
175 lines
7.4 KiB

"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.bundleNativeModulesPlugin = void 0;
const ast_matcher_1 = __importDefault(require("ast-matcher"));
const magic_string_1 = __importDefault(require("magic-string"));
// @ts-ignore
const loady_1 = __importDefault(require("loady"));
// @ts-ignore
const node_gyp_build_1 = __importDefault(require("node-gyp-build"));
// @ts-ignore
const node_gyp_build_optional_packages_1 = __importDefault(require("node-gyp-build-optional-packages"));
const fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs"));
const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path"));
const loaderFunction = `
function loadNativeModuleTemp (module, data) {
const loady = require("loady");
const tempDir = require("os").tmpdir();
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const loadPath = path.join(tempDir, module);
const outputPath = path.join(loadPath, "build", "Release");
const modulePath = path.join(outputPath, module + ".node");
fs.mkdirSync(outputPath, { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(modulePath, Buffer.from(data, "base64"));
if (process.pkg) {
process.pkg = undefined;
loady(module, loadPath);
return loadPath;
function bundleNativeModulesPlugin() {
return {
name: "bundle-native-modules",
transform(src, id, ast) {
if (!/\.(c?js)$/.test(id)) {
return null;
const magicString = new magic_string_1.default(src);
const parse = (code, source = code) => {
try {
return this.parse(code, undefined);
catch (error) {
error.message += ` in ${source}`;
throw error;
if (!ast) {
try {
ast = parse(src);
catch (e) {
throw e;
const edits = [];
Copied from
function markEdited(node, edits) {
for (const [start, end] of edits) {
if ((start <= node.start && node.start < end) ||
(start < node.end && node.end <= end)) {
return false; // Already edited
// Not edited
return edits.push([node.start, node.end]);
for (const matchString of ["require('loady')(__str_aName, __any)"]) {
const findLoady = (0, ast_matcher_1.default)(matchString);
const loadyMatches = findLoady(ast);
if (loadyMatches?.length) {
for (const match of loadyMatches) {
if (markEdited(match.node, edits)) {
const modulePath = loady_1.default.resolve(match.match.aName, id);
const moduleFile = fs_1.default.readFileSync(modulePath);
const moduleB64 = moduleFile.toString("base64");
magicString.overwrite(match.node.start, match.node.end, `loadNativeModuleTemp('${match.match.aName}', '${moduleB64}')`);
for (const matchString of [
]) {
const findNodeBuildGyp = (0, ast_matcher_1.default)(matchString);
const nodeBuildGypMatches = findNodeBuildGyp(ast);
if (nodeBuildGypMatches?.length) {
for (const match of nodeBuildGypMatches) {
if (markEdited(match.node, edits)) {
let modulePath;
try {
modulePath = node_gyp_build_1.default.path(path_1.default.dirname(id));
catch { }
if (!modulePath) {
try {
modulePath = node_gyp_build_optional_packages_1.default.path(path_1.default.dirname(id));
catch { }
let parentDir = path_1.default.dirname(id);
do {
parentDir = path_1.default.dirname(parentDir);
} while (!fs_1.default.existsSync(path_1.default.join(parentDir, "package.json")) &&
parentDir !== "/");
try {
modulePath = node_gyp_build_optional_packages_1.default.path(parentDir);
catch { }
if (!modulePath) {
throw new Error(`Could not process native module for ${id}`);
let moduleName = "";
for (const part of modulePath
.slice(1)) {
if (part.includes(".node")) {
if (part === "prebuilds") {
moduleName += part;
if (part.includes("@")) {
moduleName += "_";
const moduleFile = fs_1.default.readFileSync(modulePath);
const moduleB64 = moduleFile.toString("base64");
magicString.overwrite(match.node.start, match.node.end, `loadNativeModuleTemp('${moduleName}', '${moduleB64}')`);
if (edits.length === 0) {
return null;
const findStrict = (0, ast_matcher_1.default)('"use strict";');
const strictMatches = findStrict(ast);
let injectNode;
if (strictMatches?.length) {
injectNode = strictMatches[0].node;
else {
injectNode = ast.body[0];
magicString.appendRight(injectNode.end + 1, loaderFunction);
return {
code: magicString.toString(),
map: magicString.generateMap({
source: src,
includeContent: true,
hires: true,
exports.default = bundleNativeModulesPlugin;
exports.bundleNativeModulesPlugin = bundleNativeModulesPlugin;