import _ from "lodash"; import { Trie } from "@ethereumjs/trie"; import rlp from "rlp"; import { Common, Chain } from "@ethereumjs/common"; import { Address, Account, toType, bufferToHex, toBuffer, TypeOutput, setLengthLeft, KECCAK256_NULL_S, } from "@ethereumjs/util"; import { VM } from "@ethereumjs/vm"; import { BlockHeader, Block } from "@ethereumjs/block"; import { Blockchain } from "@ethereumjs/blockchain"; import { TransactionFactory } from "@ethereumjs/tx"; import { AddressHex, Bytes32, RPCTx, AccountResponse, CodeResponse, Bytes, BlockNumber as BlockOpt, HexString, JSONRPCReceipt, AccessList, GetProof, } from "./types.js"; import { ZERO_ADDR, MAX_BLOCK_HISTORY, MAX_BLOCK_FUTURE, DEFAULT_BLOCK_PARAMETER, } from "./constants.js"; import { headerDataFromWeb3Response, blockDataFromWeb3Response, } from "./utils.js"; import { keccak256 } from "ethers"; import { InternalError, InvalidParamsError } from "./errors.js"; import { RPC } from "./rpc.js"; const bigIntToHex = (n: string | bigint | number): string => "0x" + BigInt(n).toString(16); const emptyAccountSerialize = new Account().serialize(); export class VerifyingProvider { common: Common; vm: VM | null = null; private blockHashes: { [blockNumberHex: string]: Bytes32 } = {}; private blockPromises: { [blockNumberHex: string]: { promise: Promise; resolve: () => void }; } = {}; private blockHeaders: { [blockHash: string]: BlockHeader } = {}; private latestBlockNumber: bigint; private _methods: Map = new Map( Object.entries({ eth_getBalance: this.getBalance, eth_blockNumber: this.blockNumber, eth_chainId: this.chainId, eth_getCode: this.getCode, eth_getTransactionCount: this.getTransactionCount, eth_call:, eth_estimateGas: this.estimateGas, eth_sendRawTransaction: this.sendRawTransaction, eth_getTransactionReceipt: this.getTransactionReceipt, }), ); constructor( providerURL: string, blockNumber: bigint | number, blockHash: Bytes32, chain: bigint | Chain = Chain.Mainnet, ) { this._rpc = new RPC({ URL: providerURL }); this.common = new Common({ chain, }); const _blockNumber = BigInt(blockNumber); this.latestBlockNumber = _blockNumber; this.blockHashes[bigIntToHex(_blockNumber)] = blockHash; } private _rpc: RPC; get rpc(): RPC { return this._rpc; } async update(blockHash: Bytes32, blockNumber: bigint) { const blockNumberHex = bigIntToHex(blockNumber); if ( blockNumberHex in this.blockHashes && this.blockHashes[blockNumberHex] !== blockHash ) { console.log( "Overriding an existing verified blockhash. Possibly the chain had a reorg", ); } const latestBlockNumber = this.latestBlockNumber; this.latestBlockNumber = blockNumber; this.blockHashes[blockNumberHex] = blockHash; if (blockNumber > latestBlockNumber) { for (let b = latestBlockNumber + BigInt(1); b <= blockNumber; b++) { const bHex = bigIntToHex(b); if (bHex in this.blockPromises) { this.blockPromises[bHex].resolve(); } } } await this.getBlockHeader("latest"); } public async rpcMethod(method: string, params: any) { if (this._methods.has(method)) { return this._methods.get(method)?.bind(this)(...params); } throw new Error("method not found"); } public rpcMethodSupported(method: string): boolean { return this._methods.has(method); } private async getBalance( addressHex: AddressHex, blockOpt: BlockOpt = DEFAULT_BLOCK_PARAMETER, ) { const header = await this.getBlockHeader(blockOpt); const address = Address.fromString(addressHex); const { result: proof, success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_getProof", params: [addressHex, [], bigIntToHex(header.number)], }); if (!success) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const isAccountCorrect = await this.verifyProof( address, [], header.stateRoot, proof, ); if (!isAccountCorrect) { throw new InternalError("Invalid account proof provided by the RPC"); } return bigIntToHex(proof.balance); } private async blockNumber(): Promise { return bigIntToHex(this.latestBlockNumber); } private async chainId(): Promise { return bigIntToHex(this.common.chainId()); } private async getCode( addressHex: AddressHex, blockOpt: BlockOpt = DEFAULT_BLOCK_PARAMETER, ): Promise { const header = await this.getBlockHeader(blockOpt); const res: any[] = await this._rpc.requestBatch([ { method: "eth_getProof", params: [addressHex, [], bigIntToHex(header.number)], }, { method: "eth_getCode", params: [addressHex, bigIntToHex(header.number)], }, ]); if (res.some((r) => !r.success)) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const [accountProof, code] = [res[0].result, res[1].result]; const