--,V--,V<0||C[I]!==N[V]){var W=` -`+C[I].replace(" at new "," at ");return o.displayName&&W.includes("")&&(W=W.replace("",o.displayName)),typeof o=="function"&&Ae.set(o,W),W}while(I>=1&&V>=0);break}}}finally{rt=!1,et.current=j,yo(),Error.prepareStackTrace=T}var fe=o?o.displayName||"",cr=fe?Oe(fe):"";return typeof o=="function"&&Ae.set(o,cr),cr}function wo(o,d,g){return Xt(o,!1)}function Co(o){var d=o.prototype;return!!(d&&d.isReactComponent)}function _e(o,d,g){if(o==null)return"";if(typeof o=="function")return Xt(o,Co(o));if(typeof o=="string")return Oe(o);switch(o){case p:return Oe("Suspense");case f:return Oe("SuspenseList")}if(typeof o=="object")switch(o.$$typeof){case m:return wo(o.render);case u:return _e(o.type,d,g);case h:{var b=o,T=b._payload,j=b._init;try{return _e(j(T),d,g)}catch{}}}return""}var Ie=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Jt={},Qt=R.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;function Re(o){if(o){var d=o._owner,g=_e(o.type,o._source,d?d.type:null);Qt.setExtraStackFrame(g)}else Qt.setExtraStackFrame(null)}function Eo(o,d,g,b,T){{var;for(var S in o)if(j(o,S)){var C=void 0;try{if(typeof o[S]!="function"){var N=Error((b||"React class")+": "+g+" type `"+S+"` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `"+typeof o[S]+"`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.");throw"Invariant Violation",N}C=o[S](d,S,b,g,null,"SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED")}catch(I){C=I}C&&!(C instanceof Error)&&(Re(T),v("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).",b||"React class",g,S,typeof C),Re(null)),C instanceof Error&&!(C.message in Jt)&&(Jt[C.message]=!0,Re(T),v("Failed %s type: %s",g,C.message),Re(null))}}}var So=Array.isArray;function nt(o){return So(o)}function Po(o){{var d=typeof Symbol=="function"&&Symbol.toStringTag,g=d&&o[Symbol.toStringTag]||||"Object";return g}}function ko(o){try{return er(o),!1}catch{return!0}}function er(o){return""+o}function tr(o){if(ko(o))return v("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.",Po(o)),er(o)}var we=R.ReactCurrentOwner,To={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0},rr,nr,ot;ot={};function Mo(o){if(,"ref")){var d=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,"ref").get;if(d&&d.isReactWarning)return!1}return o.ref!==void 0}function jo(o){if(,"key")){var d=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,"key").get;if(d&&d.isReactWarning)return!1}return o.key!==void 0}function Oo(o,d){if(typeof o.ref=="string"&&we.current&&d&&we.current.stateNode!==d){var g=F(we.current.type);ot[g]||(v('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here:',F(we.current.type),o.ref),ot[g]=!0)}}function Ao(o,d){{var g=function(){rr||(rr=!0,v("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (",d))};g.isReactWarning=!0,Object.defineProperty(o,"key",{get:g,configurable:!0})}}function _o(o,d){{var g=function(){nr||(nr=!0,v("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (",d))};g.isReactWarning=!0,Object.defineProperty(o,"ref",{get:g,configurable:!0})}}var Io=function(o,d,g,b,T,j,S){var C={$$typeof:t,type:o,key:d,ref:g,props:S,_owner:j};return C._store={},Object.defineProperty(C._store,"validated",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,value:!1}),Object.defineProperty(C,"_self",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:b}),Object.defineProperty(C,"_source",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:T}),Object.freeze&&(Object.freeze(C.props),Object.freeze(C)),C};function Ro(o,d,g,b,T){{var j,S={},C=null,N=null;g!==void 0&&(tr(g),C=""+g),jo(d)&&(tr(d.key),C=""+d.key),Mo(d)&&(N=d.ref,Oo(d,T));for(j in d),j)&&!To.hasOwnProperty(j)&&(S[j]=d[j]);if(o&&o.defaultProps){var I=o.defaultProps;for(j in I)S[j]===void 0&&(S[j]=I[j])}if(C||N){var V=typeof o=="function"?o.displayName||||"Unknown":o;C&&Ao(S,V),N&&_o(S,V)}return Io(o,C,N,T,b,we.current,S)}}var it=R.ReactCurrentOwner,or=R.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;function de(o){if(o){var d=o._owner,g=_e(o.type,o._source,d?d.type:null);or.setExtraStackFrame(g)}else or.setExtraStackFrame(null)}var at;at=!1;function st(o){return typeof o=="object"&&o!==null&&o.$$typeof===t}function ir(){{if(it.current){var o=F(it.current.type);if(o)return` - -Check the render method of \``+o+"`."