import { RPCCacheItem, RPCMethod, RPCRequest, RPCResponse, } from "@lumeweb/interface-relay"; import EventEmitter from "events"; // @ts-ignore import ProtomuxRPC from "protomux-rpc"; import b4a from "b4a"; import { get as getSwarm, SecretStream } from "../swarm"; // @ts-ignore import c from "compact-encoding"; // @ts-ignore import crypto from "hypercore-crypto"; // @ts-ignore import { Mutex } from "async-mutex"; // @ts-ignore import jsonStringify from "json-stringify-deterministic"; const sodium = require("sodium-universal"); let server: RPCServer; export const RPC_PROTOCOL_ID = b4a.from("lumeweb"); export const RPC_PROTOCOL_SYMBOL = Symbol.for(RPC_PROTOCOL_ID.toString()); export function getRpcServer(): RPCServer { if (!server) { server = new RPCServer(); } return server as RPCServer; } export function setupStream(stream: SecretStream) { const existing = stream[RPC_PROTOCOL_SYMBOL]; if (existing) { return existing; } stream[RPC_PROTOCOL_SYMBOL] = new ProtomuxRPC(stream, { id: RPC_PROTOCOL_ID, valueEncoding: c.json, }); stream.setKeepAlive(5000); return stream[RPC_PROTOCOL_SYMBOL]; } export class RPCServer extends EventEmitter { private _modules: Map> = new Map< string, Map >(); private pendingRequests: Map = new Map(); public static hashQuery(query: RPCRequest): string { const clonedQuery: RPCRequest = { module: query.module, method: query.method, data:, }; const queryHash = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32); sodium.crypto_generichash( queryHash, Buffer.from(jsonStringify(clonedQuery)) ); return queryHash.toString("hex"); } public registerMethod( moduleName: string, methodName: string, options: RPCMethod ): void { const module = this._modules.get(moduleName); if (module && module.get(methodName)) { throw new Error( `Method ${methodName} already exists for module ${moduleName}` ); } let methodMap: Map | null = null; if (!module) { methodMap = new Map(); this._modules.set(moduleName, methodMap); } if (!methodMap) { methodMap = this._modules.get(moduleName) as Map; } methodMap.set(methodName, options); } public getMethods(): string[] { const methods = []; for (const module of this._modules.keys()) { for (const method of ( this._modules.get(module) as Map ).keys()) { methods.push(`${module}.${method}`); } } return methods; } public setup(stream: SecretStream) { const rpc = setupStream(stream); for (const module of this._modules.keys()) { for (const method of ( this._modules.get(module) as Map ).keys()) { rpc.respond(`${module}.${method}`, {}, (data: any) => this.handleRequest({ module, method, data }) ); } } return rpc; } public signData(data: any): string { let raw = data; if (typeof data !== "string") { raw = jsonStringify(data); } return crypto .sign(Buffer.from(raw), getSwarm().keyPair.secretKey) .toString("hex"); } public async handleRequest(request: RPCRequest) { let lockedRequest = await this.waitOnRequestLock(request); if (lockedRequest) { return lockedRequest; } let method = this.getMethodByRequest(request); let ret; let error; if (method instanceof Error) { error = method; } if (!error) { method = method as RPCMethod; try { ret = (await method.handler( as RPCResponse | any; } catch (e) { error = e; } } if (error) { this.getRequestLock(request)?.release(); throw error; } let rpcResult: RPCResponse = {}; if (ret === undefined) { ret = { data: true, }; } if (ret?.data) { rpcResult = { ...ret }; const field = rpcResult?.signedField || "data"; // @ts-ignore rpcResult.signature = this.signData(rpcResult[field]); } else { rpcResult = { data: ret, signature: this.signData(ret), }; } this.getRequestLock(request)?.release(); return rpcResult; } private getMethodByRequest(request: RPCRequest): Error | RPCMethod { return this.getMethod(request.module, request.method); } private getMethod(moduleName: string, method: string): Error | RPCMethod { let item: any = this._modules.get(moduleName); if (!item) { return new Error("INVALID_MODULE"); } item = item.get(method); if (!item) { return new Error("INVALID_METHOD"); } return item; } private async waitOnRequestLock( request: RPCRequest ): Promise { let method = this.getMethodByRequest(request) as RPCMethod; if (!method.cacheable) { return; } if (!this.getRequestLock(request)) { this.createRequestLock(request); } const reqId = RPCServer.hashQuery(request); const lock: Mutex = this.getRequestLock(request) as Mutex; if (lock.isLocked()) { await lock.waitForUnlock(); } await lock.acquire(); } private getRequestLock(request: RPCRequest): Mutex | null { const reqId = RPCServer.hashQuery(request); let lock: Mutex = this.pendingRequests.get(reqId) as Mutex; if (!lock) { return null; } return lock; } private createRequestLock(request: RPCRequest) { const reqId = RPCServer.hashQuery(request); this.pendingRequests.set(reqId, new Mutex()); } }