address = Address.fromString(addressHex); const isAccountCorrect = await this.verifyProof( address, [], header.stateRoot, accountProof, ); if (!isAccountCorrect) { throw new InternalError(`invalid account proof provided by the RPC`); } const isCodeCorrect = await this.verifyCodeHash( code, accountProof.codeHash, ); if (!isCodeCorrect) { throw new InternalError( `code provided by the RPC doesn't match the account's codeHash`, ); } return code; } private async getTransactionCount( addressHex: AddressHex, blockOpt: BlockOpt = DEFAULT_BLOCK_PARAMETER, ): Promise { const header = await this.getBlockHeader(blockOpt); const address = Address.fromString(addressHex); const { result: proof, success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_getProof", params: [addressHex, [], bigIntToHex(header.number)], }); if (!success) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const isAccountCorrect = await this.verifyProof( address, [], header.stateRoot, proof, ); if (!isAccountCorrect) { throw new InternalError(`invalid account proof provided by the RPC`); } return bigIntToHex(proof.nonce.toString()); } private async call( transaction: RPCTx, blockOpt: BlockOpt = DEFAULT_BLOCK_PARAMETER, ) { try { this.validateTx(transaction); } catch (e: any) { throw new InvalidParamsError((e as Error).message); } const header = await this.getBlockHeader(blockOpt); const vm = await this.getVM(transaction, header); const { from, to, gas: gasLimit, gasPrice, maxPriorityFeePerGas, value, data, } = transaction; try { const runCallOpts = { caller: from ? Address.fromString(from) : undefined, to: to ? Address.fromString(to) : undefined, gasLimit: toType(gasLimit, TypeOutput.BigInt), gasPrice: toType(gasPrice || maxPriorityFeePerGas, TypeOutput.BigInt), value: toType(value, TypeOutput.BigInt), data: data ? toBuffer(data) : undefined, block: { header }, }; const { execResult } = await vm.evm.runCall(runCallOpts); return bufferToHex(execResult.returnValue); } catch (error: any) { throw new InternalError(error.message.toString()); } } private async estimateGas( transaction: RPCTx, blockOpt: BlockOpt = DEFAULT_BLOCK_PARAMETER, ) { try { this.validateTx(transaction); } catch (e) { throw new InvalidParamsError((e as Error).message); } const header = await this.getBlockHeader(blockOpt); if (transaction.gas == undefined) { // If no gas limit is specified use the last block gas limit as an upper bound. transaction.gas = bigIntToHex(header.gasLimit); } const txType = BigInt( transaction.maxFeePerGas || transaction.maxPriorityFeePerGas ? 2 : transaction.accessList ? 1 : 0, ); if (txType == BigInt(2)) { transaction.maxFeePerGas = transaction.maxFeePerGas || bigIntToHex(header.baseFeePerGas!); } else { if ( transaction.gasPrice == undefined || BigInt(transaction.gasPrice) === BigInt(0) ) { transaction.gasPrice = bigIntToHex(header.baseFeePerGas!); } } const txData = { ...transaction, type: bigIntToHex(txType), gasLimit: transaction.gas, }; const tx = TransactionFactory.fromTxData(txData, { common: this.common, freeze: false, }); const vm = await this.getVM(transaction, header); // set from address const from = transaction.from ? Address.fromString(transaction.from) :; tx.getSenderAddress = () => { return from; }; try { const { totalGasSpent } = await vm.runTx({ tx, skipNonce: true, skipBalance: true, skipBlockGasLimitValidation: true, block: { header } as any, }); return bigIntToHex(totalGasSpent); } catch (error: any) { throw new InternalError(error.message.toString()); } } private async sendRawTransaction(signedTx: string): Promise { // TODO: brodcast tx directly to the mem pool? const { success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_sendRawTransaction", params: [signedTx], }); if (!success) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const tx = TransactionFactory.fromSerializedData(toBuffer(signedTx), { common: this.common, }); return bufferToHex(tx.hash()); } private async getTransactionReceipt( txHash: Bytes32, ): Promise { const { result: receipt, success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt", params: [txHash], }); if (!