}return""}}function Vo(o){{if(o!==void 0){var d=o.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/,""),g=o.lineNumber;return` - -Check your code at `+d+":"+g+"."}return""}}var ar={};function Lo(o){{var d=ir();if(!d){var g=typeof o=="string"?o:o.displayName||;g&&(d=` - -Check the top-level render call using <`+g+">.")}return d}}function sr(o,d){{if(!o._store||o._store.validated||o.key!=null)return;o._store.validated=!0;var g=Lo(d);if(ar[g])return;ar[g]=!0;var b="";o&&o._owner&&o._owner!==it.current&&(b=" It was passed a child from "+F(o._owner.type)+"."),de(o),v('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See for more information.',g,b),de(null)}}function lr(o,d){{if(typeof o!="object")return;if(nt(o))for(var g=0;g",C=" Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?"):I=typeof o,v("React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s",I,C)}var V=Ro(o,d,g,T,j);if(V==null)return V;if(S){var W=d.children;if(W!==void 0)if(b)if(nt(W)){for(var fe=0;fee.forEach(r=>hr(r,t))}const ct=c.forwardRef((e,t)=>{const{children:r,...n}=e,i=c.Children.toArray(r),a=i.find(yr);if(a){const s=a.props.children,>m===a?c.Children.count(s)>1?c.Children.only(null):c.isValidElement(s)?s.props.children:null:m);return c.createElement(Le,Ce({},n,{ref:t}),c.isValidElement(s)?c.cloneElement(s,void 0,l):null)}return c.createElement(Le,Ce({},n,{ref:t}),r)});ct.displayName="Slot";const Le=c.forwardRef((e,t)=>{const{children:r,...n}=e;return c.isValidElement(r)?c.cloneElement(r,{...xr(n,r.props),ref:t?vr(t,r.ref):r.ref}):c.Children.count(r)>1?c.Children.only(null):null});Le.displayName="SlotClone";const br=({children:e})=>c.createElement(c.Fragment,null,e);function yr(e){return c.isValidElement(e)&&e.type===br}function xr(e,t){const r={...t};for(const n in t){const i=e[n],a=t[n];/^on[A-Z]/.test(n)?i&&a?r[n]=(...l)=>{a(...l),i(...l)}:i&&(r[n]=i):n==="style"?r[n]={...i,...a}:n==="className"&&(r[n]=[i,a].filter(Boolean).join(" "))}return{...e,...r}}function dt(e){var t,r,n="";if(typeof e=="string"||typeof e=="number")n+=e;else if(typeof e=="object")if(Array.isArray(e))for(t=0;ttypeof e=="boolean"?"".concat(e):e===0?"0":e,mt=ft,wr=(e,t)=>r=>{var n;if((t==null?void 0:t.variants)==null)return mt(e,r==null?void 0:r.class,r==null?void 0:r.className);const{variants:i,defaultVariants:a}=t,s=Object.keys(i).map(p=>{const f=r==null?void 0:r[p],u=a==null?void 0:a[p];if(f===null)return null;const h=pt(f)||pt(u);return 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u[h]=(E,P=!1,_=!1)=>(r||m(),y.schedule(E,P,_)),u},{}),cancel:u=>Me.forEach(h=>a[h].cancel(u)),state:i,steps:a}}const{schedule:Ke,cancel:qo,state:Ho,steps:Yo}=Hn(typeof requestAnimationFrame<"u"?requestAnimationFrame:Dn,!0),Yn={useVisualState:qt({scrapeMotionValuesFromProps:$n,createRenderState:Wt,onMount:(e,t,{renderState:r,latestValues:n})=>{>{try{r.dimensions=typeof t.getBBox=="function"?t.getBBox():t.getBoundingClientRect()}catch{r.dimensions={x:0,y:0,width:0,height:0}}}),Ke.render(()=>{zt(r,n,{enableHardwareAcceleration:!1},Gt(t.tagName),e.transformTemplate),Ln(t,r)})}})},Un={useVisualState:qt({scrapeMotionValuesFromProps:Dt,createRenderState:Ze})};function Zn(e,{forwardMotionProps:t=!1},r,n){return{...At(e)?Yn:Un,preloadedFeatures:r,useRender:_n(t),createVisualElement:n,Component:e}}const ie=cn(Zn);function Yt(){const e=c.useRef(!1);return We(()=>(e.current=!0,()=>{e.current=!1}),[]),e}function Kn(){const e=Yt(),[t,r]=c.useState(0),n=c.useCallback(()=>{e.current&&r(t+1)},[t]);return[c.useCallback(()=>Ke.postRender(n),[n]),t]}class Xn extends L.Component{getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t){const r=this.props.childRef.current;if(r&&t.isPresent&&!this.props.isPresent){const n=this.props.sizeRef.current;n.height=r.offsetHeight||0,n.width=r.offsetWidth||0,,n.left=r.offsetLeft}return null}componentDidUpdate(){}render(){return this.props.children}}function Jn({children:e,isPresent:t}){const r=c.useId(),n=c.useRef(null),i=c.useRef({width:0,height:0,top:0,left:0});return c.useInsertionEffect(()=>{const{width:a,height:s,top:l,left:m}=i.current;if(t||!n.current||!a||!s)return;n.current.dataset.motionPopId=r;const p=document.createElement("style");return document.head.appendChild(p),p.sheet&&p.sheet.insertRule(` - [data-motion-pop-id="${r}"] { - position: