import type { Plugin, PluginAPI, RPCRequest, RPCResponse, } from "@lumeweb/relay-types"; import { CID } from "multiformats/cid"; // @ts-ignore import toStream from "it-to-stream"; import type { StatResult } from "ipfs-core/dist/src/components/files/stat"; import * as IPFS from "ipfs-core"; interface StatFileResponse { exists: boolean; contentType: string | null; error: any; directory: boolean; files: StatFileSubfile[]; timeout: boolean; size: number; } interface StatFileSubfile { name: string; size: number; } let client: IPFS.IPFS; import { utils } from "ipfs-http-response"; const { detectContentType } = utils; function normalizeCidPath(path: any) { if (path instanceof Uint8Array) { return CID.decode(path).toString(); } path = path.toString(); if (path.indexOf("/ipfs/") === 0) { path = path.substring("/ipfs/".length); } if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) === "/") { path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1); } return path; } function normalizePath( hash?: string, path?: string, fullPath?: string ): string { if (!fullPath) { if (!path) { path = "/"; } fullPath = `${hash}/${path}`; } fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\/{2,}/, "/"); return normalizeCidPath(fullPath); } async function fetchFile( hash?: string, path?: string, fullPath?: string ): Promise> { let data = await fileExists(hash, path, fullPath); if (data instanceof Error) { return data; } if (data?.type === "directory") { return new Error("ERR_HASH_IS_DIRECTORY"); } return; } async function statFile(hash?: string, path?: string, fullPath?: string) { let stats: StatFileResponse = { exists: false, contentType: null, error: null, directory: false, files: [], timeout: false, size: 0, }; let exists = await fileExists(hash, path, fullPath); fullPath = normalizePath(hash, path, fullPath); if (exists instanceof Error) { stats.error = exists.toString(); if (exists.message.includes("aborted")) { stats.timeout = true; } return stats; } stats.exists = true; if (exists?.type === "directory") { = true; for await (const item of { stats.files.push({ name:, size: item.size, } as StatFileSubfile); } return stats; } const { size } = await client.files.stat(`/ipfs/${exists.cid}`); stats.size = size; const { contentType } = await detectContentType( fullPath, ); stats.contentType = contentType ?? null; return stats; } async function fileExists( hash?: string, path?: string, fullPath?: string ): Promise { client = client as IPFS.IPFS; let ipfsPath = normalizePath(hash, path, fullPath); try { const ret = await client.files.stat(`/ipfs/${ipfsPath}`); return ret; } catch (err: any) { return err; } } async function resolveIpns( hash: string, path: string ): Promise { for await (const result of { return normalizePath(undefined, undefined, `${result}/${path}`); } return false; } const plugin: Plugin = { name: "ipfs", async plugin(api: PluginAPI): Promise { client = await IPFS.create(); api.registerMethod("stat_ipfs", { cacheable: false, async handler(request: RPCRequest): Promise { return await statFile(,; }, }); api.registerMethod("stat_ipns", { cacheable: false, async handler(request: RPCRequest): Promise { let ipfsPath = await resolveIpns(, ); if (!ipfsPath) { throw new Error("ipns lookup failed"); } return statFile(undefined, undefined, ipfsPath as string); }, }); api.registerMethod("fetch_ipfs", { cacheable: false, async handler( request: RPCRequest, sendStream: (stream: AsyncIterable) => void ): Promise { const ret = await fetchFile(,; if (ret instanceof Error) { throw ret; } sendStream(ret); return null; }, }); api.registerMethod("fetch_ipns", { cacheable: false, async handler( request: RPCRequest, sendStream: (stream: AsyncIterable) => void ): Promise { let ipfsPath = await resolveIpns(, ); if (!ipfsPath) { throw new Error("ipns lookup failed"); } const ret = await fetchFile(undefined, undefined, ipfsPath as string); if (ret instanceof Error) { throw ret; } sendStream(ret); return null; }, }); }, }; export default plugin;