(success && receipt)) { return null; } const header = await this.getBlockHeader(receipt.blockNumber); const block = await this.getBlock(header); const index = block.transactions.findIndex( (tx) => bufferToHex(tx.hash()) === txHash.toLowerCase(), ); if (index === -1) { throw new InternalError("the recipt provided by the RPC is invalid"); } const tx = block.transactions[index]; return { transactionHash: txHash, transactionIndex: bigIntToHex(index), blockHash: bufferToHex(block.hash()), blockNumber: bigIntToHex(block.header.number), from: tx.getSenderAddress().toString(), to: ?? null, cumulativeGasUsed: "0x0", effectiveGasPrice: "0x0", gasUsed: "0x0", contractAddress: null, logs: [], logsBloom: "0x0", status: BigInt(receipt.status) ? "0x1" : "0x0", // unverified!! }; } private async getVMCopy(): Promise { if (this.vm === null) { const blockchain = await Blockchain.create({ common: this.common }); // path the blockchain to return the correct blockhash (blockchain as any).getBlock = async (blockId: number) => { const _hash = toBuffer(await this.getBlockHash(BigInt(blockId))); return { hash: () => _hash, }; }; this.vm = await VM.create({ common: this.common, blockchain }); } return await this.vm!.copy(); } private async getVM(tx: RPCTx, header: BlockHeader): Promise { // forcefully set gasPrice to 0 to avoid not enough balance error const _tx = { to:, from: tx.from ? tx.from : ZERO_ADDR, data:, value: tx.value, gasPrice: "0x0", gas: tx.gas ? tx.gas : bigIntToHex(header.gasLimit!), }; const { result, success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_createAccessList", params: [_tx, bigIntToHex(header.number)], }); if (!success) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const accessList = result.accessList as AccessList; accessList.push({ address: _tx.from, storageKeys: [] }); if ( && !accessList.some((a) => a.address.toLowerCase() === { accessList.push({ address:, storageKeys: [] }); } const vm = await this.getVMCopy(); await vm.stateManager.checkpoint(); const requests = accessList .map((access) => { return [ { method: "eth_getProof", params: [ access.address, access.storageKeys, bigIntToHex(header.number), ], }, { method: "eth_getCode", params: [access.address, bigIntToHex(header.number)], }, ]; }) .flat(); const rawResponse = await this._rpc.requestBatch(requests); if (rawResponse.some((r: any) => !r.success)) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const responses = _.chunk( any) => r.result), 2, ) as [AccountResponse, CodeResponse][]; for (let i = 0; i < accessList.length; i++) { const { address: addressHex, storageKeys } = accessList[i]; const [accountProof, code] = responses[i]; const { nonce, balance, codeHash, storageProof: storageAccesses, } = accountProof; const address = Address.fromString(addressHex); const isAccountCorrect = await this.verifyProof( address, storageKeys, header.stateRoot, accountProof, ); if (!isAccountCorrect) { throw new InternalError(`invalid account proof provided by the RPC`); } const isCodeCorrect = await this.verifyCodeHash(code, codeHash); if (!isCodeCorrect) { throw new InternalError( `code provided by the RPC doesn't match the account's codeHash`, ); } const account = Account.fromAccountData({ nonce: BigInt(nonce), balance: BigInt(balance), codeHash, }); await vm.stateManager.putAccount(address, account); for (let storageAccess of storageAccesses) { await vm.stateManager.putContractStorage( address, setLengthLeft(toBuffer(storageAccess.key), 32), setLengthLeft(toBuffer(storageAccess.value), 32), ); } if (code !== "0x") await vm.stateManager.putContractCode(address, toBuffer(code)); } await vm.stateManager.commit(); return vm; } private async getBlockHeader(blockOpt: BlockOpt): Promise { const blockNumber = this.getBlockNumberByBlockOpt(blockOpt); await this.waitForBlockNumber(blockNumber); const blockHash = await this.getBlockHash(blockNumber); return this.getBlockHeaderByHash(blockHash); } private getBlockNumberByBlockOpt(blockOpt: BlockOpt): bigint { // TODO: add support for blockOpts below if ( typeof blockOpt === "string" && ["pending", "earliest", "finalized", "safe"].includes(blockOpt) ) { throw new InvalidParamsError(`"pending" is not yet supported`); } else if (blockOpt === "latest") { return this.latestBlockNumber; } else { const blockNumber = BigInt(blockOpt as any); if (blockNumber > this.latestBlockNumber + MAX_BLOCK_FUTURE) { throw new InvalidParamsError("specified block is too far in future"); } else if (blockNumber + MAX_BLOCK_HISTORY < this.latestBlockNumber) { throw new InvalidParamsError( `specified block cannot older that ${MAX_BLOCK_HISTORY}`, ); } return blockNumber; } } private async waitForBlockNumber(blockNumber: bigint) { if (blockNumber <= this.latestBlockNumber) return; console.log(`waiting for blockNumber ${blockNumber}`); const blockNumberHex = bigIntToHex(blockNumber); if (!