absolute !important; - width: ${a}px !important; - height: ${s}px !important; - top: ${l}px !important; - left: ${m}px !important; - } - 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Je=({children:e,custom:t,initial:r=!0,onExitComplete:n,exitBeforeEnter:i,presenceAffectsLayout:a=!0,mode:s="sync"})=>{const l=c.useContext(Ot).forceRender||Kn()[0],m=Yt(),p=ro(e);let f=p;const u=c.useRef(new Map).current,h=c.useRef(f),y=c.useRef(new Map).current,E=c.useRef(!0);if(We(()=>{E.current=!1,to(p,y),h.current=f}),eo(()=>{E.current=!0,y.clear(),u.clear()}),E.current)return L.createElement(L.Fragment,null,>L.createElement(Xe,{key:ae(v),isPresent:!0,initial:r?void 0:!1,presenceAffectsLayout:a,mode:s},v)));f=[...f];const,,R=P.length;for(let v=0;v{if(_.indexOf(A)!==-1)return;const D=y.get(A);if(!D)return;const se=P.indexOf(A);let B=v;if(!B){const le=()=>{y.delete(A),u.delete(A);const ue=h.current.findIndex(Y=>Y.key===A);if(h.current.splice(ue,1),!u.size){if(h.current=p,m.current===!1)return;l(),n&&n()}};B=L.createElement(Xe,{key:ae(D),isPresent:!1,onExitComplete:le,custom:t,presenceAffectsLayout:a,mode:s},D),u.set(A,B)}f.splice(se,0,B)}),>{const A=v.key;return u.has(A)?v:L.createElement(Xe,{key:ae(v),isPresent:!0,presenceAffectsLayout:a,mode:s},v)}),process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&s==="wait"&&f.length>1&&console.warn(`You're attempting to animate multiple children within AnimatePresence, but its mode is set to "wait". This will lead to odd visual behaviour.`),L.createElement(L.Fragment,null,u.size?>c.cloneElement(v)))},no=c.createContext(void 0);function Ut(e){const t=c.useContext(no);if(t===void 0)throw new Error("useSwitchableComponent hook is being used outside of its context. Please ensure that it is wrapped within a .");return c.useEffect(()=>{e&&t.visibleComponent&&t.setVisibleComponent(e)},[e]),t}Symbol("DEFAULT_COMPONENT").toString();function je(e,t){return{render(r){return k.jsx(e,{...r})},index:t||Symbol(}}const Zt=L.forwardRef(({className:e,type:t,...r},n)=>k.jsx("input",{type:t,className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n "+Et("flex h-9 w-full text-white rounded-md border border-input bg-transparent px-3 py-1 text-sm shadow-sm transition-colors file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium placeholder:text-muted-foreground focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-1 focus-visible:ring-ring disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50 focus:border-white",e),ref:n,...r}));Zt.displayName="Input";function Qe(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var r={},n=Object.keys(e),i,a;for(a=0;a=0)&&(r[i]=e[i]);return r}var oo=["color"],io=c.forwardRef(function(e,t){var r=e.color,n=r===void 0?"currentColor":r,i=Qe(e,oo);return 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e=c.useContext(co);if(c.useEffect(()=>{e!=null&&e.session?localStorage.setItem("lume-session",e.session):localStorage.removeItem("lume-session")},[e==null?void 0:e.session]),c.useEffect(()=>{const t=localStorage.getItem("lume-session");t&&(e==null||e.setSession(t))},[]),e===void 0)throw new Error("useLumeIndentity hook is being used outside of its context. Please ensure that it is wrapped within a .");return{isSignedIn:!!e.session,signIn:t=>{console.log("signing in with key",t),e.setSession("session")},signOut:()=>{e.setSession(void 0)}}}const fo=()=>{const{setVisibleComponent:e}=Ut();return k.jsx(ee,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-12",variant:"outline",onClick:()=>e(ho),children:k.jsx("span",{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-center text-lg font-normal leading-normal",children:"Sign in with Account Key"})})},po=()=>{const{signIn:e}=Kt();return k.jsxs(ie.form,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n flex-col flex gap-y-4",onSubmit:t=>{t.preventDefault();const;e(n)},children:[k.jsx(Zt,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n h-12 w-full text-lg",name:"seedPhrase"}),k.jsx(ie.div,{initial:{y:50},animate:{y:0},exit:{y:-50},transition:{type:"just",delay:.1},className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n h-12",children:k.jsx(ee,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-full",role:"submit",children:k.jsx("span",{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-center