import { routes } from "@lodestar/api"; import { BeaconConfig } from "@lodestar/config"; import * as altair from "@lodestar/types/altair"; export type PubKeyString = string; export type Slot = number; export type Bytes32 = string; export type OptimisticUpdate = altair.LightClientOptimisticUpdate; export type LightClientUpdate = altair.LightClientUpdate; export type GenesisData = { committee: PubKeyString[]; slot: Slot; time: number; }; export type ClientConfig = { genesis: GenesisData; chainConfig: BeaconConfig; // treeDegree in case of Superlight and batchSize in case of Light and Optimistic n?: number; }; export type ExecutionInfo = { blockhash: string; blockNumber: bigint; }; export type VerifyWithReason = | { correct: true } | { correct: false; reason: string };