(blockNumberHex in this.blockPromises)) { let r: () => void = () => {}; const p = new Promise((resolve) => { r = resolve; }); this.blockPromises[blockNumberHex] = { promise: p, resolve: r, }; } return this.blockPromises[blockNumberHex].promise; } private async getBlockHeaderByHash(blockHash: Bytes32) { if (!this.blockHeaders[blockHash]) { const { result: blockInfo, success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_getBlockByHash", params: [blockHash, true], }); if (!success) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } const headerData = headerDataFromWeb3Response(blockInfo); const header = BlockHeader.fromHeaderData(headerData); if (!header.hash().equals(toBuffer(blockHash))) { throw new InternalError( `blockhash doesn't match the blockInfo provided by the RPC`, ); } this.blockHeaders[blockHash] = header; } return this.blockHeaders[blockHash]; } private async verifyProof( address: Address, storageKeys: Bytes32[], stateRoot: Buffer, proof: GetProof, ): Promise { const trie = new Trie(); const key = keccak256(address.toString()); const expectedAccountRLP = await trie.verifyProof( stateRoot, toBuffer(key), => toBuffer(a)), ); const account = Account.fromAccountData({ nonce: BigInt(proof.nonce), balance: BigInt(proof.balance), storageRoot: proof.storageHash, codeHash: proof.codeHash, }); const isAccountValid = account .serialize() .equals(expectedAccountRLP ? expectedAccountRLP : emptyAccountSerialize); if (!isAccountValid) return false; for (let i = 0; i < storageKeys.length; i++) { const sp = proof.storageProof[i]; const key = keccak256( bufferToHex(setLengthLeft(toBuffer(storageKeys[i]), 32)), ); const expectedStorageRLP = await trie.verifyProof( toBuffer(proof.storageHash), toBuffer(key), => toBuffer(a)), ); const isStorageValid = (!expectedStorageRLP && sp.value === "0x0") || (!!expectedStorageRLP && expectedStorageRLP.equals(Buffer.from(rlp.encode(sp.value)))); if (!isStorageValid) return false; } return true; } private verifyCodeHash(code: Bytes, codeHash: Bytes32): boolean { return ( (code === "0x" && codeHash === "0x" + KECCAK256_NULL_S) || keccak256(code) === codeHash ); } private validateTx(tx: RPCTx) { if (tx.gasPrice !== undefined && tx.maxFeePerGas !== undefined) { throw new Error("Cannot send both gasPrice and maxFeePerGas params"); } if (tx.gasPrice !== undefined && tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas !== undefined) { throw new Error("Cannot send both gasPrice and maxPriorityFeePerGas"); } if ( tx.maxFeePerGas !== undefined && tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas !== undefined && BigInt(tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas) > BigInt(tx.maxFeePerGas) ) { throw new Error( `maxPriorityFeePerGas (${tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas.toString()}) is bigger than maxFeePerGas (${tx.maxFeePerGas.toString()})`, ); } } private async getBlock(header: BlockHeader) { const { result: blockInfo, success } = await this._rpc.request({ method: "eth_getBlockByNumber", params: [bigIntToHex(header.number), true], }); if (!success) { throw new InternalError(`RPC request failed`); } // TODO: add support for uncle headers; First fetch all the uncles // add it to the blockData, verify the uncles and use it const blockData = blockDataFromWeb3Response(blockInfo); const block = Block.fromBlockData(blockData, { common: this.common }); if (!block.header.hash().equals(header.hash())) { throw new InternalError( `BN(${header.number}): blockhash doest match the blockData provided by the RPC`, ); } if (!(await block.validateTransactionsTrie())) { throw new InternalError( `transactionTree doesn't match the transactions provided by the RPC`, ); } return block; } private async getBlockHash(blockNumber: bigint) { if (blockNumber > this.latestBlockNumber) throw new Error("cannot return blockhash for a blocknumber in future"); // TODO: fetch the blockHeader is batched request let lastVerifiedBlockNumber = this.latestBlockNumber; while (lastVerifiedBlockNumber > blockNumber) { const hash = this.blockHashes[bigIntToHex(lastVerifiedBlockNumber)]; const header = await this.getBlockHeaderByHash(hash); lastVerifiedBlockNumber--; const parentBlockHash = bufferToHex(header.parentHash); const parentBlockNumberHex = bigIntToHex(lastVerifiedBlockNumber); if ( parentBlockNumberHex in this.blockHashes && this.blockHashes[parentBlockNumberHex] !== parentBlockHash ) { console.log( "Overriding an existing verified blockhash. Possibly the chain had a reorg", ); } this.blockHashes[parentBlockNumberHex] = parentBlockHash; } return this.blockHashes[bigIntToHex(blockNumber)]; } }