text-lg font-normal leading-normal",children:"Sign in"})})})]})},mo=()=>{const{setVisibleComponent:e}=Ut(),[t,r]=c.useState();return k.jsx(ie.div,{initial:{y:50},animate:{y:0},exit:{y:-50,height:"auto"},transition:{type:"just",delay:.1},className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n min-h-12 h-full max-w-full",style:{maxWidth:t??"auto"},ref:n=>setTimeout(()=>r(n.getBoundingClientRect().width),0),children:k.jsx(ee,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-full",onClick:()=>e(vo),children:k.jsx("span",{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-center text-lg font-normal leading-normal",children:"I get it, I'll keep it safe. Let's see the key."})})})},go=({phraseLength:e=12})=>{const[t,r]=c.useState("idle"),[n,i]=c.useState(0),{signIn:a}=Kt(),s=c.useMemo(()=>Array(e).fill("a phrase"),[e]),l=c.useMemo(()=>s.join(" "),[s]),m=()=>{navigator.clipboard.writeText(s.join(" ")),r("clicked"),setTimeout(()=>r("idle"),1e3)};return k.jsxs("div",{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n relative",children:[k.jsx(Je,{children:n===1?k.jsx(ie.div,{className:"z-10 absolute top-0 bottom-0 left-0 right-0 bg-black pointer-events-none",initial:{opacity:0},animate:{opacity:.75,top:-200,left:-20,right:-20,bottom:120},transition:{type:"tween",duration:.1}}):null}),k.jsxs("div",{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n z-20 relative mb-2.5 w-full h-full flex-wrap justify-center items-center gap-2.5 inline-flex",children:[,f)=>k.jsxs("div",{className:"justify-center items-center gap-2.5 flex w-[calc(33%-10px)] h-10 rounded border border-current relative ring-current text-neutral-700",children:[k.jsx("span",{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n text-white 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text-white bg-neutral-700 hover:bg-neutral-800",variant:"secondary",onClick:()=>i(1),children:"Continue"}):null,k.jsx(Je,{children:n===1?k.jsx(ie.div,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n z-20 w-full h-12",initial:{opacity:0,y:-50},animate:{opacity:1,y:0},exit:{opacity:0,y:50},transition:{type:"linear",delay:2,duration:.5},children:k.jsx(ee,{className:"d411x41bq1lnhm670n w-full h-full",onClick:()=>a(l),children:"Sign In"})}):null})]})};je(fo,"submit-button");const ho=je(po,"seed-phrase-input");je(mo,"setup-account-key");const vo=je(go,"seed-phrase-form"),Uo="";X.useLume=gr,Object.defineProperty(X,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})}); -//# diff --git a/dist/manifest.json b/dist/manifest.json deleted file mode 100644 index b1b23b8..0000000 --- a/dist/manifest.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "src/main.ts": { - "file": "lib.umd.js", - "isEntry": true, - "src": "src/main.ts" - }, - "style.css": { - "file": "style.css", - "src": "style.css" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; -type SwitchableComponentType = { - index: string; - render: (props: T | any) => ReturnType; -}; -type SwitchableComponentContextType = { - visibleComponent: SwitchableComponentType; - setVisibleComponent: React.Dispatch | undefined>>; -}; -export declare function makeSwitchable(Component: React.FC, index: string): { - render(props: T): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; - index: string; -}; -export {}; diff --git a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeDashboard/LumeDashboard.d.ts b/dist/src/components/lume/LumeDashboard/LumeDashboard.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 44320ad..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeDashboard/LumeDashboard.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -declare const LumeDashboard: () => import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; -export default LumeDashboard; diff --git a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentity.d.ts b/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentity.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 40767a0..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentity.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -export default function Wrapped(): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; diff --git a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentityContext.d.ts b/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentityContext.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6db48aa..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/LumeIdentityContext.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -import React from "react"; -export type Session = string; -export declare const LumeIdentityContext: React.Context<{ - session: Session | undefined; - setSession: React.Dispatch>; -} | undefined>; -export declare function useLumeIndentity(): { - isSignedIn: boolean; - signIn: (key: string) => void; - signOut: () => void; -}; diff --git a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/components.d.ts b/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/components.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f9aa0fe..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeIdentity/components.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -export declare const SubmitButton: { - render(props: {}): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; - index: string; -}; -export declare const SeedPhraseInput: { - render(props: {}): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; - index: string; -}; -export declare const SetupAccountKey: { - render(props: {}): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; - index: string; -}; -export declare const SeedPhraseGeneration: { - render(props: { - phraseLength?: number | undefined; - }): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; - index: string; -}; diff --git a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeProvider.d.ts b/dist/src/components/lume/LumeProvider.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7637e38..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/lume/LumeProvider.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -import React from 'react'; -type LumeSyncState = 'syncing' | 'done' | 'error'; -export type Chain = { - syncState: LumeSyncState; - name: string; - chainId: string; - active: boolean; - progress: number; - logs: string[]; - type: 'blockchain' | 'content'; - peerCount?: number; -}; -type LumeObject = { - chains: Chain[]; - activeResolver: 'local' | 'rpc'; -}; -declare const LumeProvider: ({ children }: { - children: React.ReactNode; -}) => import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; -export default LumeProvider; -export declare function useLume(): LumeObject; diff --git a/dist/src/components/ui/button.d.ts b/dist/src/components/ui/button.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 80a891c..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/ui/button.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -import * as React from "react"; -import { type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority"; -declare const buttonVariants: (props?: ({ - variant?: "link" | "default" | "destructive" | "outline" | "secondary" | "ghost" | null | undefined; - size?: "default" | "sm" | "lg" | "icon" | null | undefined; -} & import("class-variance-authority/types").ClassProp) | undefined) => string; -export interface ButtonProps extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes, VariantProps { - asChild?: boolean; -} -declare const Button: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; -export { Button, buttonVariants }; diff --git a/dist/src/components/ui/input.d.ts b/dist/src/components/ui/input.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b239b63..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/ui/input.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -import * as React from "react"; -export interface InputProps extends React.InputHTMLAttributes { -} -declare const Input: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; -export { Input }; diff --git a/dist/src/components/utils.d.ts b/dist/src/components/utils.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d219a42..0000000 --- a/dist/src/components/utils.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -import { type ClassValue } from "clsx"; -export declare function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]): string; diff --git a/dist/src/main.d.ts b/dist/src/main.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 83aefa5..0000000 --- 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